
Incense is virtually a necessity in magickal practice, but there been great mystery surrounding its composition. With practice it's surprisingly easy to make.

The Two Forms of Incense

Incense is virtually a necessity in magickal practice, but there seems to be a great mystery surrounding its composition. Fortunately with practice, it, surprisingly, can be easily made.

Two types of incense are used in magic: the combustible and the non-combustible. The former contains potassium nitrate (saltpeter) to aid in burning, while the latter does not. Therefore combustible incense can be burned in the form of bricks, cones, sticks and other shapes, whereas non-combustible incense must be sprinkled onto glowing charcoal blocks to release its fragrance. Ninety-five percent of the incense used in magick is the non-combustible, raw or granular type. Why? Perhaps because it's easier to make. Herbal magicians are notoriously practical people.

Also, some spells (particularly divinatory or evocational rites) call for billowing clouds of smoke. Since cone, stick and block incense burn at steady rates, such effects are impossible with their use.

The advantages of combustible incense can outweigh its drawbacks, depending on circumstance. Need to burn some money drawing incense for an unexpected ritual? You could take out the censer, a charcoal block and the incense, light the charcoal, place it in the censer and sprinkle incense onto it. Or you could with your ritual.

Rules of Combustible Incense Composition

Here are some guidelines to follow when compounding combustible incense. These are for use with the Cone Incense Base #2 recipe below. If they aren't followed, the incense won't properly burn. There's less room for experimentation here than with non-combustible incenses.

First, never use more than ten percent saltpeter. Never! Also, keep woods (such as sandalwood, wood aloe, cedar, juniper and pine) and gum resins (frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, copal) in the proper proportions: at least twice as much powdered wood as resins. If there's more resinous matter, the mixture won't burn.

Naturally, depending on the type of incense you're adding to the base, you may have to juggle some proportions accordingly. Simply ensure that frankincense and its kin never constitute more than one-third of the final mixture, and all should be fine.

Though this doesn’t cover all aspects of combustible incense making, it should provide you with enough guidelines to make your own. Experiment, but keep the above rules in mind at all time.

Combustible Incense

Combustible incense (cones, blocks and sticks) is fairly complex in its composition, but the results may be worth the extra work. This aspect of incense composition isn't effortless. Some of the ingredients are difficult to obtain, the procedure tends to be messy and frustration, and some even question whether combustible incense is as magically effective as its non-combustible counterpart. Some will hesitated making or using sticks, cones or blocks because they contain potassium nitrate. This substance is magically related to Mars, and you may feel this might add unneeded aggressive energies to the incense. But when considering that the charcoal blocks used to burn non-combustible incense also contain saltpeter, you may relent and experiment.

At first, making combustible incense may seem impossible to accomplish. But persevere and you'll be rewarded with the satisfaction of lighting incense cones you've made yourself.

Gum tragacanth glue or mucilage is the basic ingredient of all molded incenses. Gum tragacanth is available at some herb stores; at one time in the past every drugstore carried it. It is rather expensive, but a little will last for months.

To make tragacanth glue, place a teaspoon of the ground herb in a glass of warm water. Mix thoroughly until all particles are dispersed. To facilitate this, place in a bowl and whisk or beat with an eggbeater. This will cause foam to rise, but it may be easily skimmed off or allowed to disperse. The gum tragacanth has enormous absorption qualities; an ounce will absorb up to one gallon of water in a week.

Let the tragacanth absorb the water until it becomes a thick bitter-smelling paste. The consistency of the mixture depends on the form of incense desired. For sticks (the most difficult kind to formulate) the mixture should be relatively thin. For blocks and cones thicker mucilage should be made. This is where practice comes in handy after a session or two you will automatically know when the mucilage is at the correct consistency.

If tragacanth can’t be found, try using gum Arabic in its place. This, too, absorbs water. All reports say it works as well as tragacanth. When you have made the tragacanth glue, cover with a wet cloth and set aside. It will continue to thicken as it sits, so if it becomes to thick add a bit of water and stir thoroughly.
Next, put together the incense base. Not all formulas found here may be used for combustible incense; actually most of them are designed to be used as non-combustible incenses. Fortunately, by adding the incense to a base it should work well. Here's one standard formula for an incense base:


6 parts ground Charcoal (not self-igniting)
1 part ground Benzoin
2 parts ground Sandalwood
1 part ground Orris root (to fix the scent)
6 drops essential oil (use the oil form of one of the ingredients in the incense)
2 to 4 parts mixed, empowered incense

Mix the first four ingredients until well blended. Add the drops of essential oil and mix again with your hands. The goal is to create a powdered mixture with a fine texture. If you wish, run the mixture through a grinder or the mortar again until it is satisfactory.

Add two to four parts of the completed and empowered incense mixture (created according to the instructions for non-combustible incense above). Combine well using your hands.

Next, using a small kitchen scale, weigh the completed incense and add ten percent potassium nitrate. (If you've made ten ounce of incense, add once ounce potassium nitrate.) Mix this until the white powder is thoroughly blended. Saltpeter should constitute no more than ten percent of the completed bulk of the incense. If any more is added, it will burn too fast; less and it might not burn at all.

Potassium nitrate isn't difficult to obtain. It usually can be found at drug stores (it isn't usually on the shelf; ask for it at the pharmacy). If you have no luck, try chemical supply stores.

