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Welcome to our Web site!

Come & See (C&S) is a group of young adults and adolescents active in the local Catholic community of Bathurst; in the Cathedral and Assumption Parishes. We are enthusiastic about prayer and praise, Scripture and Catholic teaching, Community and Good Old Fashioned Fun. Learn more by following the links below.

attention: new initiative. catechism study group now on!!


what's on?

See our calendar of regular and upcoming special events. There's something for everyone- social, spiritual, sporting ... Get involved in your parish- the Church needs young faith-filled people.

about us


Who we are and what we're about, the activities we are involved in and where they are held. Are you here in our photo album?



Catholic prayer and devotions such as the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross and the Prayer of the Church. Summaries of Catholic Teachings from scripture and tradition



Past and present C&S members on cross-cultural mission. Links to all our favourite Catholic web sites.

site map

search page

All the pages and files on this site are listed here. Find a specific piece of information on our site.


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This site was last updated 30/09/03