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Adding borders
The final step is to add borders to the table to accentuate the headings in the table.

Step 3.17 Select cells A2 to D4.

Step 3.18 Pull down the borders menu on the tool bar and choose the outline border as shown below.

Adding borders
Figure 3.15

Step 3.19 Select cells A2 to D2 and click on the underline tool from the border menu.

The underline tool
Figure 3.16

The table should appear as shown below.

Table with borders applied
Figure 3.17


Saving the worksheet
Your completed table should appear as shown below.

Completed table
Figure 3.19

At this stage it is wise to save your worksheet.

Step 3.20 Choose Save from the File menu.

Step 3.21 Change the drive to the a: drive and type excel1.xls as the file name.

Saving the spreadsheet
Figure 3.20

Step 3.22 Click on the Save button to save the worksheet.

Once a worksheet is saved, choosing Save again will automatically replace the last saved version of the worksheet with the current version.


Making a second copy
At this stage we will save the worksheet a second time. This will allow us to use this worksheet later in the exercise. The same technique can be used to create a backup copy of the worksheet.

Step 3.23 Choose Save As from the File menu.

Step 3.24 Type excel2.xls as the new file name and click on the Save button.

Notice when you return to your worksheet that the file name at the top of the worksheet has changed to excel2.xls. Any changes that you make to the currently displayed worksheet will not change the saved excel1.xls worksheet.


Closing the worksheet
Now it is time to close the worksheet.

Step 3.25 Choose Close from the File menu.

Step 3.26 If a dialog box asking you to save any changes to the worksheet appears, click the OK button.

To begin the exercises for this chapter, open a new worksheet.

Step 3.27 Choose New from the File menu.



Exercise four

1 Create the worksheet shown below.

Spreadsheet for exercise 4
Figure 3.21

2 Save your worksheet as excel3 and make a copy of it using Save As as excel4.

3 Working with file excel4, add March to the table, with sales figures of your choice.

4 Change the borders to include the March column.

5 Save the completed worksheet.


Opening an existing worksheet
The example in this chapter builds on the worksheet you created earlier in this chapter.

Step 3.28 Choose Open from the File menu.

Step 3.29 Change the drive to drive a: and select excel2.xls.

Step 3.30 Click on the Open button to open the file.

You should have the following spreadsheet

Spreadsheet excel2.xls
Figure 3.23

We will add totals to the above spreadsheet.

Step 3.31 Define B3 to E5 and click on the Sum button.

Excel2.xls spreadsheet
Figure 3.24


The undo function
Most Windows applications have a very useful feature known as undo. Undo will return your worksheet to the status it was immediately prior to the last operation that you performed.

For example, if you accidentally deleted data in your worksheet, immediately following the deletion you can restore the data using the undo feature.

Practice this now to remove the formulas you entered using the fill handle Fill handle.

Step 3.31 Click on the undo button in the toolbar.

The formula will disappear as follows

Using the undo function
Figure 3.25

Step 3.32 Click on the undo button again to reinstate the formulas.

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