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Love Is Blind: Chapter 11

Ever since JC was in the hospital Sarah and him had been getting along better than ever. Sarah was always at Justin's house visiting JC and hanging out with him to keep him company. She learned a lot about him, more than she had ever expected. Surprisingly she found him to be quite intriguing and very intellectual. Sarah ahs never bonded so well with someone before. She was up in his room with him and they were talking about the five most embarrassing moments of their lives before 18.

"Ok here's one, I was 13 and I was in the bathroom ummm how shall I put this umm I was..." JC said as Sarah interrupted, "I get it go on." Sarah said. "Well I was up in the bathroom and well we used to keep the bathroom doors closed even if there was no one in them so I guess I forgot to lock the door and my mom came waltzing in to put some towels away and there I was with my pants down doing umm that thing." JC ended with a huge grin.

"Oh my god that beats all of mine! It's kind of like in the movie American Pie huh?" Sarah commented.

"Yeah I exactly! Ok your turn one more." JC grinned.

"Hmm well let's see uhh ok I got one. I was 14. I was really excited about this party I was going to on the weekend it was a pool party and I had gotten a new swim suit and everything yah know? So it was maybe a half-hour before the party and I went to bathroom before I was going to leave. As it turned out I had started my rag that morning so I just put a tampon in. Well yah know I'm having fun at the party and I'm swimming and then this guy Joseph that I've liked for a long time showed up. I got out of the pool to go give him a hug, when I got over there I was about to give him a hug when my tampon fell out and it was really gross like really gross! Everyone started laughing and I ran into the house crying and called my mom to pick me up. I pray every day that I didn't go to the same school as all those people!" Sarah ended giggling.

"Wow that's pretty bad, but how did it fall out?" JC asked.

"The pressure from the water I guess forced it out or something. I'm not quite sure all I know is that it fell out and it was really embarrassing. HA HA!" Sarah laughed.

"Did you ever talk to that Joseph guy again?" JC asked curiously while starring at Sarah's long wavy auburn hair, intrigued by how soft it looked and how well it lay on her bare shoulders. (Well not totally bare she was wearing a light purple spaghetti strap shirt. So she had straps but thin ones.)

"Yeah I did the week after my accident he asked me out. We went out all through high school and now we're good friends." Sarah responded with an innocent smile.

"Wow that's great would I get to meet him sometime?" JC asked with a childish smile crossing his face while he licked his lips.

"Umm sure if you want. Actually he doesn't live to far from here." Sarah remarked.

"So you grew up around here?" JC asked.

"Yep, I've lived here all my life actually." Sarah responded.

"So tell me, if you and Joseph went out for so long why did you break up?" JC asked with a tone of intensity that scared Sarah

Sarah looked at him and then spoke, "We just grew old of each other..." Sarah said very distraught, JC noticed the hurt that appeared in her eyes. "Well we just kinda umm.. look at the time! Well JC, I had fun I'll be back later but I have to go and umm... and.. do... laundry! That's it laundry I wouldn't want my clothes to be dirty! Well cya!" Sarah said as she left JC's room and ran down the stairs and out to her car with tears welling up in her eyes.

JC would have ran after her only he wasn't quite ready to start walking. He still had to start physical therapy. He saw the pain in her eyes when that subject was brought up. He couldn't get it out of his mind. He was thinking about how she said they were good friends.*If their break up was so bad then why are they good friends now?* For the next two hours that was the only thing on his mind.

Sarah got home and crashed onto her bed with tears running down her cheeks and now her pillow. She wished that the subject of her break up with Joseph was never brought up. She wished the whole idea of Joseph was never brought up. She was trying so hard to forget him for the last five years.*What did I get myself into? I can't believe I let myself go in front of JC! Nice one Sarah that was just peachy! Oh yeah we are such good friends now! Not after that heart thrashing break up we're not!* She pushed the whole thing out of her mind and decided to take a long shower. She had to be back at Justin's house because her and they guys were going to a club tonight. Sarah kind of felt bad that JC couldn't go because of his surgery but he insisted that everyone go anyways.

Sarah was putting last minute touches on her eyes and then grabbed her purse when her phone rang. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Sarah come on let's go." Chris said into the phone from the front of Sarah's building.

"What? I was just about to leave I'll be there in like 5 minutes." Sarah replied confused.

"No we came to pick you up. We are all down stairs waiting for your Hines to come down." Chris explained.

"Oh! You did? Ok I'll be down in a minute just let me hang up the phone. Bye." Sarah said hanging up the phone and walking down stairs. When she got down to the gate Chris had his head in between the bars and his Jaw dropped as soon as she was in range of sight. All of the other guys had wide eyes and dropped jaws too. They all new Sarah was pretty but they didn't know she could be sexy, sassy, and innocent all at the same time. That was exactly what she looked like.

Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail with little pink hair stones worked into the long, scrunched, auburn strands that hung down just above the back of her shoulders. She had on a light pink, knee length dress, with two inch, schrunchie straps that hung off her shoulders. It had light pink netting over the light pink floral print satin material. She had skin color stalking on and 2-inch heel black shoes. Her eyes had pink and silver sparkle eye shadow and black eyeliner on the bottom lids. Hanging off her should was a light pink purse with crystals along the sides. Her lips were dazzled with a smooth, shimery, pink lip gloss.

She walked over to the gate and opened it after Chris took his head out of the bars. She smiled at the guys' antics. Justin immediately opened the car door for Sarah to get in and realized she would be in the back so he pushed the other guys to get in. After Lance, Chris, and Joey were in Justin held the door for Sarah to get in and closed it after she was in. He walked over to his door and got in. He looked over at Sarah and grinned. She noticed and laughed to herself.

"Stop grinning at me like that Justin. It's still me Sarah!" Sarah said waving her hand in front of Justin's grinning face.

"Yeah I know but you look so good!" Justin exclaimed, "I mean you look good all of the time of course, but tonight you look really good! I didn't expect it that's all." Justin said as he started the car.

"Yeah Sarah we didn't expect it I mean JC said you left the house in tears and that you were really depressed!" Joey said from the back seat.

"What? He told you that?" Sarah questioned.

"Well yeah he mentioned something but we didn't really understand what he was saying." Lance covered up.

"Oh ok." Sarah said moving her head down and began thinking of what had happened earlier at Justin's house with JC.

"Hey Sar, what did happen? Why did you leave crying? Did JC say something to make you upset? You guys were on such good terms." Justin asked.

"Umm I don't want to talk about this right now. I want to have a good night. If we talk about this now I won't have a good night and neither will you guys." Sarah responded.

"Then we'll talk about it a different time." Justin retorted.

Sarah shot him a look, "Excuse me?" She said.

"I said then we'll talk about it a different time." Justin said looking back at Sarah while driving.

Sarah didn't know what to say. She knew Justin and the rest of the guys were worried but she didn't want to ever talk about it again. If she said no then she would have gotten them on her case even more. She decided to just keep quiet till they got to the club and that's exactly what she did.

At the club they got a place in the back that the owner had saved them. Ever since the conversation in the car Sarah seemed very distracted and wasn't as perky as she was when the night started. She couldn't get Joseph out of her mind. She kept wondering if he was still in Florida and if he changed his ways, or if he was still as abusive as he was with her. How she hated when he would hit her and then kiss her after wards. When the song "Love Is Blind" by Eve came out it made Sarah cry every time she heard it. It reminded her of Joseph.

They all put their stuff down at their table and Sarah sat down with Justin by her side. He looked at the pain in her eyes that was there ever since their conversation. How he wanted so badly to go inside her and find out what was going in her mind. All the guys wanted too. Lance came back from the bar with some drinks in his hands and looked down at Justin. He knew he wanted to find out what was wrong with Sarah but Lance also knew that Sarah wouldn't let him. He sat down and looked over at Sarah who was starring off into space.

"Hey Sarah come dance with me it's a slow song. We'll make this our song ok?" He said over the music for her to hear.

She looked up at him and nodded with a fake smile. They walked out onto the dance floor and they disappeared into the crowd of people.

Lance had his arms around her waist and Sarah had her arms around his neck with her head resting on his shoulder. Lance whispered into her ear,"I know you're hurting."

Sarah's head shot up and tears began to well up in her eyes. He held her tighter and walked off the dance floor with her in his arms and walked outside to the parking lot. They sat down on the curb to talk. Lance turned to Sarah with tears in her now blood shot eyes. It really broke his heart to see her this way.

"So Sarah come on tell me what's wrong." Lance suggested.

"It's Joseph.." Sarah said as the tears began to poor out.

"Who's Joseph?" Lance questioned.

"He's my ex boyfriend." Sarah answered.

"Ok now we're getting somewhere. What is it about Joseph that is making you cry?"He asked.

"The memories. I haven't thought about him for five years and when I was talking to JC earlier we were talking about the most embarrassing moments of our lives before 18 and I told him a story that involved Joseph. We started talking about him and how I have gone out with him all through high school. JC asked why we broke up and it triggered bad memories." Sarah explained with her head buried in her arms.

"What was so bad that happened with you and Joseph?" Lance asked yet another question.

"He used to... um he... used... to... hit me." Sarah said as the tears came running down her cheeks even more. Lance grabbed her in his arms to comfort her.

They sat there for a little while longer and then when Sarah was calmed down they went back inside. Justin was up dancing with some girl but when he saw Lance and Sarah walk back in he hit lances arm to get his attention. Lance stopped to talk with Justin while Sarah continued to walk to the table.

"Where did you guys go?" Justin questioned concerned.

"We just went outside so she could talk about what's bugging her." Lance answered.

"What did she tell you?" Justin asked.

"Justin don't worry about right now I'll tell you later." Lance explained.

"You better!" Justin warned.

Lance ignored the last remark that Justin made and continued back to the table. Sarah was there talking to Chris about some girl he met. Lance was happy to see her smiling.

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