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Dreaming Of You: Chapter 3

At the club..... Lisa and Julian found a little table and sat down. They both looked around to see if they knew anyone and no one caught their eye.

A couple minutes later a handsome young man about 6 ft. brown hair and brown eyes with a goatee stood before the two girls.

"Would either of you fine ladies care to dance with me?" Both girls looked at him but only one of them left the table with him, and that was Julian.

Julian wasn't the type of girl that would automatically say yes to a big flirt like the guy she just left her friend for. For some reason she just felt care free. It was a slow song so her and this man had a chance to talk.

"So do you have beautiful name to go with that beautiful smile?" "Ok you can stop that cheesy charm right now cuz it won't work and yes I do have a name. It's Julian." "Well Julian it's nice to make your acquaintance. And what cheesy charm might you be talking about?" "Oh so your a funny man? By the way what was you name?" "I guess you could say that. My name is Joey." "That's nice." "So how old are you?" "Come on now do you really want to know that?" "Yeah I actually do. It's not like age matters any way. We're just dancing. Why... were you thinking of something else?" "I most certainly was not! I'm 18." "Oh really 18?" "Yeah why?" "Oh my friend Justin is 18 and he's going to be here in a little while." "What are you trying to get at?" "Oh nothing. Wait.... You don't know who I am?" "Well not really but I know your name is Joey and you have a very blunt personality." "So you've never seen me on TV. or anything like that?" "Why would you be on TV.?" "Well maybe because I'm a member of a group called NSYNC." "Nsync? What do they do?" "We're a singing group." "Oh like the Backstreet Boys?" "Yeah I guess you could say that." "Isn't there like this really hot guy with black hair and blue eyes in your group?" "JC?" "Does he have black hair and blue eyes?" "Yeah." "Yeah that's him." "Oh." "Oh wait a minute I know who you are, you’re the guys that my sister has posted all over her walls." "Really?" "Yep."

It was silent for the rest of the song. When the song ended Joey spotted his friends and invited Julian and Lisa to sit at his table. They agreed.

There were only two other people at the table besides Joey, Julian, and Lisa. Joey said there names were JC and Chris.

Julian sat down and was slowly eying JC. For he was the guy that she was describing to Joey. A couple minutes later to blonds walked in and were walking towards the table. Julian's eyes widened as they came closer. One of them was very special to her.

Justin looked around the table noticing who was there, when he landed on a familiar wide-eyed face. They were both caught in each other’s gaze and it seemed no one could break it.

"Yo, Justin! Are you there? Earth to Justin." Lance screamed. "Justin and Lance this is Julian and Lisa." Joey explained. "Nice to meet you." Julian said like a robot directing her voice towards Justin. "Nice to meet you too." Justin replied.

A minute later they both fell out of their trance.

The titanic theme song came on and Julian made a remark about how she loved this song. Justin stood up and walked over to where she was sitting and held out his hand for her to grab. She took it in her grasp and stood up to meet his gaze. Their eyes locked and everyone could see sparks between them.

Justin took her to the other side of the floor in the far back corner right near the exit, so everyone else couldn't see them.

"So Julian what kind of poem are you doing for your poetry class?" Justin asked with a smile. "Huh? How did you kow about that?" Julian asked questioningly. "A couple of my friends from school were talking about it because they have that class. I knew you were in it because when I went to pick up one of them up, I saw you in there." "Oh, I'm doing the couplets." "On what?" Julian thought for a second on what to say and then it popped in, "You." "Me?" "I don't really know who you are but I had this dream with you in it the day before you walked into my class." "You didn't know that I was in Nsync?" "Nope, that's why I was staring at you when you first walked in. I was so amazed that it was the guy from my dream or in other words you. I know it's a really unbelievable story, and you probably don't believe me, and I hope I don't seem stupid telling you straight out how I feel." Julian rambled on "Wow that is an unbelievable story but for some reason I believe you." "Thank you. It's my first time away from home and when I had this dream and you appeared I was just so amazed and I knew I couldn't let go of it." "To tell you the truth I believe in love at first sight and that there is one special person for every one. I also believe that dreams make up most of the events in your life. It's kind of like De Jah Vou only you don't always realize it's happened before in your dreams." Justin said looking sencerely into Julian's eyes. "Yeah I believe in all of that too." "Did you want to go outside? To talk some more." "I would love too."

Luckily Justin had parked in the back so they could take his car and go somewhere nice.

Back in the club everyone was having the time of their life. Lisa had taken on Joey and Lance in a dancing contest. They were all over each other before they could even start. When a couple songs went by and they finally sat down they realized that Justin and Julian had disappeared.

"Where do you think Justin and Julian went?" Chris asked. "Well all of Julian's things are still here, so is there any way of contacting Justin?" Lisa asked. "He probably took his car so you could cal his car phone." Lance suggested. "Ok can some one call him?" Lisa asked. "Ok." JC replied.

JC and Lisa went out side to use JC's cell phone.

