
. Haapkemnas, Haap’k!emnas The creator of all things ”existed in the dawn of time.” The Takelma, Oregon

Habuiri The remote principle god and creator is a sky god who caused the growth of food plants. The Arawak, West Indies

Hachacyum, Hachalyum, Nohochacyum The creator and principle deity of the Lacandon who added ”lime and rock and sand” to the infirm earth (produced by K’akoch) giving it strength and shape. He is believed to have created men ”fair-skinned and curly-haired” but Kisin darkened them spoiling his work. Kisin was also one of his creations as well as people, animals, insects, snakes. Chipas, Mexico

Hachiman A historical figure in Mayan history was elevated to the status of god after death. A god of war, battle, honor, courage, bravery, personal success.

Hadad Primarily known as a god of storms, of thunder and lightning, he was also worshipped as a sky and sun god, protective of the harvest. Syria

Hades God of death, keeper of the underworld. He was the brother of Zeus but was in the underworld instead of upon Olympus. Greece

Haepuru A god of the heavens who with Roiho and Roake directed Tane where to find the female element from which to fashion a human female. The Maori, New Zealand

Hahgwehdiyu The beneficent creator who fashioned the universe from the body of his mother Ataensic and populated the earth with animals and birds. Twin of the evil spirit, Hahgwehdetgah, who was banished to the underworld for disrupting his work. The Iroquois, Eastern United States

hailpi hawit, hawilai’ilam ”Above Chief” of the ”Four Chiefs” invoked in bathing rituals. The Nootkan tribes, Washington and Vancouver Island

Hainuwele A primordial goddess, a creatress in the sense that through her ritual murder by the primordial beings her body was cut into pieces and planted from which grew new plants, particularly tubers. From her arms was made a doorway through which all primordial beings had to pass, remaining humans or becoming animals, birds, etc. Ceram, New Guinea

Haka A goddess who, with her husband Tetoo, created the sky and the earth. The Marquesas, Polynesia

Hakahotu The female principle and earth mother. With Atea the primary parents. Tongareve, Polynesia

Hakui A god of the creation group of deities known only through mention in the sacred chants. The Marquesas, Polynesia

Hala The sky god of the Kissi. Liberia and Guinea

Halakwulup A sky god whose ”eyes “ are the sun and the moon. The Fuegian, Tierra del Fuego

Halboredja The sun—”day wanderer”. The northern forest Indians, North America

halsuis hawit, hawilsuisai ”Horizon Chief” of the Nootkan tribes is invoked during bathing rituals. Washington and Vancouver Islands

Hambwira The sun god known ”ceremonially as hanboradjera, day-wanderer.” The Winnebago, Wisconsin

Hamendiju The Great Spirit, a sky god, who rules the world. The Wyandotte (Huron), area of Lakes Huron and Erie

Han A primordial being—”the black of darkness.” She was banished to ”the region s under the world.” then became the nighttime. The Lakota/Ogallala, Plains Indians

Hananim The ancient and omniscient god of heaven is also supreme. Korea

Hanoona wilapona The ”Sun-father” of the Zuñi Indians. New Mexico

Ha’o The supreme being and sky god ”whose eye is the sun.” The Northern Sidama, Ethiopia

Hapi Deification of the blessed river Nile. Eventually thought of as the creator of everything. Without the waters of Hapi, all life would perish. Also known as Hapy. Egypt

Harakhte, Harakhtes The ”sun on its daily course between the eastern and western horizon.” Later absorbed by Ra. Egypt

Hari A name of Vishnu as a solar deity. India

Harisu The benevolent and invisible great god who is the source of all good. The Elema tribe, Papuan Gulf, New Guinea

Haro The sun god whose wife is Taio, the moon. Also called Tauahili. The Lakalai of New Britain, Melanesia

Haronga A sky god, who married Tongotongo, was the father of ‘Ra the sun, and Marama, the moon. The Maori, New Zealand

Hastsehogan, haashch’éóghaan Calling God is the god of the sunset, the evening, the West, the inner form of San Francisco Peak. He is also the benevolent god of the house and the farm. He, with Talking God, ”would assume the role of monitoring, guiding, and directing human life.” The Navajo, Arizona and New Mexico

Hastseyalti, haashch’eełt’I, xa-ctce-ltihi, Yebitsai Talking God, god of the dawn and god of the east, is associated with Blanca Peak, The sacred mountain. Some consider him one of the gods of the corn. With Hastsehogan, later, ”would assume the role of monitoring, guiding, and directing human life.” The Navajo, Arizona and New Mexico.

