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Love Is Blind: Chapter 7

Sarah was working on her fashions software and looking through the different styles of clothes. She found something she really liked and kept looking back and forth from Justin to the style. Justin realized this and was looking at her curiously.

"What are you doing Sarah?" Justin asked sitting up.

"Nothing I'm just working." Sarah simply said.

"Yeha I know that but what are you doing? Like what are you working with?" Justin asked trying to figure out if he said that sentence the right way.

"Well come here. I want your oppinion." Sarah said. Justin walked over. "Do you like this style better or this one?" She said showing Justin the two styles. It was either 80's funky, or 2000, millenium, futuristick, sleek.

"I think we should go for the 2000 style. This tour has to out do the last one. Plus we are trying to go for the 2000 futuristick look." Justin explained.

"Yeah that sounds good. Thank you." Sarah said. Sarah printed out the examples and put them in her purse. "I have to go to the material shop did you want go with me? Or is it to dangerous?" Sarah asked.

"I think I can go with you, just as long as I wear a disguise." Justin said.

"Ok where are you going to get a disguise?" Sarah asked trying not to laugh.

"You think me wearing a disguise is funny?" Justin asked.

"Oh of course not." Sarah said sarcastically with a big smile.

"I see how it is. Well for your information all I have to wear is sunglasses and a hat." Justin said grinning.

"You can fit that afro in a hat?" Sarah said trying really hard to hold in the laughter.

"Oh so now we are going into the afro. Come on let it out I know you want to and I know you want to."

"What are you talking about Justin? These silly ideas that come into your mind always boggle me as to how they got there." Sarah said giggling.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah come on lets go. You need to get samples of these costumes in by friday!" Justin said grabbing Sarah and pulling her with him to leave.

They got into Sarah's car and drove to the material shop. When they stoped and parked Justin got out right away and it took Sarah 3 minutes to get out.

"It sure took you long enough to get out of the car!" Justin said.

"I wouldn't push it Justin" Sarah said joking around.

They were walking around the store and looking at the different types of material when Justin spotted something, well actually someone. He casually walked over to Sarah and nudged her in the arm.

"Justin what the heck do you want?" Sarah said after Justin kept nudging her.

"Shhh, not so loud." He said.

"What?" Sarah asked getting impatient.

"Look over there." Justin said pointing at the girl at the counter.

"Ooooh! I see what you are getting at. Do you think she's pretty Justin?" Sarah asked giggling.

"Maybe." Justin said blushing.

"Well go up to her." Sarah suggested.

"I can't do that! She'll recognize me." He said.

"Not if you don't take off your sunglasses and hat." Sarah said.

"It's to risky." Justin complained.

"What do you think about this material? I think it would be good for your pants. What do you think Justin?" Sarah said ignoring his complaining.

"Sarah what are you doing? How could you be thinking about material at a time like this?" Justin complained even more.

"At a time like what? We are in a material store looking for material so I would think we should be thinking about material." Sarah said.

"Ugh! Fine I'll go up to her. Yes I agree that material would be perfect for the pants. Oh just to let you know usually on each half we where the same pants. For the first half we wear one pair and on the second half we wear a different pair. Sometimes we can change pants but it just takes less time if we wear the same ones for a certain amount of songs." Justin explained.

"Ok thanks now go up to her." Sarah said with a grin.

She stood there and watched Justin walk up to the girl. It seemed like it was going succesfully and then all of the sudden the girl shrieked, "Oh my god you're Justin Timberlake!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh!" She could see Justin trying to calm her down and telling her that he wasn't him. The girl looked at him with a bit of dissapointment but then started talking with him. Sarah couldn't hear what they were saying so she decided to finish looking. She found some other materials she liked but couldn't carry all of them with her to the cutting table.

"Justin!," Sarah called out, "Will you please come back here and help me?" She asked.

Justin looked at her and gave her a look as if he was telling her not now. Sarah ignored and continued to call for him.

"Oh Justin sweety please come over here I need your help." Sarah called out again.

"Um I think that lady is calling for you. Is she your mom?" The girl asked.

"Um yeah she is I'll be right back I need to help her." Justin said.

"Ok." The girl said.

Justin walked back over to Sarah and took some of the material off of her hands.

"So did you get a number?" Sarah anxiously asked.

"No not yet. My mother was calling me to help her." Justin said sarcastically.

"Oh your mom's here? Why didn't you go help her?" Sarah asked oblivious to the fact that Justin was being sarcastic.

"Oh my gosh you aren't serious are you?" Justin asked surprised Sarah didn't catch on.

"Serious about what? Justin what are you talking about?" Sarah asked very confused.

"Carry thinks you are my mom." Justin said bluntly.

"Oh I get it. That's funny. So her name is Carry?" Sarah said walking with Justin to the cutting table.

"Yes it is." Justin said.

"Well why don't you go back over there and get her number then we can leave. Ok?" Sarah suggested.

"Yeah ok." Justin answered.

Justin walked back over to Carry and got her number by the time Sarah was done Justin was walking back over to her. They left the material shop and went back to the office.

Thank you Jackie

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