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Love Is Blind: Chapter 8

The past week Sarah was busting her butt to complete the costumes. She had to make five sets of every outfit and she was really happy that they had no dancers. They were doing 8 costume changes throughout the show so she had to make 40 costumes. It took a lot of work. Fortunately she only had to make 20 pairs of pants. At her old job she had people working for her that would do all the technical things like sew all the material together. By the end of the week her apartment was full of material. Her office was fairly clean because she didn't want to mess it up. So she brought it all back to her apartment. It was really worth all the trouble because the finished product turned out great and she got a very large check in the mail within the next couple of days. Monday morning came and Sarah was in a meeting with Garry.

"Sarah you really outdid yourself on these costumes. They are wonderful. I'm sure the guys will look great on stage in them. I think we'll deffinately be keeping you for a while. What astonished me even more is the fact that these weren't even supposed to be ready till this friday! You did all of this in one week!" Garry said grinning wildly.

"It was easy I had everything planned out in my head. I'm glad you like them. I had a lot of fun doing it. Plus now you can use this week so the guys can try the clothes on and you can have a longer period of time for dress rehearsals." Sarah explained.

"You are true genius! Why don't I treat you to lunch? You can bring any one you want." Garry said chuckling.

"That would be great thank you. Um I guess I'll take the guys with me, if that's ok." Sarah asked.

"Yeah that's fine why don't you take this so you can pay for lunch and go get the guys. Oh and buy whatever you want to eat. It's all on me." Garry said.

"Ok Bye Garry thank you." Sarah said as she left his office.

Sarah walked over to the dance room where the guys were rehearsing. She walked in quietly and stood against the wall. She decided not to interrupt so she stood quietly and watched the guys dance. JC had looked over when she walked in. He kept looking over at her and wasn't concentrating on his dancing when he tripped and fell.

"JC! You aren't concentrating." Darren Hensen said as he stopped the music.

"It's her fault!" JC said reffering to Sarah.

Sarah walked over,"My fault? All I did was walk in. It's not like I said anything I was quiet I knew you guys had to be concentrating." Sarah explained.

"JC you need to take responsibility for your own actions. There are going to be thousands of screaming girls at your concerts plus you'll be singing to add to all of it. You need to be able to dance at the same time. Are you going to be able to do that?" Darren asked.

"Yeah whatever I'll be fine." JC said.

"So Sarah what are you doing here?" Lance asked.

"Well Garry was so impressed with the costumes I made he offered to pay for lunch for me. He said I could bring anyone I wanted so I want to take all of you guys with me." Sarah explained.

"Awe how sweet. We'd love to come with you." Chris said.

"Yeah." Lance agreed.

Sarah looked at JC for a second he was starring off into space, "JC are you going to come too?" Sarah asked.

"No, It's just a pitty offer. I don't take pitty offers." JC said.

"JC it isn't a pitty offer I want you to come." Sarah explained.

"Whatever." JC said as he left the room.

"You guys keep saying he'll come around but it's been atleast a month and he still hasn't come around. How long is this going to take? I don't know how long I can take his immature actions." Sarah said to the guys.

"We know Sarah, we're worried about him. Maybe he'll lighten up on tour and he realizes he can't run away from you." Lance suggested.

"Can we go eat now? I'm really hungry." Justin said butting in.

"You're always hungry!" Joey said.

"Well I'm a growing man!" Justin said.

"Justin you're not growing up the only way you're growing is out." Sarah added giggling.

"Nice one shorty. I wouldn't be the one talking. Atleast I did." Justin replied looking straight down onto Sarah.

"OOOOOOOhh good one! Yeah so what I stopped growing at 15 but good things come in small packages." Sarah said patting Justin's stomach and smiling up at him.

"Break it up! Let's go eat." Chris said walking between Justin and Sarah.

Everyone walked out into the parking lot laughing. They looked around at the cars and the same question popped into each of their heads.

"So who is riding with who?" Sarah asked.

"We could all fit into your car shorty." Justin said putting his arm around Sarah's shoulders. She looked up at him,"Well egor that sounds like a good idea." Sarah said as she took Justin's arm off of her and closed his open mouth.

They all crammed into the car. Sarah was driving, Lance was in the front seat, Justin was behind Sarah, Chris was in the middle, and Joey was behind Lance. Sarah pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive.

"So where are we going?" Sarah asked.

"Have you ever been to the Ale House?" Lance asked.

"No is it near by?" Sarah answered.

"You've never heard of the Ale House?" Justin asked surprised.

"Nope, and don't be too surprised I had never heard of you before either. Well for the record I have heard of you but I hadn't heard what you sang or ever seen a picture." Sarah explained.

"You need to get out more." Justin said.

"Hey I get out!" Sarah replied.

"Uh huh sure you do." Justin said.

"Well how do I get to the Ale House?" Sarah asked ignoring Justin.

"Make a right up at the next light and it's a block past Tuber avenue." Lance directed.

Sarah followed Lance's instructions and she pulled into the parking lot and parked.

"We are here." Sarah said as she got out of the car.

Everyone else got out and they walked in. The manager came up to them.

"Nsync! It's a pleasure to have you here what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Hey Mr. Troid. We are here for lunch could we get a room in the back?" Justin asked.

"Anything for you guys. Where is JC?" Mr. Troid asked.

"He couldn't make it." Sarah answered.

"Who is this pretty lady?" Mr Troid asked reffering to Sarah.

"This is Sarah. She's takes the place of JC when he isn't around. Just kidding. She's works with us and Garry the president of Jive is treating her to lunch and she brought us with her." Chris explained.

"Well why don't we get your room." Mr Triod said.

They all followed him into the back and got situated.

"A waitres will be right with you, and here are your menus." Mr Troid said and left the room.

"Wow you guys are so superior to everyone else having your own room and all!" Sarah said sarcasticaly.

"Isn't it great?" Justin said proudly.

"Oh yeah it's the best." Sarah replied mimmicing Justin's dreamyness.

After about an hour they were all done eating and they were just talking. Chris was telling a story about the last tour when the check came. Sarah pulled out the credit card Garry had given her and payed for the food.

"Ok I think it's time to go back to the studio." Lance suggested.

"But dad! Do we have to?" Chris said.

"Ha ha you are just so funny." Lance responded.

They all laughed and then walked back to the car and left.

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