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Opening Act: Chapter 13

"Hey Hun, how was school?" JC questioned that night as Justin, JC, Nikki, and I sat at dinner at JC and Justin's house.

"Bad, no one would leave us alone, I mean like Allie and I are really suppose to know what kind of toothpaste you guys use?" Nikki replied as we all laughed.

"No the best part was seeing Jill's face when I told her off," I added as we laughed harder.

"Or when Stacey asked if Justin really microwaves cats in his spare time," Nikki pointed out as we all laughed hysterically.

"Where do people come up with this stuff?" JC questioned through fits of laughter.

"I know really? Next they'll be asking if JC eats the cats I supposedly microwave," Justin added.

"Actually," I began.

"You're serious?" JC and Justin asked wide-eyed.

"No, but it's possible," I retorted smiling devilishly.

"Now you're gonna get it!" Justin yelled as he came after me and I ran for his room.

"Those two are so weird," JC said shaking his head and held Nikki's hand.

"I heard that!!!!" Justin yelled as he slammed his door shut and I shrieked because he had caught me.

"NO JUSTIN STOP!!!!!" I yelled through fits of laughter.

"Who's the best?" Justin asked as he sat on top of me and I squirmed beneath him.

"Joey," I replied as Justin tickled me all over, "NO!!!! It's you! You're the best!"

"Actually I'm not, but thank you," Justin retorted and lied on his stomach next to me. He gently placed his hand on my stomach as we lied on his bed, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" I asked quietly as I put my hand on top of his.

"For getting mad at you when we were in Memphis," Justin replied.

"I was never mad at you," I retorted.

"Well I still feel bad," Justin remarked.

"Well then you're forgiven," I said and looked deeply into his baby blue eyes.

"Good, but I-" Justin began.

"Still feel bad," I interrupted.

"Yeah," Justin answered.

"I love you," I said as his lips met mine.

"I love you too," Justin said between kisses, as he slowly moved his hands up my body and stopped right under my breasts.

"Justin stop," I said quietly as he kissed my neck.

"Ok, whatever you want," Justin replied and got off of me.

"It's not you," I responded as he looked at me oddly.

"Do you think god put us on this earth to be together," Justin asked curiously.

"Maybe, why?" I responded.

"Just wondering," Justin answered.


"What babe?"

"Do you think Nick's gonna do anything to you?"

"I hope not, I don't want to see him again," Justin retorted, "Even though we have to tomorrow night for the MTV awards."

"Oh crap! I forgot bout it, I have nothing to wear!" I yelled jokingly.

"Go naked, I know a few people who wouldn't mind," Justin answered.

"Ok, how bout I try it out on you first?" I responded as I rolled on top of Justin.

"Brownie? Where are you?" JC asked a couple minutes later, "This isn't funny!"

"Of course it is!" Nikki said jumping out in front of him. JC screamed and jumped bout 3 feet in the air, causing Nikki to laugh hysterically.

"Oh! So you think that's funny!?!?" JC yelled and began to run after Nikki.

"JC! NO! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!" Nikki screamed as JC held her by the pool. "And why would I not?"

"Because, if you do, then I just might have to . . . I know! I'll leave you!"

"You wouldn't," JC responded kinda nervous as he put her down.

"Of course not!" Nikki yelled and pushed JC in the pool.

"GEE THANKS!!!!!" JC shouted.

"You're welcome!" Nikki replied.

"Kay, me and no one else," Justin said as he and I lied on his bed.

"Fine, I'll just have to go get something for tomorrow then," I responded.

"No!" Justin argued and pulled me tight against him, "You're NOT leaving me."

"Fine, I'll wear something of yours then," I said jokingly.

"Okay," Justin responded as I playfully smacked him.

"Don't think so!" I added as I got out of his grasp.

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