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Love Is Blind: Chapter 3

A week later

Sarah walked into the large building and looked around for the secretary’s desk. She spotted it and walked over.

“Excuse me,” Sarah said trying to get the secretary’s attention.

“Please hold.” The secretary said into the phone, “May I help you?” She asked.

“Yeah, Hi I’m Sarah Jennings. I’m here for the interview.” Sarah replied.

“Oh yes! Mr. Sullivan is waiting for you in his office. Go down the hall turn left, till you get to the second corridor, turn right, go down the hall to the last door and turn left into the hall way, walk two doors down and that’s his office. Do got that?” Lucinda the secretary asked.

Sarah looked at her with a blank face. “Umm, I think I’ll find my way.” Sarah said.

A young man walked into the area and waved to Lucinda. Sarah didn’t see who it was.

“Well JC can help you find the way.” Lucinda said to Sarah. In Sarah’s mind she was thinking that it couldn’t possibly be him. Sarah turned around and of course there he was with a smile on his face till he saw whom it was.

“JC will you help Ms. Jennings to Mr. Sullivan’s office?” Lucinda asked politely.

“Yes JC will you?” Sarah asked like a little girl.

“Yes of course I will. After all I am a gentleman.” JC said.

“No really it’s ok. I think I can find it on my own.” Sarah added.

“Don’t worry JC won’t bite he is a very nice young man.” Lucinda said.

“I’m sure.” Sarah said under her breath.

“Come on Ms. Jennings I’ll help you find his office.” JC said sarcastically.

“Ok. Thank you.” Sarah said giving him an, I don’t mean it look.

When JC and Sarah got down the to the first turn they were able to talk without Lucinda hearing.

“What are you doing here?” JC asked.

“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?” Sarah said back.

“I work here.” JC answered.

“Well I’m going to work here.” Sarah replied.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to be the next Britney Spears, but older.” JC said laughing.

“No, I’m not.”

“Well then what are you going to do?” JC asked.

“I’m not going to tell you!” Sarah protested.

“Grow up! Seriously! You are acting like a little girl.” JC said.

“Uh huh sure, like you’re acting any older!” Sarah said back.

“Whatever, this is where I bid you adieu. This is his office have fun!” JC said as he turned the other way to go back.

Sarah knocked on the door until she heard someone say to come in. She walked in and was greeted by a very kind face.

“Ms. Jennings it’s so nice to finally meet you.” Garry said getting up to shake her hand.

“Thank you Mr. Sullivan, it’s very nice to meet you too.” Sarah said.

“Please call me Garry, remember?” Garry asked.

“Oh yeah, I’m sorry. You can call me Sarah.” Sarah replied.

“Well Sarah I read your resume and I was quite impressed. Do you know why you were let go from your old job?” Garry asked.

“They were having financial problems and were letting go a lot of people, me included.” Sarah answered.

“Oh I see. Let me just ask you a couple of questions. Do you like to travel?” Garry asked.

“Yes I do.”

“Good. Do you work well with the opposite sex?”

“I haven’t really met anyone that I couldn’t work well with.”

“That’s really good. One more question, why do you think you deserve this job?” Garry asked.

Sarah pondered for a minute and then answered. “Well I think that I can give a different but exciting twist to the outfits I create. I’m one of the few that with actually take the time to actually fit and size the clothes for the person that’s going to wear them. I take much pride in seeing the final product on my clients and seeing how everyone responds. I’ve never had a bad response to my outfits.”

“That was a very good answer. As far you and I know, you’ve got the job. But I still have to interview a couple more people. I’ll have Lucinda get back to you and schedule another meeting.” Garry said.

Sarah had a great smile on her face. “Thank you very much Garry.”

“No problem! I hope to see you again. Good bye.” Garry said shaking Sarah’s hand seeing her to the door.

Sarah stood outside the door and looked around. *Now all I need is to find my way back.* She thought. She looked around to see if anyone was coming she spotted a guy coming her way. He had curly blond hair and it poked out in every which way. As he got closer, Sarah eyed him even more.

“Excuse me.” Sarah asked.

“Yeah.” He replied.

“Could you help me find my way back to the front desk?”

“Sure I’m going that way too.” He said.

Sarah and this guy walked down the hall before someone broke the silence.

“So did you have an interview or something?” He asked.

“Yeah I did.” Sarah answered.



“What’s your name?” He asked.

“Sarah Jennings, I’m hoping to be the new fashion coordinator.”

“Nice to meet you Sarah, I’m Justin. I’m hoping to stay a multi millionaire pop star.”

“Are you apart of one of those boy bands?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, if you want to stereotype me like that.” Justin said joking.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. Are you apart of a vocal group?” Sarah said rephrasing her sentence.

“Yeah, we’re called nsync.” Justin answered.

“I see. Well thank you for taking me back here.” Sarah said when they got to the main desk.

“No problem. Hope to see you working here soon.”


Sarah went home satisfied with her interview and had sweet dreams about getting the job.

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