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Love Is Blind: Chapter 6

About an hour later after Sarah went to sleep someone started knocking on her door. She stumbled off the bed and went to look through the eye hole. It was Joey unpatiently pacing back and forth in front of her door. She opened it and looked at Joey curiously. Joey walked in and Sarah closed her door.

"Joey what do you want? I was sleeping." Sarah said grogily.

"I know but I had to apologize to you." Joey said sincerely.

"Go on." Sarah said.

"I'm sorry that I kept trying to make a move on you. I understand why you got mad and I'm really sorry. Sometimes I get carried away when there is someone so pretty around." Joey said.

Sarah rolled her eyes at the last part and walked over to Joey and gave him a hug. "Thank you Joey for apologizing. I'm really tired and I want to go to sleep. Ok? Why don't you go to sleep too?" Sarah commented.

"Ok good night Sarah." Joey said as he left the room.

Sarah climbed back into bed and fell alseep.

When the morning came Sarah awoke to the lovely sound of her alarm going off. She got up and walked into her bathroom to start the shower. When the water was right she got in and relaxed. She was able to let go and let all her worries go down the drain. The minute she stepped out there was a knock on the door. She grabbed a towel wrapped herself and didn't even think of checking who it was. Sarah opened the door and there JC was standing in front of her with a shocked look. Sarah immediately grabbed her towel closer to her body.

"What do you need?" She asked JC.

"The guys wanted me to notify you that we are all going down stairs for breakfast." JC said.

"Ok thanks." Sarah said.

"Your welcome." JC replied.

Sarah closed the door and realized that JC and her had been nice to each other just then. She disregarded it and began to get dressed. When she got her clothes on she put her hair up and went down stairs. Lance noticed her and waved his hand to notify her. Sarah walked over and sat inbetween Chris and Justin.

Justin had his head dangling over a bowl of cereal and was slurping it slowly. Sarah went to go lift his head when Justin growled at her. Sarah jumped and stood up. All the guys were laughing at the insident.

"Ok did he just growl at me?" She asked pointing down at Justin.

Chris looked up at her and took hold of her hand. "Yes it's true the young one just growled at you."

"Ok I think I can handle that, just make sure I make a note to myself saying not to bug young one while eating." Sarah said jokingly.

"Actually make that while eating breakfast. He won't bite you any other meal time because he is alive then." Chris explained.

"Ok got that." Sarah slowly sat down and ate some toast.

After breakfast everyone packed their stuff to go to the airport. There were three SUV's parked outside the hotel. Justin, JC, and two of the body guards got into one. Lance, Joey, and another two body guards got into another one. On the last car was Chris, Sarah, and the last three body guards. It was quiet on the plain ride home. Everyone but some of the body guards, Sarah, and Lance were asleep. Sarah was in her seat starring off into the sky like she often did on a long ride as a passenger. Lance was sitting across the way from her and noticed her looking at the window.

*I wonder what she's thinking about. She is very pretty, with her auburn hair dangling a couple inches below her shoulders and her gorgeous hazel eyes. Her skin is so smooth like silk and it's a wonderful light tan. She's the very kind of girl that JC is attracted to. I can't believe he doesn't notice it. In the end they'll end up together, I know it.* Lance thought. He took his gaze off of her and focused on JC. *I pitty him for being such a fool. Then again I pitty her for being such a fool too. They're both missing out on something good. They are absolutely perfect for each other. JC is such a good person to talk to and Sarah seems like she could use a person like that. Hidden in her eyes is so much pain, one day it's all going to come pooring out.* Lance finished his thought and closed his eyes to try and sleep.

Sarah looked over at Lance to see if he was still awake. She noticed his eyes were closed and her eyes began to wonder around. They landed on such an unforgettable face. In the back of her mind she kind of thought he was cute but she had to force those thoughts to stay there. His personality was unbarible for her, but then again she wasn't such an angel either. All of their fights had been caused by both of their stubborness. Sarah knew that but was never going to admit it. She figured to ease up a bit on JC to see what happen's. Maybe it really wasn't both of them and maybe it was all JC, Or visa-versa. Sarah turned back to the window she had been gazing out of and began to gaze again. She loved to stare off into space it let her relax and clear her mind.