Next, add the tragacanth glue. Do this a teaspoon at a time, mixing with your hands in a large bowl until all ingredients are wetted. For cone incense you'll need a very stiff, dough-like texture. If it is too thick it won't form into cones properly and will take forever to dry. The mixture should mold easily and hold its shape.

On a piece of waxed paper, shape the mixture into basic cone shape, exactly like the one you purchase. If this form isn't used, the incense may not burn properly.

Once shaped, let it dry for two to seven days in a warm place. Your incense is finished.

For block incense make a 1/3 inch-thick square of the stiff dough on waxed paper. Cut with a knife into one-inch cubes as if you were cutting small brownies. Separate slightly and let dry.

Stick incense can be attempted as well. Add more tragacanth glue to the mixed incense and base until the mixture is wet but still rather thick. The trick here is in determining the proper thickness of the incense/tragacanth mixture and in finding appropriate materials to use. Professional incense manufacturers use thin bamboo splints. Try homemade wooden or bamboo splints, broom straws, very thin twigs, or those long wooden cocktail skewers that are available at some grocery and oriental food stores. Dip the sticks into the mixture, let them sit upright and then dip again.

Several dippings are usually necessary, this is a most difficult process. When the sticks have accumulated a sufficient amount of the incense, poke them into a slab of clay or other substance so that they stand upright. Allow them to dry.

One variation on stick incense making uses stiffer incense dough. Pat down the dough on waxed paper until it is very thin. Place the stick on the dough. Roll a thin coating of dough around the stick. The incense shouldn't be more than twice the thickness of the stick. Squeeze or press it onto the stick so that it will stay put, let dry.

The inclusion of charcoal in this recipe may be distasteful and unnecessary. It makes it imperative that you wash your hands numerous times throughout this process. Traditional charcoal also lends a peculiar odor to the incense. This is another recipe:


6 parts powdered Sandalwood (or Cedar, Pine, Juniper)
2 parts powdered Benzoin (or Frankincense, Myrrh, etc.)
1 part ground Orris Root
6 drops essential oil (use the oil form of one of the incense ingredients)
3 to 5 parts empowered incense mixture

In this recipe, powdered wood is used in place of the charcoal. Use sandalwood if it's included in the incense recipe. If not, use cedar, pine or juniper, depending on the type of incense to be made. Try to match the wood base of this incense to the incense's recipe. If you can't, simply use sandalwood. Mix the first three ingredients until combined. Add the oil and mix again. Then add three to five parts of the completed incense to this. Again, this should be a powder. Weigh and add ten percent potassium nitrate. Mix, add the gum tragacanth glue, combine again and mold in the methods described above.

Non-combustible Incense

Be sure you have all necessary ingredients. If you lack any, decide on substitutions. Each ingredient must be finely ground, preferably to a powder, using either a mortar and pestle or an electric grinder. Some resins won't powder easily, but with practice you'll find the right touch. When all is ready, set your mind on the incense's goal—protection, love, or health. In a large wooden or ceramic bowl, mix the resins and gums together with your hands. While mingling these fragrant substances, also mix their energies. Visualize your personal power-vibrating with your magickal goal-exiting your hands and entering the incense, It is this that makes homemade incense more effective than the commercial counterparts.

Next, mix in all the powdered leaves, barks, flowers and roots. As you mix, continue to visualize of concentrate on the incense's goal. Now add any oils or liquids (wine, honey, etc.) that are included in the recipe. Just a few drops are usually sufficient.

On the subject of oils: If there's a sufficient amount of dry ingredients in the recipe, you can substitute an oil for an herb you lack. Simply ensure that the oil is essential oil, for synthetics smell like burning plastic when smoldered. Once all has been thoroughly mixed, add any powdered gemstones or other power boosters. A few of the following recipes call for a pinch of powdered stone.

To produce this, simply take a small stone of the required type and pound it in a metal mortar and pestle (or simply smash it with a hammer against a hard surface.) Grind the resulting pieces into a powder and add no more than the scantest pinch to the incense. One general power-boosting stone is amber. A pinch of this fossilized resin added to any mixture will increase its effectiveness.

The incense is now fully compounded. Empower the incense and it is done. Store in a tightly capped jar. Label carefully, including the name of the incense and the date of composition. It is ready for use when needed.

Incense Materials

Incenses are composed of a variety of leaves, flowers, roots, barks, woods, resins, gums and oils. Semiprecious stones may also be added to incenses to lend their energies to the mixture, much as emeralds were once burned in fires by ancient Meso-American peoples.

Out of the literally hundreds of potential incense ingredients perhaps 14 are most frequently used. Keep a stock of these hers on hand if you plan to make several incenses. These might include:
Pine needles or resin (pitch)
Rose Petals

Be aware that many plants smell quite different when being smoldered. Sweet scents turn sour quickly.

If you wish, take a large number of dried and finely ground plant substances (flowers, leaves, bark, roots) and drop a small portion of each herb onto a hot charcoal block; then decide whether the scent is pleasing or not. You might make a notion of each botanical and its scent in a special notebook reserved for this purpose or on three-by-five-inch cards. Also note any psychic or other sensations you notice with each burning herb. In this way you'll eventually build up a thorough knowledge of incense materials, which will aid you in your herbal magic.

