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Love Is Blind: Chapter 5

The next day

Sarah and Lance had picked out the outfits for the Grammy's and it was up to Sarah to fit the clothes to the guys. She had just finished working on Lance clothes when JC walked in.

"I'm warning you Sarah, don't try anything on me." JC said.

"Would you quit being a baby! I'm not going to hurt you. I'm very proffesional when it comes to this stuff. Even ask Lance." Sarah said.

"Yeah JC she won't hurt you." Lance said as he walked out of the room.

"I need you to put these pants on." Sarah said handing JC the pants.

JC took the pants and looked at them and then looked at Sarah. Sarah saw him starring at her.

"What are you waiting for? The pants aren't going to bite, I promise. We haven't that much time so I suggest you hury up and get those on." Sarah lectured.

"Turn around." JC said.

"Why?" Sarah asked

"Just turn around."

"JC grow up! It's not like I really want to see anything anyways."Sarah protested.

"All the more reason for you to turn around!"

"Ok ok I'm turning!"

JC got the pants on and walked over to where Sarah was sitting.

Sarah turned around to see how the pants fit on him and she started laughing.

"I think it's time for you to gain some weight. Those pants are huge on you. Do you usually have a problem like this?" Sarah asked.

"Just fix them ok." JC demmanded.

"Geez, it was just a question."

Sarah took out the needles and JC's eyes widened. "What are you going to do with those?"

"I'm going to stick them in your pants." Sarah said bluntly.

"Ok." JC said relived.

She had to pin the back of them first so she took out her marking pencil and stuck the needles in the marks to hold the pants tight. Then she moved down to the groin area to hoist the part up. Sarah pulled the extra material up and was about to pin it when JC moved, causing the needle to poke him.

"Ow! What are you doing?!" JC yelled.

"I'm trying to pin your pants but if you keep moving you'll get hurt!" Sarah yelled back.

"Well if you didn't have your hands there I wouldn't have moved!"

"Oh my God! How else am I supposed to pin the area? Hmmm?" Sarah asked.

"Could you just finish the pants!"

"Fine!" Sarah yelled, "But stay still!!!"

"Fine!" JC yelled back.

Outside of the room were two curious little boys named Justin and Joey.

"Did you hear that? She had her hands all over him! I hope she does that for me!" Joey said excitedly.

"You are so stupid some times! She was trying to pin his pants so they weren't to big! She didn't have her hands all over him. And knowing you the pants will probably fit perfectly so she won't touch you!" Justin said smaking Joey upside the head.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, you just want her for yourself!"

"She's five years older than me why would I want her?" Justin asked.

"Oh stop it Justin! Girls that your five years older than want you!" Joey said.

"That's different Joey! Besides she'll probably end up with JC." Justin said.

"No way! They don't get along."

"You'll see! Just wait till they start being forced to be with each other."

Right as Justin finished his sentence JC came storming through the door. "Stay away from me!" He yelled.

Joey and Justin ran into the room and found Sarah sitting on the floor with her head in her hands.

"What happened?" Justin asked. Sarah lifted her head and revealed her teary eyes. "Nothing at all," She stood up and grabbed the next pair of pants, "Joey come on I have to fit these on you."

Justin left the room and Joey put the pants on. They were a perfect fit just like Justin said. Sarah didn't have to fix anything so she called Chris in to fix his. Chris walked in with a bright smile until he said the red eyes that Sarah had. He closed the door behind him and walked over to her.

"Your second day and already your crying? What happened?" He asked.

Sarah smiled a little. "Oh nothing I'm just trying to do my job and someone won't let me." Sarah said solemnly.

"Who would be stupid enough to do that? Was it Joey? Is he hitting on you again? You know I'll talk with him if you want." Chris rambled on.

Sarah began laughing. "No he wasn't hitting on me again. Actually I had no problem with him at all. His pants fit perfectly." Sarah said.

"Then what is it?" Chris asked.

"JC." She said.

"Awe man! He didn't spill wine on your calvin cline shirt again did he? I hate it when he does that!" Chris asked trying to make her laugh.

"No he didn't. Yah know he is just so stuborn! I was trying to fix his pants and he kept moving which made it hard for me to use the pins and I kept poking him so he get's mad at me for poking him, but it was his falt!" Sarah explained.

"Awe yes, I see it now...." Chris said pretending to be phsycic.

"Well I guess he'll come around some time or another but for now I gotta get these pants on you." Sarah said.

"But do I have to." Chris whined.

"Hehe, yep!"

Backstage at the Grammy's in California

"Wow! You guys look great! Now remember when they ask you who you're wearing tell them armani." Sarah said.

