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Opening Act: Chapter 7

A week later the guys surprisingly were home but couldn't do anything. Nikki, JC, Justin, and I were at JC and Justin's house.

"Now remember this is the only time in your life that I'll wait on you and nurse you back to health," Nikki reminded him while JC sat on the couch and Nikki kneeled next to him.

"Oh man, I was having fun doing nothing," JC replied.

"Yeah but ya gotta get back onstage," Nikki added.

"So do you," JC pointed out.

"Jus took Allie's spot in Devilishly Angelic, and there using the name Fanatic since Allie thought it up and she restricted all the songs she wrote."

"In English this means?" JC replied.

"Allie, Mel, and I quit to be with you guys," Nikki summarized.

"Really? Just for us?" JC questioned.

"No. I did it just for you," Nikki replied staring into JC's eyes.

"Nikki?" JC questioned.

"Yeah?" she said back.

"I just wanted to say I never realized how beautiful you are."

Nikki blushed uncontrollably, then jokingly added, "You're not so bad yourself."

"That's real cute," JC said, then added "I've been wanting to do this since I first met you." JC sitting up slightly and wrapped his arms around Nicole. He pulled her close and gently kissed her lips. Nikki was shocked but she too wrapped her arms around him and made sure to kiss back.

"Will you hold still?" I questioned as Justin squirmed in his bed.

"No! I hate that medicine, it tastes so nasty!" Justin said loudly.

"You said your head hurts now take it, and then we can have fun!"

"Fine, but I get to choose what we do."

"Fine," I replied sticking a spoon full of liquid Tylenol in Justin's mouth.

"That was icky," Justin replied acting like a 4-year-old. "Now, for the fun."

"Which would be?" I asked lying on my stomach, next to him on his bed.

"Do you have to ask?" Justin commented as he intertwined our fingers.

"Okay, let's see my horny little boyfriend is in bed with me, and he wants to have fun that won't hurt his leg?"

"Try this on for size," Justin interrupted sticking his tongue in my mouth and frenched me.

"Yeah that would work," I replied a minute later, kissing him softly.

"That was different," Nikki said as her and JC stopped kissing.

"But it was nice," JC added.

"Yep," Nikki replied waiting for him to say something.

"Nikki? Would you be my girlfriend?" JC questioned.

"I thought you'd never ask," Nikki replied with a huge smile on her face, "Okay, medicine time."

"You get joy out of this don't you?" JC questioned.

"Of course," Nikki replied.

"Do the train noises?" JC hopefully questioned.

"Fine, chugga, chugga, chugga, choo, choo!" Nikki responded shoving a spoon in JC's mouth and they both started laughing.

"You okay Chris?" Melissa asked.

"Do I look okay? 'Cause if I do then it's a miracle," Chris replied.

"You look ravishing. But how do you feel?"

"Okay, I'll be better when I'm cast free, but you're making me feel better," Chris replied.

Melissa blushed and kissed him lightly. "I'll be right back," Melissa said standing up.

"Okay babe," Chris replied smiling.

"Medicine time," Mel said smiling.

"If I could run I would," Chris replied, as Melissa laughed at his expression and pried open his mouth and stuck in 2 pills.

"Swallow," Melissa demanded and started to think about her and Chris.

With Nick, Brian, and Leigh

"You okay frack?" Brian asked sitting next to his best friend.

"No," Nick replied and looked at Leigh, "Leigh do girls ever leave their boyfriends to be with someone who they tolerate?"

"Sometimes, why?" Leigh replied.

"No reason," Nick said.

"You're not over her are you?" Brian asked.

"No, I mean why me? I'd be fine if it was anyone but Justin Timberlake, then at least it wouldn't be my worse enemy."

"Well I could possibly make your day," Brian said then continued, "We're gonna be on Rosie in 5 weeks, and so is *N SYNC, which means she'll most likely be there."

"YES!" Nick shouted and ran off yelling, "Justin you're gonna be sorry!"

"He's a sad, strange, little man," Brian said shaking his head as they found themselves alone, and definitely took advantage of the opportunity.

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Chapter 8

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