Hatala The creator of the earth which he ”poured out” upon the head of Naga Busai, the serpent in the primeval water. Borneo

Hatan ”The head anito, who made the laws of the sky world and rules it.” His wife is Dinawagan. They are invoked for help particularly in illness. His fourth son is Ewagan to whom he passed on his powers; his daughter is Hinalingan. The Apayao, Philippines

Ha-tartstl Cha-batt-a The Great Spirit whose real name is never given, a secret among the initiated. The Makah (Nootka), Cape Flattery, Washington

Hathor "The Beautiful Face In The Boat For Thousands Of Years". The cow-goddess as a sky deity was associated with Horus, sometimes as his wife, sometimes his mother. She was a goddess of joy and love, the great protective mother, and a goddess of the underworld of benevolent aspect . Symbolizes love, beauty, happiness, joy, and element of Air, the moon. Egypt

Hatuibwari (1)A dragon-god and the creator. San Cristoval, Solomon Islands, Melanesia. (2)Hasibwari ”The supreme being…represented as a winged serpent with a human head” who created ”a woman from red clay and the heat of the sun.” Then a man from her rib. (Claimed not attributable to Christianity.) Arosi, Melanesia

Hauhet, Hehut With Huh one of the initial primeval pairs, ”representing the infinity of space.” Egypt

Havaki The high god of the Tungus who is anthropomorphic, but is also associated with the sun. Siberia

Hawenniyu, Ha-wen-ne-yu The beneficent and just Great Spirit who is considered self-existant, a god of virtue and harmony, the creator of ”man, and all useful animals, and products of the earth.” The Iroquois, Eastern United States

Haya-Ji Mayan god of the winds, whirlwinds. Invoke for air elemental magic.

hayoołkaał asdzặặ, xayołka·ł ‘eszặ Dawn Woman. One of the Holy People involved in the creation. She is in the North. She is one of those who causes people to think. Some say she ”determines which Wind Soul shall enter the child to be born” and that it reports to her on its life. The Navajo, Arizona

hayoołkaał hastilin, xayołka·ł xastxi·n Dawn Man. One of the Holy People involved in the creation of Earth, Sky, Sun, Moon, and various animals. He is the cardinal position of the East; causes people to think. The Navajo, Arizona

Heammawihio The beneficent chief god and creator lives in the sky. For a time he lived with the people teaching them to make arrow points, knives, bows and arrows, how to hunt, and to make fire. He is invoked for longevity, good health, and success. The Cheyenne, Plains Indians

Heart of Heaven Same as god-Seven, the seven Ahpú. See also Cabahuil, Ixpiyacoc, and Ixcumané. The Quiché, Guatemala

Hebat The Hurrian sun goddess, wife of Teshub and mother of Sharruma, Asia Minor

Hecco, Deoc, Deotshe The invisible supreme deity of the Sidama (the Kaffa and the Ometi). Ethiopia

Heimdall God of light and guardian of the rainbow bridge. He eventually kills Loki. Symbolizes education, teaching, and protection. Scandinavia

Hekenjuk The Sun. The Ihalmiut Eskimo, Keewatin District, Canada

Hel Goddess of death and the underworld. The Christian concept of "Hell" came from this goddess, however, her realm of the dead for those who were wicked was cold and dark, not fiery. Scandinavia

Helia A solar goddess, daughter of Helios and sister of Phaethon. Greece

Helios Greek god of the sun. His roman counterpart was Sol.

Helliougmounis An Aquitainian goddess of a solar nature. Gaul

Hemera Greek goddess of the day, who like Nyx, lives in the lower world. They pass each other at the gates on their daily rounds. Daughter of Nyx and Erebus.

Hemoana Twin of Lube, the fourth primeval pair born of Touiafutuna. They are the only ones who did not mate. He is associated with the sea snake; a god of the sea. The Tongans, Polynesia

Hepatu A variant name of Hebat. Asia Minor

Hephaestus Greek blacksmith god. Fire magic, creativity, and wisdom.

