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Topic 4

Employment relations

The focus of this topic is to understand the nature of effective employment relations and their importance to business operation and society.


The student:

 H2.1    describes and analyses business functions and operations and their impact on business success

H2.2    evaluates processes and operations in global business

H3.2    evaluates the effectiveness of management in the organisation and operations of business and its responsiveness to change

H3.3    analyses the impact of management decision-making on stakeholders

H4.1    critically analyses the social and ethical responsibilities of management

H4.2    evaluates management strategies in response to internal and external factors

H5.1    selects, organises and evaluates information and sources for usefulness and reliability

H5.2    plans and conducts an investigation into business to present the findings in an appropriate business format

H5.3    communicates business information, ideas and issues, using relevant business terminology and concepts in appropriate forms

H5.4    applies mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations


14: Employment relations: its nature and key influences

15: Effective employment relations

16: Legal framework of employment

17: Industrial conflict

18: Ethical and legal aspects of employment relations issues


Chapter 14: Employment relations: its nature and key influences

1.        Employment relations
2.        Trade unions
3.        Social wage
4.        Employer associations
5.        Log of claims
6.        Awards
7.        Award simplification
8.        Enterprise agreements
9.        Safety net increases
10.     Judicial power
11.     Line manager
12.     Participation rate
13.     Social justice
14.     Centralised system
15.     Decentralised system
16.     Job enlargement
17.     Job rotation
18.     Job enrichment
19.     Structural change

 Chapter 15: Effective employment relations

  1. Intrinsic
  2. Extrinsic
  3. Equitable
  4. Learning organisation
  5. Performance appraisals
  6. Profit sharing
  7. Productivity sharing
  8. Job sharing

 Chapter 16: Legal framework of employment

  1. Employment contract
  2. Common law
  3. Equity
  4. Statutes
  5. Awards
  6. Respondent
  7. Individual contracts

Chapter 17: Industrial conflict

  1. Conflict
  2. Dispute
  3. Unitary approach
  4. Pluralist approach
  5. Radical (Marxist approach) approach
  6. Public interest
  7. Respondents
  8. Ambit
  9. Orders
  10. Mediation

Chapter 18: Ethical and legal aspects of employment relations issues

  1. Ethical
  2. Code of conduct
  3. Code of ethics
  4. Best practice
  5. Code of practice
  6. Discrimination
  7. Affirmative action
  8. Retrenchment & Redundancy
  9. Severance

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