OBE Out-of-Body Experience.
Occult From occuiere (LTN), to cover up. Not revealed. Secret. Mysterious. See Mystery
Octinomos (GRK) A Greek expression meaning he who has an eight-lettered name, referring to a tradition that a master magickian will have an eight-lettered name. This was one of the reasons Aleister Crowley assumed the magickal name Baphomet when he became head of the Ordo Templi Orientis.
Odic Force The name given by Baron Reichenbach to a force given off by magnets, certain types of crystals, chemical reactions, and arrangements of shapes. This force was detectable only by sensitive individuals whom the baron sought out for his research. Named after the Norse god Odin, Odic force could be said to be an aspect of the universal force or unified field which some think pervades all of existence. See Chi; Mana; Orgone; Prana.
Ogdoad A pantheon of eight deities. Frequently used to refer to the ancient Egyptian pantheon: Nun and Naunet, Huh and Hauhet, Kuk and Kauket, and Amon and Amaunet. The Gnostic Valentinius used the term Ogdoad to describe eight emanations, each having a polarity and grouped in pairs, beginning with the Abyss (masculine), from which came Silence (feminine). Silence and the Abyss united to produce Mind (masculine) and Truth (feminine). Mind and Truth created Word (masculine) and Life (feminine), who gave birth to Man (masculine) and Church (feminine). The Aurum Solis is said to be an extension of the Ogdoadic Mysteries.
Ogham The magickal Celtic alphabet made up of 20 letters called fews, each representing a different type of tree.
Old Religion This is a term often used when referring to Wicca and/or witchcraft. It is based upon the idea that witchcraft is descended from ancient paganism. However, since Wicca is a fairly young and modern religion, this assumption is invalid.
Olympicus Spiritus The Star in Man. The astral body, which sends forth, doubles. See Astral Body
Om (SKT) The mahamantra, or root-sound of creation. The primordial vibration. The word is attributed to the Trimurti and embodies the entire cycle of creation (Brahma), preservation (Vishnu), and Destruction (Shiva). The word Om is the root of the Hebrew word Amen, the Egyptian Amon, the Tibetan Hum, and such English words as omnipotent. See Mantra
Omen A sudden occurrence, which is interpreted as being a sign of good or evil. Often it will be small yet significant. An example of an omen would be a vase falling over or a cup of water spilling.
Oneiromancy A form of divination through the interpretation of dreams.
Oracle A Medium. A person through which otherworldly entities can be communicated with, similar to channeling. People often visit oracles asking questions or to gain insight to their future.
Orgone A term coined by Dr. Wilhelm Reich to describe an energy which he thought was vital to proper health and was involved in the sexual process and the emotions. Reich also believed that cancer is caused by a blockage or lack of orgones. Reichs research (which was responsible for his expulsion from Nazi Germany and imprisoned in the United States) is thought by many to be an interface between Western psychology and the occult. Various sorts of mystics, yoga practitioners, and researchers have long linked the life force with sexual energy and activity. The retention or redirection of this energy is the basis of Tibetan and Hindu sexual tantras. See Kundalini; Prana; Swadisthana Chakra.
Ostara A pagan Sabbat that occurs to celebrate the onset of spring. The egg and rabbit symbolize the rebirth celebrated by this holy day. Many feel that the Christian holiday of Easter originated from Ostara, a celebration named after the goddess of Spring and rebirth.
Otz Chaim (HEB) The Tree of Life. See Sephiroth; Yggdrasil.
Ouroboros The snake devouring its own tail. A Gnostic and alchemical symbol of cyclical nature, eternity, or the transcendence of duality. It is sometimes also used to symbolize the world of illusion. Compare with Tiamat, the Chaos Serpent of Assyrian mythology, and the Midgard serpent of Norse mythology. See Tiamat