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I have stumpled on your page in looking for some technical information regarding computer fundamentals. As a student in Graphics Communication, I've never seen such hard materials reduced down to such easy to understand information. A year of university could not have benefit me as much as coming to your site for a week. Thankyou for doing sucha good job! I will tell all my friends about your site :o)

This is an incredible web site. I am amazed at how much you put into it. I'm studying for my Net Essentials cert. This site helps alot!!!

I would just like to say thank-you for making the tests for PASCAL programming, I was recently studying for an exam and it helped very much to use them as practice. Your hard work was very appreciated! Thank-you very much!

I study Elec. Eng. at Surrey University,England. You can't imagine how helpful I've found your C tutorials for my C course.Far better than any textbook. It's an excellent work. I thank you s o much for giving me this oppurtunity. Keep up the good work, make learning fun :-)

Hello, and thanks for making your site available for public use. I am currently taking the Core classes (NTServer and NTWorkstation) on the MCSE track offered by CBT and Scholars. I am finding the class's cover much less than is needed and your page has been a big help. The best part of your system here is the ability to FIND information about a subject mentioned that I have not yet been exposed to.

I am preparing for a mid-term exam at a community college in Nashville, Tn. Thanks so much for all this great info!

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Last modified: January 01, 2001