"Bye Sarah. We'll see you after the show." Lance said hugging her.

"Bye Sarah thank you." Justin said.

"You guys are welcome bye!" Sarah replied.

Pre show interveiws

"And here we have Nsync! Hi guys." The interviewer said.

"Hello." They all said.

"So the question that everyone wants to know, you guys look fabulous, who are you wearing?"

"Our fashion coordinator picked it out for us." Chris said.

"I think she said Armani." Joey said.

"Well it looks great on you! Who is your fashion coordinator?" The interviewer asked.

"Sarah Jennings." Justin said.

"Well she did a great Job! JC what do you think of her?"

"Oh she's umm great!" He said.

"It was great talking to you. We'll see you inside."

After the Grammy's back at the hotel

Everyone was hyped up from being at the grammy's. Chris was bouncing off the walls and so was JC. Justin and Lance were singing doowop 50's songs and Joey was once again trying to hit on Sarah. Sarah was the only calm person in the room. She glanced over at Joey who was practically drooling on her shoulder and then looked at JC. She couldn't get over how he had acted when she was trying to fix his pants. She was actually going to give him a chance and fix what had happened but he pushed her away. Sarah looked at Joey one more time and stood up, Joey stood up to. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down back to the bed.

"Look Joey," She screamed, "I am not interested in you! I don't want you drooling on me either! You listen to me know and you listen good. DO NOT TRY ANYTHING ON ME AGAIN OR I'LL GET A FREAKING RESTRAINING ORDER! How would that look in the magazines? Huh? Joey Fatone get's sued for sexual harassment! I'm warning you stay away! Now if you could act like a normal person and not like a dog in heat then maybe we will have a good friendship but this ain't working for you now!" Sarah finished and everyone had stopped in their tracks. She looked around and ran out of the room with tears welling up in her eyes.

Sarah didn't stop running till she got down to the pool. She found a corner and crouched down and began to cry. About 20 minutes later she heard someone calling out her name. She looked up and saw Justin walking around the pool looking and calling out her name. She stood up and walked into the light.

"Justin I'm over here." She said waving.

He ran over to her and gave her a big hug.

"Sarah I know we haven't known each other that long but I want you to know that if you ever need to talk I'm always here for you." Justin said.

"Thanks Justin but sometimes I just need to be alone." Sarah commented looking at the ground.

Justin lifted her head up, "I understand but doesn't that get a little lonely?" He asked; it brought a smile to Sarah's face.

"Yeah I guess you're right." She said.

"Ok come on I think there are some things that I need to know about you."

"Like what?" She asked.

"Like why you cry so much over dumb people like Joey and JC." Justin said jokingly.

Sarah just looked up at Justin with a weak smile, "Ok." She said.

They walked back into the hotel and went to Sarah's room to talk.

Sarah's room

"Justin I just don't get it, I've had to deal with people like Joey my whole life and it never got to me. Oh and JC I've never met a jerk like him before! If those little girls who love him so much knew what he was really like they wouldn't love him anymore." Sarah said.

"JC really is a good guy. Maybe you should give him a chance?" Justin suggested.

"I did try but he pushed me away and became even more of a jerk!"

"When?" He asked.

"When I was trying to fix his pants." Sarah replied.

"Sounded like you were being real nice to him."

"What do you mean by that? How could you have known you weren't there...... What? Were you listening in?" Sarah asked questioningly.

"Well..... kinda sorta." Justin replied.

"Kinda sorta? What kind of answer is that?"

"I walked by and heard screaming going on that's all." Justin said saving himself.

"Oh ok. Well Justin thank you for talking with me. I really appreciate it. I'm getting kind of tired and I think I should go to sleep." As Sarah finished her sentence there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Sarah said.

Chris peeked his head in and walked into the room closing the door behind him. "I wanted to check in on you and make sure you were ok." Chris said walking over to Justin and Sarah.

"Thanks Chris. Yeah I'm fine, Justin came to my rescue." Sarah said.

"Oh I see how it is, Justin beat me to it I guess he's your hero, I guess I'll go now." Chris said solemnly as he walked back to the door.

"Chris that's not true! You were my hero last time." Sarah said.

Chris jumped up and turned around, "Ok!." He shrieked.

"Like I was telling Justin before you came in, I'm getting tired and I think I should go to sleep."

"Ok good night Sarah." Justin said hugging her.

"Yeah Sarah good night don't let the bed bugs bite." Chris said also giving Sarah a hug.

"Thanks guys good night."

Justin and Chris left the room and Sarah went to sleep.

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