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Love Is Blind: Chapter 9

There was two days before everyone left for tour and it was very stressful and hecktic around the office. Sarah was in her office admiring what a great job she had done on the costumes. There was a knock on her door and then Chris walked in.

"Oh chris why don't you come in?" Sarah offered sarcastically.

"Thanks don't mind if I do." Chris said sitting down on the couch. "Sarah I have a problem" Chris continued in a very shakey uncertain voice.

"What is it Chris? You can tell me." Sarah said.

"Well I have this friend and he is kinda sick but he won't do anything about it, he won't go to the doctor, he won't tell anyone and he is going on this really long trip where he will be really busy. His sickness might get worse if he goes on this trip and continues to keep it on the down low. I have a choice I can tell his boss and make him go to a doctor or i can let him go on his trip. If he goes to the doctor then his trip will be cancelled and all the umm... the umm..." "The fans?" Sarah interrupted. "Fans? Where did you get fans from?" Chris asked nervously. "It's obviously one of the guys." Sarah commented. "Ok so all the fans will be dissapointed and it will create a big media extravaganza. Yah know?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I know. So what do you need me to do?" Sarah asked.

"I'm not sure I just needed to tell someone, I guess I was hoping you would be able to convince my friend to go see a doctor." Chris explained.

"Who is it?" Sarah asked.

"JC." Chris said solomely.

"I'm sorry Chris but I can't help you, JC would never listen to me you know that!" Sarah replied.

"Yeah I know, but would you atleast try talking to him?" Chris asked.

"What do you want me to say?" Sarah questioned.

"Well why don't you ask him for advice for the same problem. Isn't he friends with one of your friends?" Chris asked.


"Well tell him that it's her and see what he would say. Find out what his advice for that kind of problem is. Can you do that?" Chris said.

"Oh alright but you owe me! I can't garantee that he will give me advice, but I'll try. When do you want me to talk to him?" Sarah asked.

"He is in the music room right now playing around with the piano." Chris inferred.

"Ok I'll go." Sarah agreed.

"Thank you so much Sarah. I promise I'll repay you!" Chris said giving Sarah a big hug.

"By the way what is it that JC has?" Sarah asked before walking out the door.

"He got into a car accident a long time ago and hurt his legs very badly every once in awhile they stiffen up and he can't move them but lately it's gotten worse. There is a surgery he can get done to fix his legs and he won't have to worry about them anymore but JC is so scared of getting shots that he won't go into the doctors because he doesn't want any shots. It's kind of childish but he just can't stand them." Chris explained.

"OK I see, I'll go talk with him." Sarah said as she left the room. She walked down the hall and looked through the window of the music room and saw JC playing on the piano just as Chris said. She knocked lightly on the door but JC didn't respond so she walked in quietly. JC still didn't hear her come in and so he kept playing. It was a song she had never heard before and it sounded beautiful comming out of JC's mouth as he sang it. He finished the song and turned around. He jumped when he saw Sarah sitting with a smile on her face.

"What are you doing here?" JC asked sternly.

"Uh..uh..umm..I'm sorry I didn't want to interrupt your playing, you were so good and so into it. That was a really beautiful song..." There was a pause,"Anyways the reason why I'm here is I need your advice on something." Sarah said as she let go of the breath she was holding.

"Can't you go to someone else?" JC asked realizing what he just said was ruder than he thought.

"I'm going to ignore how rude that was and continue. No I can't go to anyone else because you are the only person that knows my friend." Sarah explained.

"Who is it about? The only friend of yours I know is Kelly, is there something wrong with her?" JC asked curiously.

"Well she's kinda sick, but she won't go to the doctor and she won't do anything about it." Sarah was talking and glanced over at JC who had his head lowered as if he knew exactly what she was talking about. He did know exactly what she was talking about because it was his sittuation, "Well anyways the point is I don't know whether or not to tell her boss or to just let it be yah know? So what do you suggest?" Sarah said finishing her sentence.

"I think you should tell her boss, her health is more important than her job and reputation." JC said looking Sarah in the eyes.

"Thanks JC, you're right i should tell her boss." Sarah said with a smirk.

"What's wrong with Kelly?" JC asked.

"What's wrong with her? Umm.. she..umm.. it's rather personal. She would hate it if I told anyone. I'm sorry. Oh and please don't tell her I told you anything." Sarah said.

"Yeah alright." JC agreed.

"Well I better get going back to my office." Sarah said as she left the room.

She walked back to her office and chris was still there. She closed the door behind her and sat down in her desk chair. Chris looked at and was waiting for her to say something but she kept her mouth closed. She looked up at him and put a smirk on her face, "JC is going to be fine." She said.

"What do you mean he's going to be fine?" Chris asked confused.

"He's going to be fine because you're going to tell Garry what's going on and JC will get the surgery done. JC told me that I should tell my friends boss and that her health is more important than her job and her reputation." Sarah said with a smile on her face.

"That's great! Thank you so much Sarah you don't know how much this means to me. I know you don't like JC but you did the right thing." Chris said giving Sarah a hug.

"Your welcome. Believe it or not I had a decent conversation with him." Sarah explained while rolling her eyes a bit.

"Hey I'm going to go tell Garry right now before another minute goes by. I'll talk to you later." Chris said and then left her office.

Chris walked down the halls quickly so he could get to Garry's office. When he got there he knocked on the door and then went in. JC was in there talking with Garry.

"JC? What are you doing here?" Chris asked.

"I just told Garry about my accident. The tour is being cancelled and I'm going into surgery next week." JC said.

"What? What made you decide to get help?" Chris asked surprised that Sarah helped him.

"Umm I was talking to someone and they made me realize it's more important to keep my health than my reputation." JC said.

"Wow it worked." Chris said accidentally.

"What worked?" JC asked.

"Umm nothing worked, it's nothing." Chris said knowing he blew it.

"Did you tell Sarah to talk to me?" JC asked getting angry.

"Well not really, I just thought it would be good for someone to make you realize that you need this surgery." Chris explained.

"Damnit Chris how dare you bring her into this! It was a personal matter and I trusted you not to say anything!" JC yelled.

"JC calm down! Someone needed to get you to realize that you need the surgery and Sarah was the only person I could go to!" Chris defended.

"Whatever!" JC said as he stormed out of the office. Sarah was walking down the hall as JC rushed by her.

"Hey JC what's the hurry?" Sarah asked.

"Stay away from me you Bitch! You lied, you said Kelly was sick and I believed you! I was really worried about her! You don't mae up lies like that. Sarah you crossed the line!" JC said and then walked off again.

Sarah ran to Garry's office, "What's this all about? JC just called me a bitch and stormed off. How did he find out that I helped you?" Sarah asked sternly.

"It was an accident, it slipped out. What you said to him worked he came here and told Garry, he is going in for the surgery next week." Chris explained.

"He is? That's great." Sarah exclaimed.

"Well it's not great because he hates you even more and now he is mad at me!" Chris said as he left the room.

Sarah looked over at Garry who had eyes the size of golf balls from so much confusion. "Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Garry asked.

"Chris was worried about JC so he came to me and asked me if I would talk with him. So i told him that my friend was in the same situation but it's not true. He came to you and told you what was wrong with him because he realized that he needs this surgery. I had helped him. When chris came here he slipped and said that the whole story was false. Aparently JC likes my friend and hates me even more now because I made a lie about her and said that she was sick." Sarah explained.

"Oh ok well I guess there is nothing else that can be done. The tour is cancelled until JC get's better and his surgery is scheduled for next week." Garry said.

"Ok well I'm gonne head home and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Garry." Sarah said and left the building and went home.

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