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Awards This Site Has Won
These are just some of the awards won by the self study courses available at this site.


Study Web Award
Congratulations! Your website has been selected as a featured site in Lightspan's StudyWeb® as one of the best educational resources on the Web by our researchers. [Jan 2001]
Study Web Award


Encylopedia Britannica Best of the Internet Award is contacting you because our editors have selected your site as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability. [Feb 2000]
Britannica Award


Global Bangemann Challenge Winner
Winner of category 5, Life Long Learning on the World Wide Web. Read the press releases. This prestigous trophy, the America's Cup of IT, was awarded by the King of Sweden in Stockholm on the 9th June, 1999.
Bangemann Challenge Award


Starting Point Hot Site
Awarded for the Windows NT Version 4.0 self study guides.
Hot Site Award


NT Extras Excellent Site
Awarded for the Windows NT Version 4.0 self study guides.
NT Extras Award

NZ's NetGuides Top 500 WWW Sites Award
"Sites featuring in this publication are in our eyes among the top ten sites in their respective categories". [Nov 1997]
NetGuide Award


Magellan 4-Star Site Award
Awarded for the Pascal programming self study guides.
Magellan Award


Critical Mass Award
Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good design, clever original graphics, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. [Dec 1997]
Critical Mass Award


HHH Award
Receiver of a HHH Award for an exceptional page on the Web. [Jan 1998]
HH Award


WebNet Ratings Award
Receiver of a 4 star rating from WebNet. Quote - "Plenty of good information about this course. It has online study guides. Easy to navigate and get around." [Jan 1998]
WebNet Award


Ultimate Links and Sites Gold Award
Please display this award with the pride of knowing that your site is among the very best! [Feb 1998]
I've won the Gold!


Ravi's Elite Site Award
This award signifies that your site containts quality content and has skillful design. Your site has been chosen by me, Ravi, to be an "elite" site. [Feb 1998]
Ravis Award!


Jade Silver Diamond Site Award
We review deserving sites on the basis of design, style and content. The Learning on the Web site received a high rating from our reviewers in all 3 areas. Congratulations on an outstanding site and an informative web resource. [April 1998]
Jade Silver Diamond Award!


The Lazarus Award of Excellence
I have reviewed your web site to determine your eligibility for The Lazarus Award, and after careful consideration, you have been awarded The Lazarus Award of Excellence. [July 1998]
The Lazarus Award of Excellence


5-Star Cool Site Award
Your site has been selected as one of our 5-Star Cool Site Winners. [July 1998]
The 5-Star Cool Site Award


Congratulations! Youv'e been selected to receive a Links2Go Key Resource award in the Network Management topic. [July 1998]
Links2go Award


Links of the Week Award
Your site has been chosen by Computer Currents Interactive (CCI) as one of the Links of the Week for the week starting August 3, 1998. Your site has been chosen based on its originality, content and quality. [July 1998]
Links of the Week Award


Submission Pro! Award
Congratulations! After reviewing your site, we are pleased to present to you the Submission Pro! Pro! Site Award! [August 1998]
Submission Pro! Site Award

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Last modified: January 30, 2001