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Love Is Blind: Chapter 10

At Sarah's house on the phone with Kelly. "Oh my God Kelly he went crazy. He is so mad at me now! Not like he wasn't mad before but still you know." Sarah complained.

"Well Sar I don't blame him. You lied about something very serious! I should be mad at you too telling a lie like that about me, but I'm not because I understand why you did it but I don't think JC does. He probably has it stuck in his mind that you did it just to make him get hurt. You need to try and explain to him that you did it for a good reason. Otherwise your relationship is not going to go anywhere but down hill." Kelly explained.

"Yeah I know but how am I supposed to talk to him? It's because of me he has to get shots which he HATES and it's because of me that the tour is cancelled." Sarah complained even more.

"Ok that's it stop your complaining I don't want to hear it! I'm sorry Sarah but you need to forget about it. He'll get over it sooner or later, but you need to get over it sooner than him. When is he going in for his surgery?" Kelly asked.

"On Thursday why?" Sarah asked confused.

"After his surgery he won't be able to do much of anything so that's when you cna make your move." Kelly said.

"What move? Kelly I'm so confused right now." Sarah asked.

"Your move to explain to him why you made the story." Kelly answered.

"No it'll be to late then!" Sarah retorted.

"Oh yeah I guess your right. Well then I don't know what you can do but you have to get over it!" Kelly replied.

"Ok ok I'm over it. I'll stop obsessing over it. Happy? I hope you are. Hey did I forget to mention to you that JC likes you?" Sarah ended her sentence with a big grin that Kelly obviously couldn't see.

"Likes me?" Kelly restated aloud, "No I think you left htat part out Sar. What do you mean by likes me?"

"I mean likes you! I bet he just can't get over your enormous amount of sweetness towards him. Yah know how you always say hi with a bright smile and flip your hair back and forth." Sarah explained deviously.

"Sarah what are you trying to say? I don't feel for JC like that and you know it. I love James. Don't you remember I was hooking YOU up with JC not myself?" Kelly replied.

"Yeah but JC doesn't know that now does he? All he sees is your bright smile and flipy hair." Sarah explained.

"Sarah don't even go there. Not at a time like this." Kelly warned.

"At a time like what? Kelly whatever are you talking about? You do feel for JC don't you? Come on Kel admit it!" Sarah pressured.

"Sarah stop it! I don't like JC. He doesn't like me either." Kelly said with her voice shaking.

"Ok I believe you Kelly you don't like JC and he doesn't like you! I've got it straight." Sarah said calmly.

"Good because it's true." Kelly answered.

"Ok. Well I gotta go I'll talk to you later. Bye." Sarah said as she hung up the phone.

Thursday after JC's surgery

Sarah walked into the waiting room and saw all the guys with blank looks on their faces looking around the room. It was as if they had been there for days. Sarah walked up to Justin and snapped in front of his eyes.

"Huh? What? Is he ok? Oh hey Sarah when did you get here?" Justin asked.

"Hey Justin, I just got here how long have you been here?" Sarah asked slowly so he could understand.

"For about 3 hours." Justin answered looking down at his watch.

"Oh I see, so is JC out of Surgery yet?" Sarah asked.

"I'm not sure why don't you go check." Justin suggested.

"Ok I'll be right back." Sarah said as she walked off. She walked up to the front desk, "Excuse me but do you know if JC Chasez is out of Surgery yet?" Sarah asked.

"Um just a second ma'am, Yes he is if you want you can go in and see him, he's in room 305 down the hall."

