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Seatrout Fishing in Denmark

Biology 2

and now it was tired
In the catcher

The two most important factors for the seatrout in saltwater are food and water temperature. Trouts in general and specially seatrouts are primitive and oportunistic animals, what doesn't mean they are easy to catch. Sometimes you may think they are intelligent, yes even more intelligent than yourself... but normally they will be there, where there is plenty of food, so long the water temperature is OK! So have your eyes opened and see what happens around. I have seen people stay at so deep water as they could stay without swimming, and casting so long as they could, that didn't see seatrouts passing rigth behind them or just five or six meters from their noses because they were concentrated in reaching so long...
A good idea is to fish the near water very carefully while you stay out of the water. Since I discovered how near the beach and how little water they need I've been catching a lot of seatrouts this way. Of course, there are places where you just have to wade out because there is too many plants in the water or because the good place you want to get to requires a little bit walking in the water to get there. But again open your eyes, because you can get surprised sometimes.

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Text: Sergio Rodriguez
Photos: Erik Bahnsen & Sergio Rodriguez