Heqo, Yero The omniscient supreme being and sky god of the Kaffa or western Sidama. Ethiopia

Hera Greek goddess of matrimony and cycles of women's growth. Sister and wife of Zeus. She is best known for her intense jealousy of all of Zeus' affairs with mortal women. She can be invoked for love, the moon, and element of Air, motherhood. She appears early as an androgyne, giving birth of herself to Hephaestus and Typhon.

Hermaphroditus Son of Aphrodite and Hermes who refused the love of the nymph Salmacis. The gods who merged them into one being—male/female, had taken pity on her frenzied desire never to be separated from him. Greece

Hermes Greek god of commerce. He was a messenger for the gods, often carrying messages from mortals to gods and vice versa. He symbolizes communication, health, knowledge, fertility, and insight.

Hermod God who was a messenger between the gods. Son of Odin and Frigg. Scandinavia

Her-nub A name of Horus as god of the dawn, the morning. Egypt

Her-shef A ram-headed solar god and a god of strength and bravery. His female counterpart is Atet or Mersekhnet. Egypt

Heru-Behutet An important form of Horus—the heat of the mid-day sun in which form he fought against Set. A god of light and of blacksmiths (at Edfu). Egypt

Heru-khuti ”Horus of the two horizons” usually has the head of a hawk and represents the course of the sun from sunrise to sunset, across the skies. Egypt

Haru-pa-khart, Harpocrates God of the rising sun. Horus the Child, son of Isis and Osiris, originally a god of youth and vigor, later taking on the aspects of the Sun-god. At Mendes he was the son of Hat-mehit. Egypt

Heru-ur The personification of the Face of Heaven by day, while Set was that of night. He was depicted as a man or a lion with the head of a hawk. An aspect of Horus. Egypt

Hestia Greek mother goddess. She symbolizes the element of fire, domestic and home magic, conception, and the well being of the self and family. See also Vesta.

Hiisi God of evil, skilled sorcerers and sorceresses, necromancers, spells, sacred drums, trance, chanting, trance-dancing. Finland

Hillon A sun god and a god of music. Valley of Larboust, Gaul

Hilo n di Bulan ”Ray Floods of the Moon,” a god of the sky-world. The Ifugao, Philippines

Hine-ahiahi The goddess of the evening, daughter of the sun, Tama-nui-te-ra, and sister of Hine-ata and Hine-aotea. Chatham Isles, Polynesia

Hine-aotea Goddess of the day, daughter of Tama-nui-te-ra. Chatham Isles, Polynesia

Hine-ata Goddess of the morning, daughter of Tama-nui-te-ra, the sun, and sister of Hine-aotea and Hine-ahiahi. Chatham Isles, Polynesia

Hinegba, Ihinegba The beneficent supreme being and creator, the source of sunshine and rain, but also of illness as punishment for evil. The Igbira, Nigeria

Hine-titama The ”Dawn Maid,” daughter of Tane and Hine-ahu-one. As the daughter/wife of Tane (Tane-matua) and mother of Hine-rau-wharangi, she fled to the underworld on learning their true relationship, where she became the goddess of the underworld as Hine-nui-te-po. The Maori, New Zealand

Hintubuet The supreme being is ”our grandmother” and the creatress of the sky, earth, and humans. New Mecklenburg, the Bismarck Archipelago, Melanesia

Hiovaki A sky god who was also a creator and the god of war received in his home in the sky those warriors who die in battle. The Motumotu, Papuans, New Guinea

Hireroi’wa A creator god of the Sirentde’wa. Brazil

Hiruko The imperfect third child of Izanagi and Izanami. A sun god who was supplanted by the goddess Ohirumemuchi-no-Kami. Japan

Hisagita imisi The beneficent Great Spirit of the Creek Indians who was represented by the bush fire. Also called Ibofanga. Among the Seminole Indians of Florida he was His-a-kit-a-mis i. Southeastern United States

