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Chapter 1: Documents

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Print preview
The print preview option allows you to view your document as it would appear printed. This allows you to check the layout and to make any necessary editing and formatting changes before you print.

Step 9.01 The Print Preview button Print preview button may not be on the toolbar if you have not previously used it. If it is not, click on the additional button Additonal button on the tool bar, then select the Print Preview button from those listed.

Selecting print preview
Figure 9.1

Your screen will appear as shown below.

Print preview showing preview of document
Figure 9.2


Showing multiple pages
The screen currently displays only one of the two pages of your document. To change the display to two pages follow the steps below.

Step 9.02 Hold the mouse key down on the multiple pages button on the toolbar to display a list of the available options.

The multiple pages button
Figure 9.3

Step 9.03 Drag the mouse over the options panel to select two pages side by side.

Selecting the number of pages to preview
Figure 9.4

Step 9.04 Release the mouse button. Both pages of the document will now be displayed.

Step 9.05 Click on the one page button to return to the previous view.

The single (one) page button
Figure 9.5


Using the magnifying glass
It is difficult to see what is printed on the page because of the size of the picture. To magnify part of the page use the magnifying glass.

If the magnifying glass is already selected, the magnifying glass button on the tool bar will appear depressed, or pushed down.

Step 9.06 Check that the magnifying glass on the tool bar is selected. If it is not selected click on it.

The magnifying glass
Figure 9.6

This makes the magnifying glass active. The mouse pointer will change shape to a magnifying glass when positioned over the document.

Step 9.07 Click anywhere inside the document to enlarge that portion of it. You can use the scroll bars at the edge of the window to move around the document.

Step 9.08 Click on the document to return the display to full page.


When you are happy with your document, click the print button on the toolbar.

Print button
Figure 9.7

Step 9.09 Click on the close button to return to normal view.

Close preview button
Figure 9.8

If you wish to be able to you to choose which pages of a multi-page document to print, or to print more than one copy of your document, you should use the print option from the file menu.

Step 9.10 Choose Print from the File menu. The default settings are appropriate at this stage.

Step 9.11 Click on the OK button to print the document or Cancel if you prefer. Collect your printout from the printer.

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