H O M E   P A G E







M I S C .

Last updated

February 2002




S C E N I C   P H O T O S

Here are a few more photos of the roleplaying group, including some actual shots of people, rather that just toys. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger version.

Athora and Khalid on the Old Dwarven Road.
Shylock checks out the bargins in the shopping district of the dwarven city of Herat.
Shaba stands outside the Ruins of The Tower of the Dead Mage, near Gereshk. They encountered a Battlepede that caused them some grief, but in the end came out of the whole thing a lot richer, and a little wiser.
Vasaan and Athora practising with their swords in the courtyard of the White Order of Herat.
Co-lin looking for something to kill in the corridors of the Northern Fortress.
Khalid and Co-lin leading the invasion into the Northern Fortress through the chapel. Goblins and giant spiders had taken over the fort in their absence.

Sovietski Collection: Treasures from a Bygone Era

The photos below are not thumbnails, so don't bother clicking on them. This is as big as they get.

Jo (Vasaan) wearing suitable headgear.

Dave (Shylock) fails his perception roll and is ambushed by a random encounter.

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