Do remember that, as surprising as it sounds, scent isn't a factor in magickal incense, except very generally; sweet odors are usually used for positive magickal goals, while foul scents are used for banishing rituals. Scent is power. It allows us to slip into ritual consciousness, thereby allowing us to raise power, infuse it with the proper energies, and send it forth toward the magickal goal. However, not all magickal incenses smell sweet. Some have strong, resinous odors; others, intensely bitter scents. Incenses intended for ritual use are blended to provide the proper energies during magickal operations - not to smell pleasing to the human nose.

Don't let this scare you away from incense, however. Most of our associations with pleasant and foul odors are learned, and our noses aren't as capable of determining various scents as they should be. Retrain your nose to accept exotic scents, and the art of incense burning will become a joy, not something to be tolerated for the sake of magick. Occult supply stores stock incense intended for use in magick. Many rare blends can be purchased for a few dollars. While these are magically effective, you may wish to make some of your own.

Incense Papers

Incense papers are a delightful variation of combustible incense. Rather than using charcoal and gum tragacanth, tinctures and paper are the basic ingredients. When finished you'll have produced several strips of richly scented paper that can be smoldered with a minimum of fuss.

To make incense papers, take a piece of white blotter paper and cut it into six-inch strips about an inch wide. Next, add one and one-half teaspoons potassium nitrate to one half cup very warm water. Stir until the saltpeter is completely dissolved. Soak the paper strips in the saltpeter solution until thoroughly saturated. Hang them up to dry. You now have paper version of the charcoal blocks used to burn incense.

The obstacle in scenting them is to overcome the normal smell of burning paper. For this reason, heavy fragrances should be used, such as tinctures. Tinctures compounded from gums and resins seem to produce the best results. Essential oils used to scent incense papers will be without much success. Empower the tincture(s) with your magickal need, and then pour a few drops of the tincture onto one stripe of paper. Smear this over the paper and add more drops until it is completely coated on one side. Hang the strip up to dry and store in labeled, airtight containers until needed. To speed drying, turn on the oven to a low temperature, leave the door open, and place the soaked incense papers on the rack. Remove them when dry. Generally speaking, incense papers should be made with one tincture rather than mixtures. But, once again, try various formulas until you come up with positive results.

To use incense papers, simply remove one paper and hold it above your censer. Light one tip with a match, and after it is completely involved in flame, quickly blow it out. Place the glowing paper in your censer and let it smolder, visualizing or working your magickal ritual. Incense papers should burn slowly and emit a pleasant scent, but again your results will vary according to the strength of the tincture and the type of paper used. Plain unscented incense papers could be used in place of charcoal blocks. For this purpose soak the papers in the potassium nitrate solution and let dry, then set one alight in the censer. Sprinkle a thin layer of the incense over the paper. As it burns the paper will also smolder your incense. You may have difficulty in keeping incense paper lit. The secret here is to allow air to circulated below the papers. You can ensure this by either placing the paper on some heatproof object in the censer, or by filling the censer with salt or sand all the way to its end. Incense papers are a simple and enjoyable alternative to normal combustible incense.

