Clove Incense

(Caryophyllus aromaticus)

Common Names: Molucca Spice

Parts used: Buds, essence

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, clairvoyance, divination, exorcism, to keep away negative forces, love, memory, peace of mind, protection, psychic development and growth, psychic protection, spell-breaking, to stop gossip.
Scent: Warm, sweet, dry, spicy

Oil of cloves can cause minor skin irritation to people with sensitive skin.

Folk Names: Mykhet, Carenfil

Gender: Masculine

Element: Fire

Powers: Protection, exorcism, love, money

Magickal Uses: Burn as an incense clove attract riches; drive away hostile and negative forces, produce spiritual vibrations, and purify the area. Cloves are burned as an incense to stop others from gossiping about you. Worn or carried, cloves attract the opposite sex and bring comfort to the bereaved.


Quantum Magick