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Opening Act: Chapter 8

"JC get out!!!!!!" Justin screamed on the top of his lungs the following week. He had been trying to sleep but so far he wasn't succeeding.

"God go see your girl friend! Now leave me the fuck alone!!!!"

"Fine Mr. grouchy, I'll just tell your girlfriend to go home!" JC snapped.

"No wait, I'm sorry!" Justin shouted and JC started laughing.

"You are so gullible, and I'm going out with Nikki tonight," JC replied.

"What? You can't go out with my girlfriends best friend!"

"Why not?"

" 'Cause I said so. No wait you'll be gone tonight," Justin said smiling devilishly, "Okay I take that back, you can go out with her!"

"Good. I'll be back around 11:30, 12," JC said walking out the door.

"Hey Nikki," JC greeted her with a single red rose, "You look absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks," Nikki said blushing and inviting him in and she went to get a vase while JC sat on the couch. "I didn't exactly have anything planned for the night so if I bore you I'm sorry."

"Nikki just being with you is fun," JC replied placing his hand on her cheek.

"You're so sweet," Nikki replied.

"Yeah, but this is sweeter," JC replied. He leaned forward, eyes closed, and pressed his lips against hers. They wrapped their arms around each other and JC slowly opened his mouth, Nikki following his lead and a minute later Nikki felt his tongue against hers. Nikki was shocked JC her best friend would have never done that but now that they were going out things never gonna be the same between them.

"Hi sweety," I said as Justin opened the door and his eyes grew wide.

"What?" I questioned blushing slightly.

"You look amazing, and I look like shit," Justin replied as I walked in.

"No you don't you look amazing too," I replied and continued, "So why did you have to urgently see me?"

"Umm, because you're 18 in about 2 hours so I figured since JC went out we could celebrate your birthday," Justin said smoothing his hair, making him look sexier then he all ready was.

"Thanks," I replied kissing him softly as he returned my kiss with a more passionate one. He took out a remote and a moment later "Everything I do (I do it for you)" started and we swayed gently to the music in each other's arms.

"JC what just happened?" Nikki asked as they both lied naked on Nikki's bed, JC caressing her back.

"Probably what you're thinking of," JC replied kissing her softly on the lips.

"Then you were amazing," Nikki replied laying her head on his stomach and they soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

"You too baby," JC whispered.

I sat on Justin's lap with his arms wrapped around me as we looked up at the stars and heard the calm waves of the ocean below. "Allie I got you something," Justin said standing up.

"You didn't have to," I replied.

"Yes I did," Justin replied taking something out of his pocket. "Allie how long have we known each other?"

"Six years tomorrow," I said quietly.

"Exactly, and it's been the best six years of my life because of all we've gone through together," Justin began and got down on one knee, took my hand, opened the box revealing a gorgeous engagement ring, and continued, "Allison Jade Lachey, I love you to death. Would you please do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Timberlake?"

I stood shocked for a moment then finally found my ability to talk, "YES!"

Justin slipped the ring on my finger. He stood up and kissed me, sliding his hands under my shirt and we soon found our selves moving towards Justin's room taking each others clothes off as we went, and fell onto his bed naked, still kissing.

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Chapter 9

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