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Opening Act: Chapter 9

"Today on Rosie hit sensations *N SYNC and the Backstreet Boys! Hit it John!" a lady shouted four weeks later.

"Are you gonna tell everyone?" I asked Justin quietly as BSB performed 'I want it that way.'

"I'm not sure," Justin replied looking deeply into my eyes.

"Okay, but if you do, be prepared," I replied smiling as Justin looked at me, "What?"

"Nothing," Justin said and started laughing.

"JC I gotta tell you something," Nikki said brining him into a corner of the green room.

"What?" JC questioned. "Well, I went to the doctors with Allie to find out why I've been so sick lately and"

"And what?" JC questioned.

"We're having a baby," Nikki said.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" JC shouted as he picked Nikki up and spun her around. He stared at her and kissed her for a really long time.

"What?" Joey asked as everyone stared at them.

"Nikki and I are having a BABY!" JC shouted barely controlling himself.

"That's so cool!" Justin said.

"Definitely!" Lance, Joey, Chris, and Melissa agreed while Nikki and Allie hugged.

"You wanna continue the good news?" Justin asked me.

"Okay," I replied.

"Allie and I are engaged!" Justin said just as BSB walked in and the look on Nick's face was priceless.

"You're what?!?" Nick yelled.

"You heard me," Justin said standing half way in front of me.

"Allie, you're marrying this curly haired freak?" Nick asked looking at me.

"Justin's not a freak!" I yelled about ready to take Nick's head off.

"Yes he is! God I'm a billion times better!"

"Nick if you're a billion times better then how come I'm not having your baby!?!?!"

"What?" everyone asked at once as they looked at me curiously.

"I said Nick if you're a billion times better then how come I'm not having your baby," I repeated slowly.

"We're having a baby!?!" Justin asked excitedly as I shook my head yes.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Justin added happily and kissed me passionately which sent Nick over the edge.

"You bastard!" Nick shouted as he ran forward and rammed into Justin's side sending them both tumbling on to the ground. Nick straddled Justin and punched him in the face giving him a black eye and bloody nose before the rest of BSB and *N SYNC pulled Nick off.

"Are you okay?" I questioned Justin as he sat on the floor.

"I'll be fine," Justin said in a hushed whisper

. "Nick what the hell is your problem?" I heard Brian ask.

"Him!" Nick said pointing at Justin.

"Justin NEVER did anything to you!" JC yelled in defense of his best friend.

"He took my woman!" Nick yelled.

"Excuse me?" I asked facing Nick, "I'm not your woman! Nor am I Justin's! I don't belong to anyone. God just 'cause I'm his fiance' doesn't make me his property!" With that I bent down next to Justin as we hugged.

"You guys ready?" Rosie asked coming in the green room.

"No," Justin said glaring at Nick, "I gotta go to make up real quick."

"Okay, you guys have 5 minutes," Rosie said walking out as Justin ran off to make up.

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Chapter 10

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