  • Disseminate info on TB in India
  • Improve care of TB patients in India
  • Enable doctors and NGO's interested in TB control to interact
Treatment regimensFind treatment categoryPhamacokineticsTreatment of drug resistanceTreatment of TB-HIV

The flow chart shows the management approach in HIV patients who fail to respond or deteriorate while on anti-TB treatment
Patient fails to respond or deteriorates on TB treatment
Send sputum and do chest X-ray
Sputum test Chest x-ray result
Smear for AFB TB culture Gram stain and culture for bacterial pathogens Diffuse interstitial shadowing New cavities(Sputum AFBs negative New cavities (sputum AFBs negative)
Treatment failure Drug resistance Bacterial pneumonia Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Nocardia suspected
retreatment regimen Refer to specialist centre antibiotics(see below) TMP-SMX 4 tablets 4 times daily for 3 weeks then prophylaxis 2 tablets daily

The table below shows the main bacterial pathogens responsible for superimposed pneumonia in smear positive pulmonary TB patients and the treatment

Pathogen Treatment
Streptococcus pneumoniae Penicillin or TMP-SMX
Haemophilus influenzae Amoxycillin or TMP-SMX
Staphylococcus aureus flucloaxacillin or chloramphenicol
Gram negative bacilli Chloramphenical and Gentamycin if necessary
TMP-SMX=Trimethoprim Sulphamethoxazole
Source:  TB/HIV A clinical manual WHO/TB/96-200

Warning The information above is for doctors only. Others should see their doctor and get appropriate treatment. Self diagnosis and treatment may lead to dangerous consequences