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Opening Act: Chapter 5

BSB was onstage at the Arena practicing the new dance steps with Fatima Robinson while Jus, Angel, BJ, and Leslie sat around in total boredom, with absolutely nothing to do. "And that's what make's you larger then life," AJ finished singing.

"Very good, now this time go down, up, down," Fatima said looking at Nick.

"Well sorry for living," Nick replied sorta, very peeved. So far his day had been shit, he was being criticized over every little thing and the girl he adored most was at the hospital with his archrival that he absolutely despised.

"Nick, gosh, calm down," Brian replied smirking.

"Calm down!" Nick almost screamed, "How am I suppose to calm down? No one's leaving me alone and I lost the girl of my dreams to faggy Justin Timberlake! And AJ keep your eyes off of BJ!!!!!" With that Nick ran off, everyone a little surprised and shocked.

"I don't know 'bout the rest of you, but I'm leaving. God, I'd so rather be with *N SYNC," Jus said getting up.

"Oh that's just great!" Nick yelled.

"Well excuse me!" Jus yelled and ran out.

"Allie?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I turned around to see Justin's entire immediate family. (Including step parents.)

"Oh, hi," I replied quietly because I knew I was about to start crying at any moment.

"How's Justin?" Jonathan, Justin's 5-year-old half brother, asked.

"Not so good sweety," Lisa, Justin's step mom, said looking at me.

"He's in a deep sleep and won't wake up."

"Justin baby, you're family's here, I'm gonna let them talk to you and I'll be right back," I said letting go of his hand and walked into the hall. I sat against a wall, pulled my legs up against my chest, and held them as I cried quietly.

"Hey Allie, what's wrong with Justin?" Nikki asked sitting next to me.

"He's dying," I whispered, "and I can't do anything about it. I mean I know he can hear me, but he's not responding."

"It's okay," Nikki replied as we hugged and cried and Mel, Joey, Lance, and Danielle walked out because they must have heard us and gathered around us.

"Oh god! Somebody get a doctor!" we all heard a voice scream from in Justin's room, a moment later doctor's and nurse's ran in and hurried Justin to ICU because he was physically dead. (Went flat lined.)

"Oh god, Justin," I replied clasping to the floor crying hysterically, as everyone else tried to comfort me, while Chris and JC sat and wondered what was going on.

"I'm so bored," BJ said to nobody in particular. They were still at the arena and the guys were still practicing.

"Then why don't you go see *N Stink too!" Nick yelled.

"You know what, I will!! And it's *N SYNC!" BJ yelled back as Leslie and Angel followed her.

"You're loss!"

"God Nick, what's your problem?" Brian asked.

"Nothing, now leave me alone!" Nick said and stormed off again.

"Take 5," Fatima said as they all sat on the stage, while Brian and AJ tried to find Nick, but couldn't because they figured he had run into the woods and weren't about to go in there.

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