Hishe The great self-created god who then created the lesser god, the earth, mankind, wild animals and vegetation. His divine names—Hishe, Huwe, Kxo, Gara, Gani ga, Gaishi Gai, Gauwa—he also gave to the lesser god, but retained his earthly name Gao!na for himself. His elder wife is Khwova!na. His younger wife is Gow, who is also the wife of the lesser god. The Bushmen, Naron, Botswana, South Africa

Hkun Hsang Long ”The Creator Spirit” of the Wa. Burma

Hlam Shua The highest deity of the Eskimo. Kodiak Island, Alaska

Hobatoke The otiose supreme god of the Sherbro, Bullom, and Krim lives in the sky. Sierra Leone

Hodianokdoo Hediohe The omnipotent incomprehensible creator deity was manifest in all things, was never beseeched, as were other deities, only thanked for his manifest blessings. The Iroquois, Eastern United States

Hodr God of winter and darkness. Blind twin of Balder. Scandinavia

Hod-zer-can-ma Tibetan goddess of the dawn. Same as Marici.

Hoenir One of the Aesir gods, brother of Odin and Ludor. Together they slew Ymir, the great giant of the beginning. They created the earth from his flesh, the sea and fresh water from his blood, the mountains from his bones; then mankind from two trees, man from the ash and woman from the elm. Hoenir gave them their senses and understanding, intelligence and motion. The two lesser brothers are sometimes considered aspects of Odin, eventually disappearing, Hoenir as hostage to the Vanir at the end of the war with the Aesir. Scandinavia

Hoenu God of silence. He, along with his brother Lodur, created Ask and Embla, the first humans. Scandinavia

Homanihiko, Humanihinku, Humenehinku The supreme god and the creator of the earth. (The latter is considered a possible later addition as the Cubeo believe the earth always existed.) He was unconcerned with human affairs. The Cubeo, the Tucano, Colombia

Hor-m-akhet God of the eastern horizon—the ”personification of the rising sun and a symbol…of resurrection.” Egypt

Horus "The Mighty One of Transformations". Egyptian god, the son of Isis and Osiris. God of the all-seeing eye. His animal is the falcon.

Horus (Hor, Heru-ur) the Elder Son of Nut and Seb. A solar deity, or more a sky god whose eyes are the sun and the moon. The falcon symbolizes him. Egypt

Horus the Younger A solar deity, god of the rising sun, of light, Son of Osiris and Isis. The latter taught him the arts of magick and healing through oracles. He absorbed and was identified with the other Horus gods—the Heru group. Egypt

Hotei God of happiness. One of the seven gods of luck. He is portrayed with a large belly and is sometimes called the "Laughing Buddha". It is said that if you rub his belly, you will receive good fortune! Japan

Hou-chi God of harvest and agriculture. Depicted as a kindly old man with stalks growing from his scalp. China

His Ho An archaic sun goddess with whom Nü Kua is identified by some. China

Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti God who removes demons and evil spirits. Invoke for exorcism, matters involving water. China

Hsu Kai ”The god of the star T’ai-yang (the sun).” China

Hsu-k’ung-tsang A Dhyani-Bodhisattva, the ”Essence of the Void Space above.” Akasagarbha, China

htotik The sun god and creator, the source of all life. Son of the moon. The Chamula (Mayan), Central America

Hu Celtic sun god and a god of death and resurrection of vegetation, to whom human sacrifices were made ”in honor of the victory of spring.”

Hubeane, Khutsoane A culture hero/ancestor god who created the world and the heavens which he then abandoned. Botswana

Hubur A primordial mother goddess by whom ”a monstrous brood is spawned” to act as warriors for Tiamat. Babylonia

Hucanech The omnipotent supreme god who is ”just and merciful.” The Guanches, Canary Islands

Huchi Goddess of fire, both of the hearth and of volcanic eruptions. Protectress of the home, cures illness. A mediator between man and gods. Japan

Huecuvoe, Huecuvu The evil supreme being. The Moluches, Chile

Huehuetéotl A name of Ometéotl as ”the old god,” the supreme being. God of fire, patron of warriors and kings. Depicted often as a crouched old man with a bowl of burning incense sitting on his head. Aztec, Mexico

Huemac Aztec god of earthquakes.

Huh, Hehu, Heh With Hauhet (Hehut) one of the initial primeval pairs ”representing the infinity of space.” Other sources interpret them as fire, atmosphere. Egypt

Huiracocha A variant of Viracocha.