1/2 oz (15 gm) meadowsweet flowers and leaf (gathered when the plant is in full bloom and dried)
1/2 oz (15 gm) finely chopped pine needles
1/2 fl. oz. (15 cc) Lemon verbena oil
By the way, meadowsweet blossom also makes a delicious wine.
It is recommended that it be made in the hour and the day of the Moon - i.e. the first or eight hour after sunrise, or the third or tenth hour after sunset on a Monday.
Thoroughly mix equal amounts of the following:
Gum mastic
Orris root
Add a few drops of wintergreen oil and moisten with a little clear mineral oil.
1 OZ (30 gm) sandalwood chips
1 oz (30 gm) dried jasmine flowers or 6 drops of jasmine oil
1 /2 oz (15 gm) dried rose petals
2 drops of your own menstrual blood
Blend and use for private meditation during the onset of your menstruation.
1 oz (30 gm) musk amberette
1/2 oz (15 gm) dragon's blood (resin used in violin staining
4 drops of patchouli oil
4 drops civet oil
4 drops of blood from your own finger
Blend at the dark of the Moon, put in a jar and bury in the earth for six weeks (a flower pot of peat in a cool cupboard will do.)
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Wood Aloe
a few drops Cinnamon Oil
Burn to contact spirits during rituals or as a simple consecration incense to sanctify the altar of magickal tools.
4 parts Benzoin
2 parts Gum Mastic
1 part Lavender
1 pinch Wormwood
1 pinch Mistletoe
Burn to invoke the powers of the elements of Air, or to increase intellectual powers; to obtain travel; for communication, study and concentration, or to end drug addiction. Smolder during divinatory rituals.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cinnamon
Burn as a general incense on the altar to purify the area.
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Cedar
a few drops Cypress Oil
Burn during rituals designed to attract love.
4 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Cinnamon
1 part Bay
burn during divination and healing rituals.
3 parts Wood Aloe
2 parts Coriander
1 part Camphor
1 part Mugwort
1 part Flax
1 part Anise
1 part Cardamom
1 part Chicory
1 part Hemp
Burn to cause apparitions to appear, if you REALLY want this to happen.
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Cypress
1 part Pine Resin
Burn as a personal altar or household incense to increase your own powers.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Juniper
3 drops Cedar wood Oil
Burn as a personal altar or household incense to increase your own powers.
3 parts Sandalwood
3 parts Benzoin
1 part Mugwort
1 part Dittany of Crete
Burn a small amount in the room to aid projecting the astral body.
1/4 tsp ground Sandalwood
OR-1/2 tsp Sandalwood Chips
1/4 tsp Balm of Gilead
1/8 tsp Sage
3 parts Cedar
2 parts Juniper
1 part Cypress
1 part Tamarisk
Burn during Babylonian and Sumerian magickal rituals, or when attuning with such deities as Inanna, Marduk, Enlil, Tiamat and others.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Woodruff
1 part Rose Petals
a few drops Jasmine oil
a few drops neroli Oil
Burn during rituals on Beltane or May Day for fortune and favors and to attune with the changing of the seasons.
4 parts Nettle
4 parts Thistle
4 parts Knotgrass
1/4 part Nightshade
1/4 part Aconite (wolfs bane)
Burn with CAUTION during outdoor rituals to destroy baneful habits or thoughts. Small amounts only! DO NOT INHALE FUMES!
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Mullein
1 part Mums
Burn when distraught over the passing of a friend or loved one.
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Basil
Bun to attract customers.
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Eucalyptus
1 part Lemon Peal (or a few drops of lemon oil)
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Benzoin
a few drops of Patchouli Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your own powers.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Gum Mastic
1 part Wood Aloe
This formula is from the Key of Solomon is typical of grimoire type recipes. It can be used in general magickal workings to raise power and to purify the area.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Wood Aloe
a few drops Musk Oil
a few drops Ambergris Oil
Another like the above.
4 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Sandalwood
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Rose Petals
1/4 part Vervain
1/2 part Rosemary
1/4 part Bay
Use for general workings in the circle, the ritual working space and as a general ritual incense.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Sandalwood
Burn this incense to cleanse your home of negative vibrations, especially when household members are arguing or when the house seems heavy and thick with anger, jealousy, depression, fear and other negative emotions. Leave the windows open while burning this mixture.
2 parts Wood Aloe
1 part Mace
1 Part Storax (or Gum Arabic)
1 part Benzoin
When purifying or consecrating magickal tools, jewelry, quartz crystals and other stones, smolder this incense and pass the tool through its smoke several times. Do this while visualizing the fumes purifying the tool.
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1 part Frankincense
1 part Rose Geranium Leaves (or a few drops Rose Geranium oil)
a few drops Tonka Bouquet
a few drops Musk Oil
Smolder this incense when you lack courage. If you are in a situation where you cannot burn it, recall its scent and be strong. If Tonka Bouquet is unavailable - use Tonka tincture or vanilla extract.
2 parts Frankincense
2 parts Coral
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Rosemary
1 pinch finely powdered salt
a small purified Quartz crystal point
To Use: Pour a bit of incense (leaving the crystal in the jar) into charcoal. Smolder and pass the crystal to be purified through the smoke wafting away the stones impurities. Naturally, this incense can be used in connection with the others recommended purifying rituals, or in place of them.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Bay
Burn at night near an open window if you feel "cursed." Though curses are rare, if we believe we are cursed, we are! Therefore smolder this incense and visualize it banishing all negativity from you. Repeat this ritual for 7 nights during the Waning Moon, if possible or desirable.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Bay