"Thank you." Sarah said as she walked to room 305. She knocked and when she didn't hear an answer she walked in. JC was asleep so Sarah decided that was the right time to talk to him. She sat down on the side of JC's bed and looked down at him. "Ok JC I know you had to go through a lot of pain with this surgery and I just want to say I'm really sorry. I hope you can find it in your black heart to forgive me. I really did it to help you not hurt you. I've never had an enemy before you. I just wish we could start over and things wouldn't be so bad like they are. Kelly really did do a good job on picking you. I'm sure we would have gotten along great. But like they say everything happen for a reason, right? Look at me I'm talking to you and your asleep. Well I guess I wouldn't be able to get you to listen to me if you weren't alseep not after your surgery and everything." Sarah paused as JC stirred and turned on his side facing Sarah. Sarah stayed quiet and JC's eyes began to open.

"Hey beautiful!" JC said as he grabbed Sarah and kissed her.

Sarah pulled away, "JC! What are you doing?" Sarah raised her voice.

"Huh?" JC said as he sat up and looked around.

Sarah realized JC didn't know what he was doing, "Um nothing you just woke up that's all." Sarah said as she stood up.

"Oh it's you. Where are the guys?" JC asked.

"They're are in the waiting room I'll go get them." Sarah said as she walked towards the door when JC's voice stopped her.

"Thank you." JC said.

Sarah turned around and looked into JC's eyes surprised, "What for?" Sarah asked.

"For what you said." JC answered.

"You heard me?" Sarah asked turning all the way around.

"Yeah I did." JC responded.

"Your welcome." Sarah said as she left the room. If he heard me then did he know he kissed me? Sarah thought to herself as she walked into the waiting room. Four pairs of eyes looked up at her. "He's awake and he's fine you can go see him." Sarah explained.

"Ok great!" Justin said cheerfully.

"When did you get here?" Chris asked confused.

"I've been here for about 45 minutes Chris." Sarah answered.

"Umm ok I'm going to go see JC now we'll be back Sarah." Chris said slowly like a robot.

"Ok Chris have fun!" Sarah responded chipperly. The guy walked out of the room and Sarah looked around at the magazines when something caught her eye. She walked over to where Justin ahd been sitting and looked down at the magazine. There it was plastered on the front cover. The faces of Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance, and most of all JC. Sarah couldn't contain the laughter she had inside. She tripped and fell landing on her back side laughing. Lance had left his bag in the waiting room and walked in while Sarah was laughing on the ground. "Sarah what are you doing on the floor?" Lance asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh hi Lance! This is a great picture of you! I really like how the eyeliner looks on you!" Sarah said bursting out into more laughter.

"Well,.. I think I'm gonna leave now... and let you continue laughing... on... the ground... bye." Lance said leaving the room.

"Bye Lance!" Sarah said in time for Lance to hear her before he left. She stood back up and took a seat in the chair in front of her. Still laughing she opened to the page of the article about the guys. It talked about how the guys started and who made the inicial first call. Sarah found it out to be Chris who actually put the group together. After the article was over it had a little survey each guy filled out. The questions were, "What's your favorite color?", "What's your favorite animal?" and, "What's your favorite Sport?" Sarah thought it was great how the magazines did these articles it made her laugh so hard.

Ten minutes later all the guys came back into the waiting room, to get Sarah. "Hey Sar JC wants to talk to you...privately." Justin said.

Sarah looked up from the magazine with a blank confused look on her face, "He does? Privately? Should I be scared?" Sarah questioned frantically.

"We don't know he just said to send you in alone." Justin said emphasizing "Alone".

"Ok I'm going." Sarah said as she walked out of the room. She walked past the front desk and over to JC's room, room 305. She knocked on the door and waited for a notion. When she heard JC's voice she walked in with a cautious look on her face. JC noticed and smiled which made Sarah een more scared than before. She had never seen JC smile at her. He has a nice smile. Sarah thought and smiled to herself, no don't think that Sarah get a grip he's still your enemy whether he said "Thank you" or not!

She walked in further and stood next to his bed and looked down at him.

"Thanks for coming in." JC said breaking the silence.

"Umm you're welcome?" Sarah responded.

"Look Sarah I know we haven't been on good terms. But what you said to me really made me think . . .

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