Huisiniamui A solar deity and sky god, a god of vegetation, but also he is associated with headhunting and cannibalism. The Witotoans, Colombia and Peru

Huitzilopochtli As the Blue Tezcatlipoca and one of the four sons of Ometéotl he is a primary force responsible for the formation of realities. Identified with the sun and associated with the South. With Quetzalcóatl created the heavens and earth, and the waters, fire, mankind and the time periods. Symbolizes storms, the sun, death, war, young men, warriors, soldiers, safe journeys. As a Sun God and a War God human sacrifices were made to him. Aztec, Mexico

Humenehinku A variant of Homanihiko. Hunab Ku The supreme and greatest of the gods of the Mayan of Yucatan, invisible and the source of all things. He was the creator of the world and of mankind (out of corn). His wife was Ixazaluoh, his son Itzamna. Mexico

Hunahpú A god of the Quiché Maya who with his twin Xbalamwqué overcame the powers of evil and of death of Xibalba, then rose to the heavens to become the sun (Hunahpú) and the moon. As a solar god he ”personifies the aurora, light, the brightness that dissipated the shadows of ignorance…defends humanity against the forces of evil.” Guatemala

Hunahpu-Vuch Goddess of the dawn—”a hunting-fox bitch.” The Quiché Mayan, Guatemala

Hun Pic Tok Mayan war god.

Hunavan and Hunchevan Brother creators of the heavens and earth and all things including man. Sons of Xchmel and Xtmana. Guatemala

Hun Kak The name of the sun god among the Lacandon. Mexico

Hunrakán Same as Cabahuil, Heart of Heaven. The God of Heaven, the one-footed god, ”was the devil of the earlier cycle” (a demon of the Caribs). Regardless of the cycle he is god or demon of the elements—thunder and lightning, rain, storm, etc. Good or bad meaning depends exclusively upon ”the cultural criterion.” The Quiché, Guatemala

Huriata The sun god of the Tarascan to whom human sacrifices were made was created by Curicaueri, and in turn, created ”the heavenly bodies.” His wife was Cutzi, the moon, and daughter of Cuerohperi. Mexico

Hurukan Ancient Mayan creator god who made the earth, the element of fire, animals, and mankind. Symbolizes fire, spiritual enlightenment, thunder, hurricanes, whirlwinds, and disasters.

Hushtahli The sun god of the Choctaw Indians to whom is ”ascribed the power of life and death…and success in war.” Mississippi and Alabama

Huthas Coyote as the chief god of the Wappo Indians, California

Hutsipamamau?u Ocean Woman, the primal creatress, created the earth by rubbing the dead skin from her body and forming small balls which she then ”crumpled” and ”sprinkled” on the Immortal Water, Nariwiin Yapah. When the area became large enough she lay down on it and stretched it with her hands and feet until Wolf and Coyote approved its size. She is the Great Mother, the creator of all things. At times she is a duality; usually represented as sisters, but sometimes as mother and daughter, as in the Coyote myth of Louse, the wise, mature mother and the seductive young female. The Chemehuevis, California/Nevada/Arizona

Hu-Tu Chinese earth goddess, similar to Gaia, the deification of the earth. Patroness of fertility, element is earth

Huwe The beneficent supreme being and creator of all things was invoked for food and for health. Among the northern Bushmen he is a deity of the forest. South Africa, Botswana, Angola

Hvare The sun, a god of purification. Also known as Havarekhshaeta, ”as Ahura Mazda’s eye.” Iran

Hweve God of sunlight, younger brother of Gbosuzozo. Dahomey

Hyagnis A Phrygian god, a form of Vahagn, and as such he would be a sun god, a god of fire and of lightning. Father of Marsyas-Masses. Asia Minor

Hyel, Hel The supreme deity of the Pabir and the Bura. Nigeria

Hymen God of marriage. Symbolizes love, virginity, and obviously the oath of marriage. Greece

Hyperion One of the Titans and an ancient Greek sun god. With his sister/wife Theia the parents of Selene, Eos, and Helios, by whom he was succeeded.

Hypno God of sleep. Bother of Thanatos (death) and Dreams. Son of Nox (night) and Erebus. Greece


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