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Opening Act: Chapter 6

A week later Chris, JC, and Justin were still in the hospital, but Lance and Joey were out.

"Justin baby if you can here me squeeze my hand," I said, he was still in his coma but was starting to come out of it. (That's why he was no longer in ICU, and most of the tubes had been taken out.) I stood there for about a minute when I felt something on my hand, sure enough Justin had squeezed it.

"Oh my god!" I yelled excitedly as Nikki, Lance, Joey, Mel, Rachel, Danielle, and a doctor ran in.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asked.

"He responded," I replied smiling as I got 7 confused looks. "I told him to squeeze my hand and he did."

"Okay, that's good, that means he should be out of his coma at anytime," the doctor replied.

"How about now?" Lance asked gesturing towards Justin, and we all turned to see him slowly opening his eyes.

"Justin?" I questioned.

"Allie? Is that you?" Justin questioned.

"I'm here," I replied, "Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, I was playing poker with Chris, and JC, and we got in a car crash," he retorted as the doctor helped him sit up.

"That's right," I retorted.

"Hey guy's, where are Chris and JC?" Justin asked looking around.

"There in there rooms, but they can't get out of bed," Lance said.

"Oh," Justin said quietly.

"Justin, I have to run some tests on you, but I got to get them ready, so you have 5 minutes," the doctor said walking out.

"Can you guys leave us alone for a minute?" Justin asked everyone who was still in the room.

"Yeah sure," Rachel said as they walked out.

"I could hear you talking to me," Justin said intertwining our fingers, "and I felt bad cause I couldn't talk back."

"Don't worry about it," I replied then continued, "Your mom said they'd be back around one."

"Okay," Justin replied. As we sat in awkward silence. "2 minutes," Justin added.



"I love you," I replied, "and I was so afraid I was gonna lose you."

"It'll be okay," Justin said hugging me. I stared into his baby blue eyes and leaned forward slightly our lips were just about to touch when the doctor walked in and we quickly pulled apart.

"Oh my god, Chris, Justin's out of his coma," Mel said happily as she kissed him lightly so as not to hurt him.

"That's great! Does JC know?" Chris questioned.

"I don't know, but I'm sure someone will tell him," she replied as a doctor walked in.

"Okay Chris, we're gonna take some more x-rays," the doctor informed him and wheeled him to the x-ray room.

An hour later Justin was done with his tests and the doctor moved on to JC.

"So, how about we continue where we left off?" Justin suggested.

"Gladly," I replied as we wrapped our arms around each other, leaned forward, and started to kiss. It was just about to turn extremely passionate when we heard people walking in and quickly broke apart to see Justin's family.

"Okay Chris, your bones are heeling perfectly fine and your casts can come off in about three weeks," the doctor informed Chris as two nurses wheeled him back into his room.

"That's great, the sooner, the better," Chris retorted as he saw Melissa and the nurses and doctors left.

"Well?" Mel impatiently asked.

"The doc. said I get the casts off in three weeks, which is good, but bad cause I obviously can't do anything," Chris informed her.

"BJ, Jus, what are you guys doing here?" I questioned as I left Justin's room.

"Nick," they said together.

"Say no more, god he's so annoying," I replied.

"Tell me about it, anyway, we figured that while Nick was being an ass hole we'd come see how the dudes are doing," Jus added.

"Well Joey and Lance went home, Chris, JC, and Justin are still here," I replied, "So I'm just gonna grab a bite to eat, and I'll catch up with you guys later." I walked off and Jus and BJ went to visit JC

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Chapter 7

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