Sarah was in her zoned out mood when there was a little tap on her shoulder. She turned around expecting to see Justin's or Chris's smiling face but she didn't see either, not even Joey or Lance. Yes when she turned around she saw JC's face. She looked at him in confusion and he just sat there waiting for her to say something.

"What?" Sarah bluntly said after waiting for two minutes.

"What? Is that all you can say? You don't have to be so rude all the time Sarah." JC scolded.

"Ok JC I'll take your word for it." Sarah said humoring him.

"Good." JC said and then stormed back to his seat.

*Boy that was wierd.* Sarah thought to herself. She noticed JC looking at her from the corner of her eye. She was really getting creeped out so she decided to try and sleep.

In Orlando

Everyone got off the plane and got into their rides home. Sarah walked up the stairs to her apartment and opened the door, she walked in, shut the door, threw her luggage down, and made it just in time to fall on her bed. She must have slept for five hours. When she woke up it was 9:45 pm. Sarah rolled onto her stomach and reached over for her phone. She picked it up and began to dial Kelly's phone number.

"Hello?" Kelly answered.

"Hi Kelly. I'm back from LA." Sarah said.

"Wow! so how was it?" Kelly asked excitedly.

"It was ok. I'm just really tired! It was such a long trip home." Sarah explained.

"So how are things with you and JC?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know. On the ride home JC came over to me and was just starring at me so I said 'what' and he's like 'what? Is that all you say? You don't have to be so rude all the time' so I said 'Ok JC I'll take your word for it' and he said 'good' and then went back to his seat. It was like he needed to fight with me or something." Sarah said.

"No joke?" Kelly asked surprised at the way JC was acting.

"Absolutley no joke. I'm not trying to make him look bad." Sarah replied.

"That's wierd it isn't like JC, but oh well. Did you want to go out tonight?" Kelly asked.

"Sure how about just to a late dinner or something?" Sarah suggested.

"Ok you or me drive?" Kelly asked.

"You I'm to tired." Sarah said.

"Ok I'll pick you up in what ummm ten minutes?"

"Yeah ok bye." Sarah said and hung up the phone.

Just like she said Kelly was there in ten minutes and they went to a late dinner.

The next day at work

There was a meeting that was scheduled for everyone to attend. Sarah was walking down the hall to the conference room when she bumped into Chris.

"Hi Chris!" Sarah said.

"Hi Sarah!" Chris said mimiking her.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. So what's this little meeting about?" She asked.

"Most likely the tour." He answered.

"The tour? So soon?" Sarah said.

"Yep, but it isn't that soon. We've been waiting for this new tour for a long time. Practically all our shows are sold out." Chris said.

"You're kidding me! Sold out? Where have I been? I swear I had never heard of you." Sarah said giggling a little.

"Have you been on Mars or something? Even the people who don't listen to us have heard of us. Shame on you Sarah.... What's your last name again?" Chris asked. "Jennings." Sarah answered with a smile. "Yeah shame on you Sarah Jennings, shame. Not know how Nsync is, propostrous!" Chris finished his sentence and the two entered the meeting laughing.

They grabbed a seat and waited patiently for the others to arrive. When everyone came in the meeting started. Sarah looked around and saw new faces. There was an elder woman sitting with Justin and a guy who resembled Joey was sitting with him. Garry stood up to speak.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming to this meeting it's very important. We need to discuss the tour plans. I had an overall schedule made for everyone and I'd like for you all to keep and make sure you don't lose it. It shows which state, arena's and such, and when you will be playing in. Also we have some stops at radio stations and other little things on the way. On the next page I have rules and regulations. I hope that everyone will abide by them and if you don't you will have to live with the conciquences. The no strings attached tour will start in three weeks! That means we have three weeks to get everything together! You all will be working your asses off for this tour. Dance rehearsals will start on Wednesday. I need outfits/ costumes by next friday! Do I make myself clear?" Garry finished leaving it open for any questions or comments. He looked around and no one replied. "Ok so that is it meeting finished have a nice day!" Garry said.