"Hello?" Justin answered. "Bro where are you?" "In the car." "Is Julian with you?" "Yeah." "Lisa wants to talk to her." "Ok."

"Hello?" Julian answered. "Jewls what are you doing?" "Going somewhere quiet with Justin. Why?" "All your things are still here." "You can take my car back to my place and sleep over if you want." "Ok will do! So what's the deal with Justin?" "Remember what I told you earlier?" "About the dream guy?" "Yeah." "Ok what about it?" "Well he's it." "No shit?! Justin is him?" "Yep!" "You go girl!!" "Well I'll see you later ok?" "Yeah put Justin back on the phone." "Ok."

"Yeah." "Justin its Lisa. If you do anything to hurt that girl next to you, I will personally do something to hurt you! You understand?" "Yes ma'am." "Ok Bye bye." "C'ya."

Justin hung up the phone and looked at the beautiful girl he had next to him. His mom wasn't home for another week so he decided to take her home to his house.

He pulled up into the drive way and Julian was in awe of what she saw before her.

"This is your house?" "Yep, JC, Chris, and my mom all live here." "Your mom?" "Yeah, but she isn't home, she went back to Memphis to visit family." "Why didn't you go with her?" "I had to start school." "Oh." "Well I think we should go inside." "Yeah that would be nice."

Justin got out and helped her out. They walked inside and Justin turned on the lights at a romantic, soft setting.

Julian sat down on the couch and totally relaxed her muscles. Justin came in and sat next to her.

"So did you want something to drink?" "No thanks I'm fine." "Did you want to watch a movie or something?" "You know what's funny? My dream was almost exactly like this, except instead of you trying to figure out what to do you put on some music and then....." "Then what?" "Then you kissed me."

It was silent and then Justin got an idea. He got up and turned on some music and then sat back down and gazed into her eyes.

"You're gonna kiss me now aren't you?" "Isn't that how it goes?" "Yeah I guess so."

Julian closed her eyes and leaned in, as did Justin. He slightly cupped her cheek to pull her in deeper. He took hold of her body and the kiss got deeper. When they finally broke apart they were both amazed. The rest of the night they laid in each other’s arms talking and telling life stories.

Around 3:30 am Joey, Chris, JC, Lance, and Lisa came crashing in through the door laughing. JC looked over at the living room and saw Justin and Julian asleep on the couch. Julian had her head resting on Justin's chest and Justin's arms were wrapped around her.

"Gee I wonder what went on here?" Lisa said almost bursting out in laughter. "Should we wake them up?" Joey asked. "No that would be rude let them sleep." Lance answered. "Yeah but I think we should wake them up and all get drunk?" Joey said eagerly. "A couple of us are under age you moron!" "So?" "Oh alright."

Joey walked over to the stereo and put on rage against the machines really loud.

Julian and Justin jumped at the noise. When they sat up they saw five eager faces starring at them.

"What the hell?" Justin said. "We thought that we could all get drunk and have a little party." "Joey no!" "Fine." "What time is it?" "Almost 4 am." "Ok You guys go ahead and party, Julian and I are going to sleep." "I'm with them." Chris added.

Julian followed Justin upstairs to his room.

"I'll get you something to change into in a second let me just change my shirt." "Ok."

Justin took off his shirt and Julian almost fainted. She gazed her eyes over every inch of his muscular back. She was still in her trance when Justin put a shirt on. He turned to her and handed her some clothes to change into.

"Here." "Ok where should I change?" "You could change in here, I'll leave." "Ok."

A couple minutes later Julian was done changing and she let Justin back in.

They were both sitting on his bed in silence. Justin turned to face her and laid a soft kiss on her lips.

"What was that for?" "Do I need a reason for kissing you?" "No." "Good cuz I might just do it again and won't have a reason." "Ok."

Justin kissed her again and again about 10 times and then started tickling her.

"Ahh, Stop Justin I'm am so ticklish, please stop." Julian rambled on pleading for him to stop. "But why would I stop that's no fun now is it." "I'm gonna get you! Your ticklish aren't you?" "No!" "Oh really?" "Yes really." "We'll just see about that."

Julian started tickling Justin back and finally Justin gave in and pulled her down onto the bed with him.

They laid there for about ten minutes in silence.

"Justin?" "Yeah." "How did this all happen so fast?" "I don't really know. But everything happens for a reason right?" "Yeah I guess so." "What do you mean you guess so? You should know so. You even had a dream that we were together. It has to mean something right?" "Yeah your right." "Exactly."

Julian rolled on her stomach to look at Justin. "Thank you." "For what?" "For being so real and instead of just being a dream." "Well I'm almost positive you made it that way." "How do you figure?" "You told me all the things that you have been feeling and opened up to me, so you could get closer to me and made your dreams come true. Instead of just dreaming about it the rest of you life and regretting you never told me how you felt." "Good answer." "I try." "Well I don't know about but I'm really tired. Where should I crash?" "Here with me is ok if you want." "Ok. I feel safe in your arms anyways."

The next Morning.......

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