H O M E   P A G E







M I S C .

Last updated

September 2001





This page contains scans of our  R O L E P L A Y I N G  party in their Playmobil form.

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger picture.

Vasaan: A half-elven warrior mage. Vasaan tries to be the motivator and voice of reason in the group. While she hates Lizardmen with a vengence, she is well disposed to most other races. She carries a Rope of Entanglement with her, and has used it to good effect on a number of occassions. She also has a faerie dragon named Meep, who is still quite young. Played by Jo.
Khalid: A hot-tempered human ranger, Khalid believes in an eye-for-an-eye, and would prefer a head-for-an-eye if he can get away with it. He is a good friend of the Margow forest elves, and is an honourary member of their tribe. Played by Craig.
Shylock: A human trader, Shylock has a way with words that has got the group out a number of tight scrapes. He has recently started to learn some healing spells after chancng upon a book of Mentalism. He was also 'possessed' by an intelligent main gauche (parrying dagger) that wants to destroy it's evil twin. Go figure. Played by my father-in-law, Dave.
Co-lin: a barbarian from the Chagai Hills. Co-lin is ruled by his instincts, not his head, and has got himself into plenty of trouble over women in his short life. He's a little reckless in battle, and often takes great risks, only some of which have paid off. He is currently besotted with Princess Sharazel (see below). Played by Mike.
Shaba: a powerful fire mage of the arcane magiks, Shaba refuses to talk about his past or his home city of Baku. He often finds his own spells are beyond his capacity, and is not always very accurate. Shaba can be very ruthless at times. He always feels threatened and nervous, and has the constitution of an asthmatic ant. Shaba has recently changed his look after shopping for a new wardrobe. Played by Cameron.
Athora: A grey elf from the Khash forest, she was associated with some bandits when she met the party. Athora has an unhealthy interest in poisons, and is a crack shot with a bow. Played by Eleanor.
Niathe: A red-haired beastmaster who was raised in the house of a noble lord. Streetwise and intuitive, with connections to the nobility, the only thing that makes her blood boil is if anyone harms her animals. Played by Pip, our newest inductee.

Some recent NPCs
Borgo the Eastman: Legendary hero of the Borderlands. He's something of a ladies man, despite his thin, wiry, scarred body. He was recruited by our heroes to help in the defense of the Northern Fortress.
Rubicone the Strong: Another legendary hero of the Borderlands, also recruited to help defend the Dwarven Northern Fortress. He is getting old, and wants to settle down somewhat.
Radenthein: A Khash tribe elf with a owl familiar. The group don't know much about him yet.
Leaf Chaser: a feline creature, Leaf Chaser is a master of unarmed combat.
Sharazel, Princess of Thana, and thirteenth in line for the throne of Chagai: a fighting princess, she has charmed Co-lin in quick time.
Zhagu, the owner of the Dragon's Claw: an old dwarven adventurer, he now runs a store specialising in weapons and armour made from creature parts. He was coaxed out of retirement to aid in the defense of the Northern Fortress.
Fanano: an old cleric from the village of Yakchal. Our heroes helped drive away some trolls from his village and so he's helping them out for a while.

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