1 part Rosemary
Another like the above.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Rosemary
1 part Dragon's Blood
Smolder to remove negativity in general.
1 part Clove
1 part Chicory
1 part Cinquefoil
Smolder during or directly before using Tarot cards, Runes, etc. But be aware: Doesn't smell good!
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Orange Peel
1 part Mace
1 part Cinnamon
Another like above, and this one smells better.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Rose petals
1 part Camphor
a few drops Tuberose bouquet
a few drops Jasmine Oil
Burn a bit in the bedroom prior to sleep to produce psychic dreams. Remove the censer from the room before retiring. Use only genuine camphor.
2 parts Pine Resin or needles
1 part Patchouli
1 pinch finely powdered salt
a few drops Cypress Oil
Burn for invoking the powers of the element of earth for money, stability.
1 part Pine needles
1 part Thyme
few drops Patchouli oil
Burn to honor the Earth and for all earth-reverencing rituals.
4 parts Frankincense
3 parts Gum Arabic
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cedar
1 part Juniper
1 part Calamus
1 part Cinnamon
Burn during Egyptian rituals, or to honor any ancient Egyptian deity such as Isis, Thoth, etc.
1/2 oz Benzoin
1/2 oz Cinnamon
1/2 oz Galangal
1/2 oz Frankincense
1 oz Myrrh
3 drops Lotus Oil
3 drops Honey
1 drops Rose Oil
Pinch of dried Orris Root.
2 parts Dragon's Blood
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Juniper
1/2 part Sassafras
1 part Orange Flowers
1/2 part Rose Petals
Burn for a safe, warm, loving home. Also give as a gift to others.
4 parts Frankincense
3 parts Myrrh
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Gardenia petals
1/2 part Orris
1/2 part Thyme
1/2 part Poppy Seed
1/2 part Rose Petals
Burn during rituals and spells on the Full Moon, or at any gathering other than the Sabbats.
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Rosemary
1 part Bay
1 part Avens
1 part Mugwort
1 part St. John's Wort
1 part Basil
1 part Angelica
Burn with open window in disturbed places as a heavy pruificatory incense, and breathe through your mouth while smoldering this.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Rosemary
1 part Cedar
1 part Juniper
Burn during fall and winter sabbat rituals.
2 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1 part Red Sandalwood
1 pinch Saffron
few drops Musk Oil
Smolder for summoning the powers and beings of Fire and also for success, strength, protection, health, passion and other similar goals. Genuine Saffron is expensive, so only a pinch. You can use Orange Peel instead.
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Cedar
1 part Juniper
Burn while scrying, or throw into coals of fire once the flames have been quenched and gaze into them to see images from within them. The Latter rite is best performed on beach at night. Also general Psychic-inducing.
2 tbsp pul. Frankincense
1 tbsp powdered Orrisroot
1 tsp powdered Clove
1 tbsp Lemon Oil
Combine & mix all but lemon oil. Put in a jar, seal and keep in a dark place for 2-3 months. For healing magick, Honor the Mother Goddess and Horned God.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Rosemary
1 part Asafetida*
1 part Cayenne*
1 part Grains of Paradise
1 part Rue*
1 part Garlic
*Burn to be rid of demons, wrathful spirits, tax collectors, drunks and other noisome creatures. Stand back and hold your nose or better still, leave the room while this incense is smoldering. Those herbs marked * aren't necessarily dangerous or baneful, but they emit a powerful smoke that is irritating to the eyes, nose and lungs.
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
Burn during Full Moon rituals, or simply to attune with the Moon.
2 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Frankincense
1/2 part Gardenia Petals
1/4 part Rose Petals
few drops Ambergris Oil
Another like the one above.
3 parts Gardenia petals
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Rose petals
1/2 part Orris
few drops Sandalwood Oil
Another like the last.
2 parts Gum Mastic
2 parts Frankincense
Burn before gambling.
2 parts Gum Mastic
1 part Citron
1 part mixed Orange and Lemon Peel
1/2 Part Mace
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
1/2 dram Cypress Oil
1/2 dram Olive Oil
1/2 oz Dried Rose Petals
1/2 oz White Willow Bark
3 dried Rowan Berries
1 tsp Anise Seeds
5 Rose Petals
1 1/2 oz Myrrh
1 oz Dragon's Blood
1/2 oz Sassafras
1/2 oz Orange Blossoms
1/2 oz Juniper
1/2 oz Sage
1 dram Frankincense
4 parts Frankincense (sacred/Apollo)
2 parts Myrrh (Demeter)
1 part Pine (Poseidon)
1 part Rose Petals (Aphrodite)
1 part Sage (Zeus)
1 part White Willow Bark (Persephone)
few drops Olive Oil (Athena)
few drops Cypress Oil (Artemis/Hecate)
Burn to honor them.
1 part Rosemary
1 part Juniper Berries
Burn to speed healing while visualizing.
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cinnamon
1 pinch Saffron
3 parts Myrrh
2 parts Nutmeg
1 part Cedar
1 part Clove
1/2 part Lemon Balm
1/2 part poppy seeds
few drops Pine Oil
few drops Almond Oil
2 parts Juniper Berries
1 part Rosemary
3 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Cypress
1 part Spearmint (peppermint)
To honor Her, burn at crossroads or during ritual at the waning of the Moon.
1/2 tsp dried Bay Leaves
1/2 tsp dried Mint Leaves
1/2 tsp dried Thyme
pinch of Myrrh resin
pinch of Frankincense resin
13 drops Cypress Oil
3 drops Camphor Oil
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Wood Aloe
1/2 part Pepperwort (or Rue)
Burn for honors and favors.
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Cedar
1 part Pine
1 part Juniper Berries
few drops Patchouli Oil
Burn to honor Him in His many guises, especially during rituals.
7 drams tincture Benzoin
1/2 dram Sandalwood Oil
1/2 dram Myrrh Oil
1/2 dram Frankincense Oil
1 oz powdered Charcoal
pinch of dried Asafetida
pinch of dried Blessed Thistle
pinch of dried Peppermint
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1 part Myrrh
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Wood Betony
1/2 part Dill seed
few drops Rose Geranium Oil
