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Opening Act: Chapter 12

"JC stop!" Nikki squeaked as they sat on the bed of their hotel room, JC tickling her profusely. Nikki was lying on her back, JC sitting on her hips keeping most his weight off and was tickling her stomach.

"NO!" JC shouted.




"Okay fine," JC said and rolled next to her on his back, and Nikki rolled over onto her stomach and supported herself on her elbows.

"Thank you," Nikki said as laid her head on his chest and draped an arm across him, then continued, "I love you."

"I love you too sweet heart," JC replied and pulled her body towards his face, and kissed her lips softly. Nikki moved slowly on top of him as they continued kissing. A moment later the telephone rang just as JC had stuck his hands under Nikki's shirt they both sighed as JC picked up the phone.

"Who ever this is you better have a good reason for calling."

"There's something wrong with Allie, and we're going to the hospital so we probably won't be back tonight," Justin explained quickly.

"Okay, that's a good reason, I'll tell the guys," JC said and hung up the phone as Justin started to talk again.

"Who was it?" Nikki questioned.

"Justin, he's going to the hospital 'cause there's something wrong with Allie and-" JC began.

"Us-hospital-now!" Nikki interrupted and headed for the door JC right behind her.

"Okay, just let me tell the guys," JC said.

"Which one of you is Justin Timberlake?" a doctor asked an hour later.

"I am," Justin said standing up and walked over to the doctor, "is she gonna be okay?"

"Ms. Lachey is going to be fine. I'd just like to keep her here over night," the doctor replied.

"Well what was wrong?" Justin asked.

"I think she better tell you," the doctor said, "you can go see her, she's in room 131."

"Thanks," Justin said and walked down a long hall. "Baby, you okay?"

"No," I said crying as Justin came over. He sat on the edge of the bed and held me tight in his arms.

"I... I had a miscarriage," I whispered while crying.

"I'm so sorry, but we'll get through this," Justin replied as tears ran down his cheeks. I wrapped my arms around him as we cried together.

"What happened?" Nikki and JC asked coming in.

"I lost our baby," I said quietly, and they both understood and hugged both Justin and I.

"Did you tell the other guys?" Justin questioned JC since he had calmed down somewhat.

"Yeah, there in the waiting room," JC replied.

"Thanks," Justin said quietly and held me tight.

"We're gonna go so the other guys can come in," JC replied as him and Nikki walked out.

2 weeks later

"Okay, start praying," I replied as Nikki and I stood outside the high school.

"Don't remind me," Nikki replied rolling her eyes.

"Why would I not?" I replied as we walked in to our *N SYNC loving school.

"NIKKI WAIT UP!!!!!!!!!!" we both heard someone yell.

"What?" Nikki asked.

"I saw you set engaged to JC on Rosie," Jill said.

"Yeah, no big deal," Nikki replied walking off.

"What bug crawled up her ass," Jill muttered.

"Shut up!" I said loudly.

"Excuse me?"

"That's right," I replied following Nikki. Needless to say the rest of our day sucked since everyone kept asking us 'bout *N SYNC. (I mean how were we supposed to know what kind of toothpaste they use? Well okay so we know but its not a very important detail.)

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Chapter 13

Email me your comments and I'll send them to Allie