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Love Is Blind: Chapter 4

It was a couple weeks since her second interview and Sarah hadn't heard from Garry Sullivan yet. She was pacing back and forth in front of her closet trying to figure out what to wear. She was going to a new club that night with some of her friends. The phone rang and Sarah jumped three feet in the air, figuretively speaking. She walked into the other room and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Sarah answered.

"Sarah Jennings please." The man asked.

"This is her. How may I help you?"

"Sarah! This is Garry Sullivan from Jive."

"Hello Garry."

"I wanted to call you myself and tell you that you got the job!" Garry said joyfully.

"Ahhh!! Oh my gosh that's great thank you very much!!!" Sarah shrieked into the phone.

"I'm so happy you're pleased. Also are you free on Monday around 9:45 am?" Garry asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Great because that's when you'll meet the guys of Nsync. You'll be working for them. They're are all great guys, especially Josh Chasez. You'll get along great with him. He's about your age"

"I can't wait. Thank you again. Bye." Sarah said.

"You're welcome bye."

Sarah hung up with a big smile on her face. She walked back to her room and immediately found something to wear. Things were definately coming together for her.

Two hours later she pulled into the parking lot of the club and got out with her friends. They walked in and found a little table to put their stuff at. Sarah was with her friends Kelly, Rachelle, Shannon, and Christina. After they put their stuff down they ran to the dance floor and started dancing. A few songs later they went back to the table.

Sarah looked around at the different people, especially guys. Her friend Shannon tapped her on the shoulder.

"Sarah look over there. Isn't that your dream date?" Shannon said pointing to JC, who was oblivious that she was there.

"You have got to be kinding me!" Sarah said to herself, "Kelly! Can I go anywhere without seeing him? He's here look!" Sarah continued.

"Nope obviously not." Kelly laughed.

Kelly stood up and walked over to wear JC and his friends were sitting. Sarah just sat there and watched her talk with them. When Kelly was walking back JC and his friends followed behind her. Sarah just gave her an evil look.

"Hello Sarah." JC said.

Sarah just smiled and walked away and onto the dance floor.

At the end of the night Sarah and her friends got into her car and left.

Sarah got home and crashed asleep into her comfy bed. She didn't wake up until 11:20 the next morning.

Sarah spent most of the day cleaning her apartment and organizing everything. She hadn't cleaned her apartment in a long time so it was desperately needed. She went to bed early so she would be ready for tomorrow when she met Nsync.

The next day

Sarah was waiting for Lucinda to finish her phone call.

"Hello Ms. Jennings, I'm sorry you had to wait. Mr. Sullivan is waiting in the conference room for you. Go down the hall and it's the second door on the right. It's not as far this time."

"Thank you." Sarah replied.

She walked down the hall and found the room. Before walking in she knocked politely waiting for a reply. The door opened and of course JC was standing there holding onto the door knob.

"You!" They both screamed.

"Josh, Sarah, what's wrong?" Garry asked.

"Josh?" Sarah said to herself.

They both walked in the room and looked at Garry.

"I'm working for him?" "She's the one?" JC and Sarah said at the same time, pointing to each other.

"Do you know each other?" Garry asked.

"Garry, Mr. Sullivan I can't work with JC." Sarah pleaded.

"There is no way I'm letting her pick out my clothes!" JC argued.

The other four people in the room just starred at JC and Sarah. Garry motioned for them to sit down. They both sat down and crossed their arms at the same time.

"Now just calm down before we further discuss the issue." Garry said sittiing down.

Sarah and JC both took a deep breath and looked back at Garry.

"That's better. Now Sarah please explain to me how you know each other."

"We met at a party and JC spilled wine all over my irreplaceble calvin cline top." As Sarah finished her sentence she gave JC a dirty look.

"Ok now what is so wrong with you working with each other?" Garry asked.

"She's a bitch!" "He's an asshole!" JC and Sarah said in unison.

The other boys of Nsync really woke up when they heard that. They all sat up in their seats and moved their heads closer to hear better.

"You two are acting like little five year olds!! Grow up! You do not have a choice. I can't fire you Josh, and Sarah you are more than qualified for the job. You guys don't have a choice and that's final. Do you understand me? Oh and don't pull that 'Lou would have fired her' crap on me because I know he wouldn't have!" Garry lectured.

Sarah and JC looked at Garry wide eyed and kept their mouths shut.

"That's better. Sarah, this is the rest of Nsync. That's Chris, Joey, Lance, and Justin. Everyone this is Sarah Jennings, the new Fashion coordinator.

Sarah smiled and said hi. After realizing they were in the room the whole time she began to feel embarrased.

"I want you guys to treat her like one of the family. She's going to be with you everywhere! Awards shows, concerts, photo shoots, and any other public events that involve clothes. We have a huge costume room that one of these boys will gladly show you to. Well I have to leave for another meeting I'll see you all later." Garry left the room.

"So which one of y'll is going to show me to the costume room?" Sarah asked.

"JC why don't you show her? You guys get along so well!" Joey commented.

"Oh I see where this is going. Well let me just tell you this one thing that I think you should remember for the rest of your life," Sarah stood up and walked over to Joey and looked him straight into his eyes,"I have the power the hurt you. I control what you wear, how tight your clothes are, and I decide where the needles go when I taylor you clothes." She stood up and grabbed Lance's hand pulling him to stand up. "Lance is it? Will you show me where it is?"

Joey had dropped his mouth open, "I like them fiesty!" He commented.

Sarah shot Joey an evil look and walked out with Lance.

Back in the conference room.

"Joey you better watch it. This women is a real bitch! If I were you I wouldn't get on her bad side." JC warned.

Sarah and Lance were in the costume room looking around.

"You and JC really don't get along do you?" Lance asked.

"Can you tell? I've never met someone as rude as him. I see him everywhere, grocery stores, clubs, the mall, I don't think I can go anywhere but home without seeing him. It's scary. Everytime I see him he's even more rude."

"He'll come around. JC is actually a really cool guy once you get to know him. Did you know that the first seven seconds when you meet a person will determin your whole relationship?" Lance said.

"Really? I guess JC and I will never get along."

"You never know, maybe the whole seven second thing is just a bunch of rubish."

"Wow, some of these costumes are really out there! Like this one." Sarah picked up a neon pink vinal jump suit, "Who wore this?" She asked.

"I think that was Britney Spears." Lance said.

"That poor girl." Sarah said.

"Yeah I know."

"Well I think I need to find out what Garry needs me to do for the rest of the day."

"Oh ok, I'll walk with you to ask Lucinda." Lance said.

"Ok thanks."

Front desk

Lucinda was on the phone yet again and Sarah patiently waited. Lucinda noticed she was there and handed her a peice of paper with writing on it. It said to pick out outfits for grammys. Sarah turned to Lance and showed him the paper.

"Will you hang out with me while I look for something? It would definately help to have your oppinion." Sarah said.

"Sure come on." Lance said.

Sarah said thank you to Lucinda and followed Lance back to the costume room.

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