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Opening Act: Chapter 14

"Okay you all know how much I love to party" JC started, "But we have a concert and interview tomorrow and I don't want any of you with really bad hangovers" "Yes dad" they all said and ran off in different ways.

"Nick." Howie said waving his hand in front of Nick who was mesmerized by Allie dancing.

"Huh? Oh hey Howie." Nick said taking his attention off Allie.

"Just making sure if you were still there or should I say if you were still alive!" Howie replied.

"Shut up!" Nick replied as he stormed off.

"What did I say?" Howie asked AJ.

"You just dissed him for the girl he loves." AJ retorted.

Lance sat alone at *Nsync's reserved table. Danielle couldn't make it out because she had to film another episode of 'Boy Meets World' which left him dateless and bored out of his mind. He picked at the little bit of dirt under his fingernails and then looked up and scanned the large room. It was all the basic people there, Eminem, Blink-182, Hanson, Limp Bizkit but there was one person who caught his eye. She was wearing tight black pants and a silver halter-top. Her soft reddish brown hair was pulled back in a bun with two strands left hanging which framed her face and drew attention to her hazel eyes. "God she's gorgeous," Lance thought to himself and found himself getting up and walking over to her.

"Hi Lance," she said as she saw that he was shocked that she knew his name. "I'm Minda."

"Hi Minda do you want to dance with me?" Lance asked as Brandy's 'Have you ever' started to play.

"I'd love to," Minda responded as he put his arms around her waist, holding her close while she rested her arms around his neck.

"So why did you dance with me?" She asked.

"I'm dateless and you seemed like you needed someone to dance with." Lance replied.

"Oh well I'm here with my cousin Jennifer..." Minda said as she was interuppted. "Jennifer Love Hewitt?" Lance asked. "Yeah she invited me because she claims I'm the only cool cousin in the family." Minda whispered to Lance so the entire world wouldn't hear.

"Oh so I'm guessing the rest of your family are little people?" Lance replied.

"Yea basically I'm 20 and then the next closest one is 11 so you know." she said.

"Yea I know." Lance replied. 'God I want her,' he thought to himself.

"What's wrong babe?" Justin asked me as he saw my eyes grow wider.

"It's Lance." I began. "And?" Justin interrupted. "He's dancing with some other girl.. and you know Danny will flip if she finds out!" I exclaimed. "Well what Danny doesn't know won't hurt her." Justin replied kissing my lips softly.

"HOLY SHIT!" Joey said as he looked over at Lance.

"What?" Lance asked throw gritted teeth.

"Danielle?" He said simply into Lance's ear.

"Yeah I know but look at her, she looks so innoscent. Her name is Minda." Lance responded taking in the fresh image of Minda's gorgeous curves and long flowing hair. 'Hey what Danielle and Minda don't know won't hurt them,' he thought.

"Yeah ok but be carefull!" Joey said.

Minda walked over, "It's hot in here," Minda said a few minutes later.

"You want to go out back?" Lance asked.

"Sure," she replied slipping her soft hand into his. They walked out back and sat on a bench that over looked a clear blue lake. As they sat Lance wrapped his arms around her and she rested her head against his shoulder. "I'm glad we met." Minda whispered.

"Me too," Lance replied dreamily as she took her head off his shoulder. He looked over at her and lowered his head slightly and met his lips with hers. She placed her arms around his neck and massaged her tongue against his as he ran his hands down her soft bare back.

"Stop, this isn't right." Minda replied.

"What wrong?" Lance asked.

"We really don't know eachother, plus you have a girlfriend," Minda said, "And I don't want to get in the way of that."

"Oh Minda? I'm sorry," Lance replied.

"Me to Lance, I really like you and I was hoping this was gonna work but it can't not while you are with Danielle." Minda said.

"I think it's time to go" JC said to the us.

"But it's only midnight," Justin said as he tried to read the spinning numbers on what he hoped was his watch.

"Try 3:30am!" JC said as he saw Lance walking in with Minda.

"Looks like I got to go," Lance said.

"Call me," Minda said and wrote her number down for Lance.

"Bye," Lance said kissing her cheek softly.

"Bye," Minda replied walking off.

Lance walked over to us slowly with a sly, happy, satisfied grin on his face. He looked up and waited for someone to yell at him.

"Danielle?" JC asked him.

"Yea I know, I know." Lance replied as they got into the limo. His grin faded, 'God I'm dead,' Lance thought as the limo pulled away from the curb.

"Hey! I just realized something!" Nick said out loud to no one since he was in his hotel room. "Allie had sex with the ass wipe when she was still 17 thus its statutory rape, I think I'll just have to get Justin arrested," He said smiling deviously.


"Wahoo another video!!!!" Joey said excitedly mostly because he would get to flirt with all the girls on the set.

"Your just saying that because you get to hit on all the hot girls," Chris replied.

"Not true!" Joey said as a girl wearing tight leather pants and green tub top walked by, "I'll be right back," Joey continued and walked off talking to her.

"Yes true," Chris said as everyone laughed.

"Okay I found the director!" JC said as everyone else groaned.

"Ah! There you guys are!" He said walking over, "please step into my office."

"Okay ready and action!" James, the director said to Justin who was on a little set of a restaurant, sweeping the floor. He put the broom down and drifted off into a daydream. A guy walks over to him and hands him some money as the song starts and Justin begins to sing.

"Thank god it's Friday night and I Just." he sang as the other guys popped up from the counter and sang, "Just-just-just-juuuuuuust got paid.(Money, money, money, money) yea, oh"

"Cut!" James shouted, "Perfect okay next scene!"

"Okay one more scene after this!" James said as he walked off the makeshift club.

"You all know the dance right?" Dennis asked.

"YES!" everyone said at him since he had asked for the millionth time.

"And ACTION!" James said as the music started up and all the extras started dancing.

"On the floor, rockin' to the beat (rockin' to the beat). All ways, sure looks sweet (sweet thing). Fine young lady, standin' by (you look fine tonite). Come on baby, sweet my delight... I love the way that you move Said, you look so sweet. When you're movin' to the beat I'm tired all these boring parties, baby Why don't we get on down, let's get on down," JC sang as the guys walked in and started dancing along with everyone else.

"Just got paid, Friday night, party hoppin', feeling right bootie shakin' all around, pump the jam, while I'm getting down," the guys sang for the last time as Justin stopped and said, "I'm broke."

"GREAT!" James shouted, "last scene now!" They walked back over to the restaurant scene, and had Justin get in the same position as before, "Action!" The boss walks in and wakes Justin up and shoes him off to work, "That's a wrap!" James said as everyone went to change out of their clothes.

"Everyone ready to go?" JC asked a half an hour later as he looked around and saw everyone in their normal clothes.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Joey said as he ran for the door but stopped short as two cops walked in.

"Are you Justin Timberlake?" One of them asked.

"No," Joey said.

"Okay who in here is Justin Timberlake?" The other asked.

"I... I am," Justin said softly.

"Your under arrest, you have to right to remain silent," they said as they grabbed Justin and put handcuffs on him.

"What the heck did I do that's against the law!" Justin screamed as they dragged him out of the room.

Chapter 15

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