Burn in your home to cleanse it at least once a month perhaps on the Full Moon. Additionally, burn this mixture in a new home before moving in.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1/2 part Red Sandalwood
1 part Cinnamon
few drops Red Wine
To this mixture, add a pinch of the first flower (dry it first) that is available in your area of Imbolc. Burn during ceremonies or Imbolc, or simply to attune with the symbolic rebirth of the Sun - the fading of winter and the promise of Spring.
2 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Benzoin
2 parts Wood Aloe
1 Part Cardamom
1/2 part Calamus
1/2 part Birthwort
1/2 part Ginger
1/2 part Pepper
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Clove
1/2 part Carnation
1/2 part Nutmeg
1/2 part Mace
1/2 part Cubeb Seed
few drops Brandy
This ancient mixture is burned to ward off the Incubus.
(INCUBUS: A male demon or spirit that was believed to sexually tempt and abuse women. Compare with Succubus.)
3 parts Myrrh
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Frankincense
1 part Rose Petals
few drops Lotus Bouquet
Burn while reverencing Isis, or, burn during any type of magickal operation, since Isis is the Goddess of All Things.
2 parts Wood Aloe
1 part Benzoin
1 part Storax (or Gum Arabic)
1/4 part Ash Seed
few drops Olive Oil
1 pinch powdered Lapis Lazuli
Mix & burn. This unusual formula includes a stone and could also be mixed together and carried as a Jupiterian talisman charm. Burn for spells involving riches, expansion, the law and luck.
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Mace
1 part Cardamom
1/2 part Balm of Gilead
1/4 part pulverized Pomegranate Rind
1 pinch saffron
few drops Ambergris Oil
Another like the above.
1 part Clove
1 part Nutmeg
1 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Lemon Balm
1/2 part Citron peel
(or equal parts dried lemon and orange peel)
4 parts Frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
2 parts Gum Mastic
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cedar
1 part Galangal (or ginger)
1/2 part Calamus
1/2 part Cardamom
7 Raisins
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Cassia
1/2 part Juniper Berries
1/2 part Orris
1/2 part Cypress
few drops Lotus Bouquet
few drops Wine
few drops Honey
Mix the ground dry ingredients thoroughly. Place in an airtight container two weeks. In a separate bowl, mix together the oil, wine, and honey and raisins. Add to the dry ingredients and blend with the hands. Let sit another 2 weeks. Then, if desired, grind to a fine powder. Kyphi is used in night rituals, to invoke Egyptian Goddess and Gods and as a general magickal incense.
KYPHI INCENSE (simplified)
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Juniper Berries
1/2 part Galangal
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Cedar
2 drops Lotus Bouquet
2 drops Wine
2 drops Honey
few Raisins
Mix, burn, use as the last.
2 parts Gum Mastic
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Juniper Berries
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Thyme
few drops Rose Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Juniper Berries
1 part Vetivert
1/2 part Cumin
To guard your home from thieves: During the day smolder this mixture in a censer before the front door, then move it to each opening in the house (doors, windows, cellars, etc.) through which thieves may enter. Visualize its smoke forming an invisible but impenetrable barrier. Move in a clockwise circle throughout your home, replenishing the incense as necessary.
Repeat monthly at the time of the Full Moon, if possible, or, use as needed. This is designed to "lock" your home against unwanted intruders.
2 parts Sandalwood
1/2 part Basil
1/2 part Bergamot
few drops Rose Oil
few drops Lavender Oil
Burn to attract love, to strengthen the love you have and to expand your ability to give and receive love.
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1 part Orris
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Rose Petals
few drops Must Oil
few drops Patchouli Oil
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Heather
1 part Apple Blossoms
1 pinch Blackberry Leaves
few drops Ambergris Oil
Burn during rituals on August 1st or 2nd, or at that time to attune with the coming harvest.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Cypress
1 part Juniper
1 part Pine
1/2 part Oak moss
(or few drops of Oak moss Bouquet
1 pinch pulverized Oak Leaf
Burn during ceremonies on Mabon or at that time to attune with the change of the seasons.
4 parts Benzoin
1 part Pine Needles (or resin)
a scant pinch Black Pepper
Burn to attract its influences, or during spells involving lust, physical strength, competitions, rituals concerning men, etc.
2 parts Galangal
1 part Coriander
1 part Clove
1/2 part Basil
A scant pinch Black Pepper
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1 part Cardamom
1 part Clove
1 part Grains of Paradise
2 parts Sage
1 part Sweet grass
1 part Pine resin or needles
1 part Osha Root (or Angelica)
scant pinch Tobacco
Burn during rites revering American Indian deities and spirits, and to attune with the energies of this land.
1 part Gum Acacia (Arabic)
1 part Sandalwood
Burn a small amount prior to meditation to relax the conscious mind.
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Mace
1/2 part Marjoram
few drops Lavender Oil
Burn to invoke its powers, or during spells involving intelligence, travel, divination and so forth.
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Frankincense
1 part Mace
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Gum Mastic
1/2 part Lavender
few drops Lavender Oil
2 parts Copal
1 part Frankincense
1 part Rosemary
Smolder during Mexican - American folk magic rituals and spells.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Mugwort
1 part Chamomile
1 part Gardenia Petals
few drops Rose Oil
few drops Lavender Oil
few drops Yarrow Oil
Burn at rituals at the Summer Solstice or at that time of the year to attune with the seasons and the Sun.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Dragon's Blood
1 part Thyme
1 part Rosemary
1 part Vervain
few drops Red Wine
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
few drops Eucalyptus Oil

