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Chapter 2: Formatting

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Although the order in which you choose to format your document is unimportant, changing the type of font is generally the first step.


What are fonts?
A font is a style of lettering designed to make it distinct from any other style. The font determines the way the letters look. The figure below shows several examples.

Font Type   Example
Times New Roman   Hello
Arial   Hello
Courier New   Hello


Changing the font
There are two steps involved in changing the font. The first is to select the text which you want to change, and the second is to select the new font from the font menu.

In this part of the exercise you will change the font of the report title in order to make the title stand out from the main body of the text.

Step 3.1 Holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse pointer over the title of the document so it becomes highlighted

Selecting the title
Figure 3.1

Step 3.2 Click on the font pull down arrow to display the font menu.

Access the font menu
Figure 3.2

The particular fonts displayed on your menu will depend on the set up of your machine. The fonts displayed above the divider line are the ones that you have used most recently.

Step 3.3 Click on Arial in the menu. Use the scroll bar to move up or down the list if Arial is not already displayed.

Select the Arial font
Figure 3.3

The font of the title will change to Arial.


The next step is to increase the size of the font so the title appears larger than the main text. The method is the same as changing font type. The first step is to select the text, and the second is to choose the appropriate size from the font size menu.

Step 9.1 Check that the title is still selected.

Select the title
Figure 4.1

Step 9.2 Click on the font size pull down arrow to display the font sizes.

Access the font menu
Figure 4.2

Step 9.3 Click on 18 in the menu. Use the scroll bar to move up or down the list if it is not already displayed.

Select font size 18
Figure 4.3

The title will now appear larger in the document, as shown below.

Document with title shown in modified font size
Figure 4.4

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