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Opening Act: Chapter 10

"Now our next guest has gone multi platinum in both Europe and the United States," Rosie began, "Please welcome *N SYNC!"

"Can this be true, tell me can this be real, how can I put in to words what I feel, my life was complete, I thought I was whole why do I feel like I'm losing control," Justin sang. They were all dressed in white and all looked mad hott.

"We'll be right back," Rosie said as they cut to a commercial.

"Nick leave me alone!" I yelled.




"FINE! I'M LEAVING!" I yelled and ran out in the hall and could hear Rosie talking with *N SYNC and figured the show was back on.

"Allie!" JC shouted and ran towards me.

"Why aren't you on stage?" I questioned.

"Still a commercial break, anyway I'm gonna ask Nikki to marry me."

"You are?"

"Yep, I figured we've known each other our entire lives why not."

"She's gonna flip."

"Literally? Well I'm doing it on the air."

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed and hugged JC "She'll definitely say yes!"

"I sure hope so, but I was hoping you could get her to be by the stage when Rosie asks if we have girlfriends."

"Sure," I replied.

"Thanks so much!" JC shouted and ran off.

"Okay I'm back with *N SYNC," said Rosie as the guys sat next to her, "So how's it been going?"

"Great," Chris said, "We just recovered and are starting in the studio next week."

"Any idea when the albums coming out?"

"Late December," Joey replied not knowing what else to say.

"Now, I read some where Justin was going out with Britney Spears, this true?"

"Heck no!" Justin responded, "We went out once when we were like 12, but haven't since."

"Okay since we're on the topic any of you have a girlfriend?"

"I do," Lance said happily.

"So do I," Chris added.

"I just broke up with someone last week," Joey said sorta teary eyed and everyone awed.

"Well it depends," Justin began.

"On what?" Rosie asked.

"I'm not going out with anyone, but," Justin began but was interrupted by screaming fans. "BUT" Justin said again as everyone became quite, "I'm engaged."

"Oh my gosh," Rosie responded, "I wasn't even expecting that one so what about you JC?"

"I am, but after today were not gonna be dating her anymore, I hope."

"So you're breaking up?"

"No," JC began, "Umm I was hoping that somebody would bring my girlfriend on stage, like say Allie."

"Oh, Nikki now," I replied and pushed her.

"Gee thanks!"

"You're welcome!" I replied as I felt a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Oh god," JC thought as his heart began to race and every step seemed to take an eternity.

"He better not do this to me now!" Nikki screamed in her thoughts.

"Now I know how Justin felt when he asked Allie," JC thought, what seemed like hours he reached her, JC looked at the other guys and he could see them all smiling.

"Way to go JC," they all thought since it was pretty obvious what he was doing.

"Oh god, he is doing it!" Nikki thought as JC got down on one knee.

A moment later JC found his ability to speak. "Brownie?"

"JCCCC." Nikki whined, then whispered, "Don't call me that."

"Okay, Nicole Elizabeth, I've known you since MMC and I love you so much, will you marry me?"

"Oh my YES!" Nikki responded as JC took out a beautiful engagement ring. Everyone clapped including the fans, which surprised the guys.

"Okay girls 2/5's of your band are already taken, start claiming!" Rosie joked and *N SYNC laughed.

"Nick stay away," I replied pushing his hand off my shoulder.

"You know you want me," he responded.

"No, I don't!" I replied and could feel his arms around me, "Get off or I'll, I'll" "Or you'll what? Get Justin to come hurt me? You know he couldn't."

"Yes he could! Now GET OFF!!!!!!" I screamed and was almost positive everyone onstage heard me.

"What the?" Rosie asked.

"NICK STOP!!!!!!" I screamed really loudly, "JUSTIN!!! HELP ME!!!"

"I'll be right back," Justin sad and ran backstage to see Nick all over me.

"We'll be right back," Rosie said as they went to a commercial break and looked at 4/5's of *N SYNC.

"What the hell man!?!?" Justin screamed and shoved Nick.

"You wanna fight?" Nick asked facing Justin, "because I beat your ass once and I sure as hell can do it again."

"No, I just don't want you touching Allie," Justin replied calmly.

"You mean like this?" Nick asked as he groped me, I slapped him and Justin leaped on him taking him onto the floor.

"You son of a bitch!" Justin mumbled and punched Nick in the nose making it bleed.

"You ass!" Nick yelled as Justin let him up and Nick ran off, "We'll meet again! And when we do you'll be sorry Justin!"

"Are you okay?" Justin asked me.

"Yeah," I replied with tears running down my cheeks.

"Come here," Justin said hugging me tightly.

"Okay we're back with *N SYNC," Rosie said looking at 4/5's of *N SYNC again, "Well now we know never to have BSB and *N SYNC on this show together."

"We do get along," Chris said, "It's just Nick who hates Justin, but Justin does try to get along with Nick, it just never works."

"Okay, well I guess that's it for today, on tomorrow's show Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck, and Third eye blind."

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Chapter 11

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