few drops Jasmine Oil
few drops Camphor Oil
Burn to attract its influences, & also during psychic workings, love magick, healing, rituals involving the home and dream magick.
4 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Wood Aloe
1 part Eucalyptus
1 part pulverized Cucumber Seeds
1 part Mugwort
1/2 part Ranuculus Blossoms
few drops Ambergris Oil
May substitute Gardenia or Jasmine for Selenetrope.
2 parts Juniper Berries
1 part Orris
1 part Calamus
few drops Spirits of Camphor
or Camphor Tincture or 1/4 part genuine camphor
few drops lotus bouquet
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Gardenia Petals
1 part Rose Petals
1 part lemon peel
1/2 part Camphor
few drops Jasmine Oil
1 part Rose
1 part Orris
1 part Bay
1 part Juniper
1 part Dragon's Blood
1/2 part Potassium Nitrate
Burn for divination, love and Harmony. The saltpeter is included to make it sparkle and glow. Don't add to much though - it'll explode!
Lay incense coals on a bed of sea salt. When the coals are hot, toss on a mixture of:
1/2 tsp Myrrh Gum
1 1/2 tsp Copal Resin
1 tbsp Sandalwood Chips
1 tsp dried Irish Moss
3 drops Oak moss Oil
Rowan Wood (or Sandalwood)
Holly Branches
Elder (or Oak)
Take sawdust of each, mix together and burn indoors on charcoal when a ritual fire is necessary or desired but not practical. The incense emits the aroma of an open campfire.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Myrrh
1 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Rose Petals
1/2 part Varian
Burn while honoring the Goddess and Gods, and as an offering.
1/3 tsp Mastic
1/3 tsp Amaranth
1/3 tsp. Yarrow
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Benzoin
1 part Dragon's Blood
1/2 part Nutmeg
1/2 part Violet Flowers (or a few drops of violet oil)
1/2 part Orange Peel
1/2 part Rose Petals
Burn during rituals on Ostara or to Welcome the Spring and to refresh your life.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Dragon's Blood
1 part Red Sandalwood
1 part Orange Peel
1 part Cinnamon
few drops Clove Oil
Burn while honoring Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes. When needing additional strength for any ritual, when you feel manipulated by others, or for Fire spells in general. Burn when you wish to be fulfilled with the power of Pele.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Eucalyptus
1 part Lemon Peel
few drops Sandalwood Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
1 part Heawort Seed
1 part Violet Root
1 part Parsley
1 part Hempseed*
Burn for divination and psychic work.
1 part Myrrh
1 part Gum Mastic
1 part Costus
1 part Oponax
1 part Storax
1 part Thyme
1 part Frankincense
1 part Camphor
1 part Red Sandalwood
1 part Wood Aloe
1 part Euphorbium*
For general magickal workings. The baneful substance euphorbium, can be replaced with tobacco. Gum Arabic may be used in place of the Storax. If Gum Oponax is unobtainable - use a Oponax Oil or Gum Arabic.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Buchu
Burn before bedtime to stimulate the psychic mind to produce future-revealing dreams, and to ensure that the conscious mind remembers them in the morning.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Nutmeg
1 part Lemon Balm
1 part Citron
Burn to attract wealth.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Dragon's Blood
1/2 part Betony
Burn for both physical and psychic protection while visualizing.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
1/2 part Rosemary
1 part Frankincense
1 part Myrrh
1/2 part Clove
2 parts Frankincense
1/2 part Cumin
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Copal
1 part Dragon's Blood
4 parts Frankincense
3 parts Myrrh
2 parts Juniper Berries
1 part Rosemary
1/2 part Avens
1/2 part Mugwort
1/2 part Yarrow
1/2 part St. John's Wort
1/2 part Angelica
1/2 part Basil
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Bistort
Smolder to sharpen psychic powers.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Gum Aracia (or Arabic)
1 part Frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Nutmeg
few drops Orange Oil
few drops Clove Oil
4 parts Frankincense
2 parts Bay
1 part Camphor
1 pinch finely powdered Salt
1 pinch Sulfur*
Burn to purify the atmosphere of a disturbed home. Leave the windows open & do not inhale the sulphurous fumes!
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Cinnamon
Leave windows open.
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Vervain
4 parts Heather
1 part Fern
1 part Henbane*
Burn out of doors on a deserted hill to attract rain. Do not inhale fumes!
1 part Pepper wort
1 part Red Storax
1 pinch Saffron
few drops Musk Oil
Compound & fumigate about the tombs and graves of the dead. This will cause spirits and ghosts to gather, at least according to ancient writings.
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Wood Aloe
1/2 Peppermint
1/2 part Clove
Burn when you need favors and wealth.
4 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Benzoin
1/2 part Fennel
1/2 part Bay
1/2 part Thyme
1/2 part Pennyroyal
1/2 part Solomon's Seal
1/4 part Run
1/4 part Wormwood
1/4 part Chamomile
1/4 part Rose petals
Burn at Sabbats.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Myrrh
1 part Clove
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your own powers.
2 parts Copal
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Rosemary
1 part Sage
1 part Lemongrass
1 part Bay
1/2 part Marigold
1/2 part Yerba Santa
For ancient Aztecan rituals and all Mexican-American folk magic. Also use as general purification incense. It's a famous incense in contemporary Mexican folk magic.
2 parts Frankincense
2 parts Poppy Seed
1 part Gum Arabic
1 part Myrrh
1/4 Henbane Seed*
1/4 part Mandrake*
few drops Olive Oil
Burn for Saturn influences; also for spells dealing with buildings, studying past lives, banishing illness, pests and negative habits. This incense can be hazardous to your health; for a recommended Saturian incense see formula #3 below or substitute 1/2 part Tobacco for the Henbane and Mandrake.
2 parts Cypress
2 parts Ash Leaves
1 part Alum
1 part Gum Scammony
1 part Asafetida*
1 part Sulphur*
1/4 part Black Nightshade*
Another like the above, but not recommended. By omitting the black nightshade, the incense is fairly innocuous but still smells incredibly foul!
