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Opening Act: Chapter 11

"Justin, I've been doing a lot of thinking and..." I began a month later.

"And what?" Justin asked.

"I wanna go back to Florida to finish school. I mean it's not you, I've just been waiting to go to my senior prom since I was like 5, no wait I think I was 4, anyway I hope you don't take this the wrong way," I replied as Justin stared at me. "What?" I questioned.

Justin put his hands on my stomach, looked up at me and smiled, "I can't believe we're having a baby."

"I know, it's so great," I replied and put my hands on his.


"Nikki you okay?" JC asked knocking softly on the bathroom door.

"No!" Nikki said as she vomited.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah!" she said as he walked in.

JC sat beside her and rubbed her back, "It'll be okay," JC tried to reassure her.

"It might be okay, but I feel like I'm gonna die," Nikki replied and vomited again.

"So you're not mad that I don't wanna get my diploma in a hotel room?" I questioned Justin.

"Of course not, I've never been to an actual graduation, so it'll be cool," Justin replied taking his hands off my stomach.

"Good," I said then added, "You'll even get to go to a senior prom."

"You know, I've always wanted to go to a prom," Justin retorted.

"That's good, I just have to pray that no one will ask me 'bout you," I replied and got a confused look from Justin, "Everyone in my school loves *N SYNC. I mean even the guys think you're cool."

"I think I'm gonna like your school," Justin said and kissed me lightly.

"I don't know about liking my school, but I sure like you kissing me," I said a moment later and Justin flashed his million dollar smile making me feel like I was heaven.

"JC?" Nikki said a week later as they lied on the couch of the tour bus together after everyone else had gone asleep.

"What brownie?" JC asked.

"I was doing a lot of thinking and I wanna go back to school," she said quietly.

"I don't wanna leave you, but I want you to go and finish high school," JC said.

"Thank you for understanding," Nikki said and smiled.

"Yessssssss!" Justin shouted.

"What?" Lance asked.

"Were in Memphis!" Justin shouted smiling.

"Let me guess we gotta drop you off at your dads?" James shouted from the front of the bus.

"My dad lives in Florida! Daddy lives in Memphis!" Justin shouted and everyone laughed at him.

"What?" Justin asked turning a deep shade of red.

"You are just too cute," I replied.

"Why thank you," Justin said making everyone laugh harder my his instant majority.

"Chris move! I gotta pee!" Joey said making his way for the bathroom.

"We didn't need to know that!" Lance said.

"We gotta tell um," Justin said holding my hand that night as we walked up to his dad's house. (No wait I mean his daddy.) Unfortunately we could tell most of all of Justin's Tennessee family was there since it was the last day of the month. Justin rang the doorbell and my heart skipped a beat as Justin's little brother Jonathan opened the door.

"Hey cutie," I said as I bent down and picked him up.

"Allie!" he shouted and gave me a big hug.

"Oh, hi Justin!" Jonathan said and jumped into Justin's arms.

"Hey little buddy!" Justin said as he hugged him and threw him on his shoulder.

"Put me down!" Jonathan shrieked as Justin ran in the house and I soon followed and were both welcomed by lots of smiling faces and hello's.

"Now or later?" Justin whispered in my ear.

"Later," I whispered as we sat.

"Is that what I think it is?" Justin's aunt Gen asked about a half-hour later.

"Is what?" I asked turning to look at her.

"Your ring," Gen said.

I looked down at it and smiled, "It depends what you think it is?"

"An engagement ring," Gen said and everyone except the little kids looked over.

"Then" I said slowly and glanced at Justin and could see him smiling and turned back as I felt his hand on mine, "you'd be right."

A short silence fell when Justin's daddy spoke, "Okay, I was right, Tim pay up." As Justin's Uncle Tim gave his daddy a chunk of bills.

"I can't believe you!" Justin said with pain in his eyes and his voice, "You make a joke out of everything! This is the best thing that's happened to me and you don't even care enough to be serious!"

"Well I think it's wonderful," Justin's step mom said.

"I don't give a fuck what you think!" Justin yelled and ran outside.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Jonathan shouted.

"Don't say that!" Lisa snapped.

"I'll be right back," I said walking outside and sat next to Justin on the curb, his head in his hands.

"You okay?" I questioned and Justin's head popped up.

"No, god I'm such a screw up. I mean I'm 19, getting married, and having a child!" he cried.

"Justin, that's not screwed up! Just because you found someone you want to get married to when your 19 doesn't mean your screwed up," I said, "as a matter a fact I'm glad I'm marrying you and having your child!" By now, as I'm sure you could tell, I was pretty pissed, I mean there's nothing like having your fiance' say he's screwed up for getting married.

"Allie?" Justin said a couple minutes later.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I said what I did," he retorted and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, "'Cause I'll always love you."

"Ditto," I said in a hushed whisper as he kissed me lightly and I thought about our first kiss.

"You're so sweet," I said as Justin put his jacket around me.

"I'm not sweet!" Justin cried, being 13 you'd have to understand.

"Okay, you're not sweet!" I cried.

"Thank you," Justin said and put his hand on mine, "Have you ever been kissed?"

"Of course not," I said.

"Would you care if I, I mean we kissed?" Justin asked.

"Hell yeah!" I shouted, "I mean it's not like we're even dating! On top of that why would I want your coudies!?!" I stood up, threw his jacket on the ground and ran off, Justin right behind me. He grabbed my arm, making me stop suddenly and I fell, him on top of me. "Ow!"

"I'm sorry!" Justin screamed.

"You better be!" I yelled.

"Well I love you!" Justin shouted.

"Well, I love you too!" I shouted back and we wrapped our arms around each other and kissed for the 1st time.

End Flashback

"What?" Justin asked as I laughed uncontrollably.

"I was just thinking of the 1st time we kissed."

"That was pretty funny," Justin agreed as his daddy and step mom sat next to us.

"I'm sorry," Justin began.

"No I'm sorry," Justin's daddy interrupted, "it wasn't right of me to joke about something so important to you."

"Thanks daddy, and mom I'm sorry I yelled at you," Justin responded.

"It's okay, although John does know how to curse now" Lisa said trailing off and we all became silent.

"We're having a baby," Justin said a minute later and his daddy and mom hugged the both of us and I grabbed my stomach and bent over screaming in pain. "Oh my god!"

"I'll get the car," Randy said hurrying off as Justin picked me up and Lisa ran inside to tell everyone where we were going. A moment later we were on our way to the hospital and Justin was calling the guys on his cell phone.

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Chapter 12

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