Everyone started packing up the papers that they recieved. Joey was talking with his brother, Steven, the guy who Sarah noticed. Steven turned to Joey after looking at Sarah.

"So Joey who's the new girl?" Steven asked.

"Oh her? That's Sarah, she's the new fashion coordinator." Joey said.

"She's hot is she available?" Steven asked.

"Yeah but be careful she's touchy." Joey answered.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"She got really mad at me for trying to hit on her. Besides Lance says she'll end up with JC, but I think that's bull crap necause the two don't get along at all." Joey answered.

"They don't? Hmm... Lance is probably right after all isn't he always?" Steve said.

"Whatever. Come on let's go." Joey said.

Sarah walked up to Garry after the meeting was over.

"I know I didn't ask this during the meeting but do you have a list of the songs and things they will be doing in their concerts?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah this is for you. It's all you need to know. It has some things that i've sugested for the guys and everything that they will be doing in the concert." Garry answered.

"Thanks Garry I'll tlak to you later." Sarah said and left.

She walked out to her car so she could go home and start working on the costumes. She didn't have an office at the studio so she decided to go home since it was easier to work. When she was walking to her car she saw Jusitn.

"Hi Justin." Sarah said waving.

Jusitn jogged over to her. "Hi so where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going home." She answered.

"Home? Why home? You have to work on the costumes don't you?" Justin said.

"Yeah but I don't have an office here and I can work better at home." Sarah said.

"What do you mean you don't have an office? Sure you do." Justin said laughing a little.

"What do you mean I have an office? No I don't." Sarah said curiously.

"No one told you, you had an office? It's right next door to the clothing room. Where the fashion coordinators office always is." Justin said.

"You're kidding me right?" She asked.

"Nope. It has everything in there, a little fridge and the latest fashion magazines, it's pretty cool." Justin said.

"Well why don't you show me where it is?" Sarah asked.

"Justin come on." The elderly women from before said.

"Hold on mom." Justin said to her.

"That's your mom?" Sarah asked.


"You look just like her." Sarah commented.

"Thanks. Well come with me and you can meet her and your office." Justin suggested.

"Ok." Sarah agreed.

They walked over to Lynn's car.

"Well Justin who's this?" Lynn asked refferring to Sarah.

"Mom this is Sarah. She is the new fashion coordinator at Jive Records, assigned to the best music group out there. Sarah this is my mom, Lynn, she is the mother of the best member of that best music group." Justin said proudly.

"Oh in that case, it's very nice to meet you Mrs. Carter, your son is wonderful." Sarah said jokingly.

"I like her she knows how to deal with you." Lynn said smiling.

"Ok this ain't cool." Justin said tyring to act tough.

"Come on Justin you set yourself up for that one." Sarah said.

"She's right. Well baby I need to get back home I'll see you later." Lynn said and kissed justin on the cheek.

"Bye mom." Justin said.

Justin and Sarah walked back inside the building and Justin led Sarah to her office. She walked inside, put her stuff down on the table, and immediately sat down in her executive desk chair and leaned back.

"Oh yeah I'm living the high life now! Well thank you Justin for showing me too my office." Sarah said trying to make it clear to him that she wanted to be left alone.

"Yeah I know what you're trying to get at but I showed you here and you wouldn't have an office if it wasn't for me so, in return I ask that you let me stay and bug you." Justin said with smile.

"Yeah yeah yeah do whatever you want just make sure I can do some work." Sarah said.

"Ok I will." Justin said and layed down on her little couch.

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