
. Jaboajne The high god and creator of mankind. Normanby Island, Austraila

Jalang The all-powerful supreme being of the Bambara, Senegal to Niger

Jan A beneficent nat of the Kachins—”the sun”—is invoked for protection of the village. Burma

Jana Goddess of the moon. Etruscan

Jangkarang Matanandau The god of the sun. The Ngaju, Borneo ,BR>
Janus Originally a solar god associated with the daybreak, and therefore with beginnings and initiative. An important deity in the Roman Pantheon. Later he was considered the god of doorways, exits, and entrances, and gateways, both public and private. As God of Beginnings he was also a god of time and invoked before all gods in prayers. He was depicted as having two faces so as to see forward and behind simultaneously. The month "January" was named after him.

Jan Wunlang The god of the sun (the second generation of deities), son of Kringkrong wa and Ynong majan. The Katchins, Burma

Jara Hindu goddess of the household, domestic health, happiness and prosperity. The eater of corpses.

Jarilo God of light. Russia

(po) Jata The ”god of the heavenly regions, who emanates from” Po Ovlah. The Chams, Annam and Cambodia

Jen Finno Ugric god of the heavens whose weapon is the lightning. The Ziryen, District of Perm. Russia

Jessis A Slavic high god who is beneficent and protective.

Jewa-Jewa A sky god who intercedes with the creator for man and gives ”medicine” to the magician. The Benua, Malay Peninsula

Jih Kuan T’ai Yang A form of Jihn Kung T’ien Tsu as ”Director of Sun’s Orbit.” China

Jih Kung T’ien Tsu, Jih Kuan T’ai Yang, Jih Kung T’ai, Yang Tsun T’ien God of the day who ”is composed of fire, symbolizing yang the great life-giving principle of light and warmth.” China

Jin With Omel the creators of the world, Jin created all the good things, Omel the bad. Ziryen, Finno Ugrian, Russia

Jite-Jiro A compound deity—Heaven-Earth. The Gallongs (Adi), Northeastern India

Jizo Bosatsu Protector of mankind, especially women in childbirth. Rescued souls from the depths of hell. Symbolizes children, comfort, safety, protection from illness and evil, counsel of the dead, and the deceased. Japan

Jocchu Vague Maorocon An ”immortal invisible being…who lived in the heavens.” The Arawak, West Indies

jóhonaa’áí, Johanoai, djóxona’ai, Tsohanoai The Sun is believed to regulate peoples’ ”activities and thoughts,” to be omniscient regarding these and directing those which are good, constructive—influencing toward them. Considered by some to be an invisible solar god who guards and carries the sun. Husband of Estsanatlehi. The Navajo, Arizona and New Mexico

Jok An omnipotent and omnipresent high god and creator of the universe. He is a neutral power which can be activated by man for his benefit, is benevolent, but punishes neglect. The Lango and the Luo, Uganda

Jomali God of the sky. Iceland

Jongsuli-Young-Jongbu The sky, a deity of the Dhammai. Northeast India

Jord Primeval earth goddess. Mother of Thor and wife of Odin. Scandinavia

Jua, Dyiowa The sun god. The Issansu, the Kiswahili, the Kogogo. Tanzania

Jubmel, Ibmel The supreme sky god, an abstract deity. A term used also as ”god” in general. The Lapps, Northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, Kola Peninsula

Jugumishanta A goddess whose husband is Morufonu, created the earth and the sky. They are the parents of all. She is ”identified with the earth.” The Kamano, Usurufa, Jate, and Fore, New Guinea

Jumala Supreme creator god. Symbolizes the sky and thunder, weather, twilight, dusk, and the element of air. Finland

Jumo, Jume The supreme deity and sky god of the Cheremis. Russia

Jumala A Finno Ugric supreme being and sky god.

Juno Roman goddess of the home and motherhood/women, wife of Jupiter. Watched and protected all women. Her festival is Matronalia, where people asked Juno to bless their marriages and provide a safe childbirth and a healthy newborn. Juno restores peace to quarreling lovers. Also symbolizes the moon, the moon, love, fertility. See also Hera.

Juok The supreme god and creator is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, is identified with the wind, with the air in motion. He is usually approached through Nyakang. The Shilluk and the Anuak, Sudan, Ethiopia

Jupiter, Jove The celestial and sovereign god of the Roman pantheon. As the former he controlled the weather (symbolizes the element air), wielding the thunder and lightning, and providing omens of the sky in the lightning and in the flight of birds. As a sovereign deity he was the god of politics, of laws and order, of justice, and of oaths and contracts. His consort was Juno. As Jupiter Lucetius he was a god of light; J. Elicius, god of rain; J. Fulgus, god of the sowing; J. Terminus, god of boundary stones; J. Latiaris, god of state. Italy See also Zeus.

Jupka A great god who ”fished up the uncreated world from the ocean floor.” When it had been developed he created people. He then taught them about the moons and seasons and all the rites and activities pertaining to them; of the rules governing the wowi (the home, hearth) and the watgurwa (the men’s house); about death and the land of the dead; of the Yahi way which was that of peace. When all was done he transformed himself into a many-colored butterfly. The Yahi (southern Yana), California

Jurupari Among the Tupi a god associated with the sun. Brazil

Juti Mara Edutzi, Izeti Mara Edutzi The sun god of the Araona. Bolivia

Juventas Roman goddess of youth.


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