2 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Dittany of Crete
few drops Cypress Oil
few drops Patchouli Oil
This is the recommended Saturn incense formula. If you're going to use one of the four, use this one.
1 part Pepper wort
1 part Mandrake
1 part Myrrh
few drops Musk Oil
2 part Frankincense
1 part Galangal
1 part Pine Resin (pitch)
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
1 part Mugwort
1 part Wormwood
Burn a small amount prior to scrying in a quartz crystal sphere, in flames, water & so on. Warning - smells bad!
2 parts Gum Mastic
2 parts Juniper
1 part Sandalwood
1 Cinnamon
1 part Calamus
few drops Ambergris Oil
few drops Patchouli Oil
Mix, empower & burn to promote psychic awareness. This is another version of the recipe; others contain Hemp.
4 parts Coriander
1 part Smallage
1/4 part Hemlock*
1/4 part Henbane*
Burn outdoors to draw spirits together. As usual, do not inhale fumes!
root of the weedy herb Sagepen
juice of Hemlock*
juice of Henbane*
Tapsus Barbatus
Red Sandalwood
Black Poppy Seed
Fume to make spirits and strange shapes appear. To make them flee, add parsley to this mixture, as this chases away all spirits and destroys all visions.
1 part Anise
1 part Coriander
1 part Cardamom
Smolder to cause spirits to gather.
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Lavender
Burn on the altar to invite good energies (or spirits)to be present during magical rituals.
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Willow Bark
Burn out of doors at night during the Waxing Moon.
3 parts Wood Aloe
1 part Costus
1 part Crocus
few drops Ambergris Oil
few drops Musk Oil
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Coriander
1 part Fennel Root
1 part Cassia
1/2 part Henbane*
These incense (spirit) are only included for traditional purposes. They are not recommended!
1 part Calamint
1 part Peony
1 part Mint (spearmint)
1/4 part Castor Beans*
Burn out of doors to drive away all evil spirits and vain imaginings. Castor Beans are poisonous!
2 parts Fennel Seed
2 parts Dill Seed
1/2 Part Run
Another like the above.
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Lavender
pinch of Wormwood
3 part Frankincense
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Benzoin
1 part Cinnamon
few drops Patchouli Oil
Burn during Spring and Summer Sabbat rituals.
2 parts Gum Mastic
1 part Rosemary
Smolder to strengthen the conscious mind for study, to develop concentration and to improve the memory.
3 parts Wood Aloe
2 parts Red Storax
1 part Nutmeg
Burn for success in all undertakings. Since Red Storax is usually unavailable, substitute Frankincense or Gum Arabic.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Wood Aloe
1/2 part Balm of Gilead
1/2 part Bay
1/2 part Carnation
few drops Ambergris Oil
few drops Musk Oil
few drops Olive Oil
Burn to draw the influences of the Sun and for spells involving promotions, friendships, healing, energy and magical power.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Bay
1 pinch Saffron
few drops Orange Oil
Another like the above.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Galangal
2 parts Bay
1/4 part Mistletoe*
few drops Red Wine
few drops Honey
A third like the above.
Gum Scanony
Black Hellebore*
Ash Leaves
Burn in an earthen dish and hold the talismans in the smoke. Not recommended.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Cypress
1 part Ash Leaves
1 part Tobacco
1 pinch Valerian
1 pinch Alum
1 pinch Asafetida*
Recommended - but smells!
2 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Benzoin
few drops Rose Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
few drops Lavender Oil
few drops Sandalwood Oil
Smolder in the temple or "magic room," or as a general magickal incense. Also increases spirituality.
THIEF INCENSE (to see a thief)
1 part Crocus
1 pinch Alum
In ancient Egypt this mixture was placed on a brazier & the seer stared into the coals.
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Clove
1/2 part Red Sandalwood
1/2 part Sandalwood
1/4 part Orange Flowers
3 pinches Orris
Burn for Solar influences.
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Orris
few drops Patchouli Oil
Burn for love.
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Myrrh
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Rosemary
Burn for all positive magickal purposes. If used for negative magickal goals, it will cancel out the spell or ritual.
3 parts Wood Aloe
1 part Red Rose Petals
1 pinch crushed Red Coral (opt.)
few drops Olive Oil
few drops Musk Oil
few drops Ambergris Oil
Mix well and burn for Venusian influences, such as love, healing, partnerships and rituals involving women.
1 part Violets
1 part Rose petals
1/2 part Olive Oil Leaves
Another like the above.
2 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Rosebuds
few drops Patchouli Oil
few drops Rose Oil
A third like the above.
1 part Mace
1 part Cypress
few drops Patchouli Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase your powers.
3 parts Cinquefoil
3 parts Chicory Root
1 part Clove
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Bay
1/2 part Damania
Burn small amounts prior to psychic workings.
1 part Calamus
1 part Fennel Root
1 part Pomegranate Skin
1 part Red Sandalwood
1 part Black Poppy Seed
1/2 part Henbane*
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Myrrh
1 part Sandalwood
few drops Lotus Bouquet
few drops Ambergris Oil
Burn to attract the influences of this element, as well as to develop psychic, to promote love, fertility, beauty and so forth.
1 part Nutmeg
1 part Pepper wort
1 pinch Saffron
Burn to attract Wealth.
2 parts Pine Needles or Resin
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Calangal
few drops of Patchouli Oil
Another like the above.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Nutmeg
1/2 part Clove
1/2 part Ginger
1/2 part Mace
A third like above.
Gum Mastic
few drops Musk Oil
few drops Ambergris Oil
For Tarot reading, crystal ball readings, meditation.
2 parts Frankincense
2 parts Pine Needles or Resin
1 part Cedar
1 part Juniper Berries
Mix and smolder at rites on Yule or during the winter months.

Cedar Clove Dill Ginger Jasmine Maple Myrrh Poplar Rose Sage Sandalwood Vanilla Yarrow

Quantum Magick