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Do you have a question that isn't answered here? Email and I'll try and find the answer.

This FAQ page is meant to answer some basic questions or to point you to where you can find certain information.

Table of Contents

  1. How do I ... ?
    • download Furcadia
    • create an alt (alternate character)
    • edit my character
    • control my character
    • create a dream
    • become an owsla
  2. Where can I find ... ?
    • furcadia software and patches
    • a list of guilds
    • a DragonSpeak tutorial
    • a directory of Furcadia links
  3. Why don't ... ?
    • the dream pads work
  4. Who is/are ... ?
    • the creators of Furcadia
    • the Owsla
    • the Primes
  5. What is/are ... ?
    • a guild
    • a Rah
    • a Taneest(a)
  6. When is ... ?
    • the next update

How do I ... ?

download furcadia

You can download the Furcadia zip file from

create an alt (alternate character)
  1. Rename Furcadia.ini to (e.g.) MyFirstAlt.ini
  2. Copy Furcadia.exe to Fur2.exe
  3. run Furcadia.exe and create a new alt.
  4. Rename Furcadia.ini to MyNewAlt.ini
  5. Run Furcadia.exe with the parameter 'MyFirstAlt.ini'
  6. Run Fur2.exe with te parameter 'MyNewAlt.ini'
edit my character

The easiest way to edit your furre's colors, species and description is using fured.exe in your Furcadia folder. If you don't already have fured.exe, you can download it from You can also use your .ini file to edit your furre's colors, species and description (if you edit anything else you could corrupt your .ini file).

control my furre

Run Furcadia.exe and press ctrl-z or click on the help graphic on the top left.

create a dream

In your Furcadia folder there are two programs you can use to create your dreams: dreamed.exe and edit.exe. To open dreamed.exe while playing Furcadia hit ctrl-E. I'm not going to explain how to use these programs, only the basics of creating a dream.

There are three things you can place in on your map. These are: objects, floor types and walls. Objects have three attributes which decide how a furre can interact with it. Some objects can be sat on (i.e. stools). Some objects can be picked up (i.e. buckets, pookies, etc.) Some objects are impassable (i.e. statues, trees, etc). Some objects are a combination of all of these attributes. Floor types only have one attribute. They are either walkable or not. Walls have only one attribute aswell. They are either passable or impassable.

DragonSpeak is what allows you to make your dream do "stuff". With DragonSpeak you can do many simple things such as transporting a furre or opening a door. You can also do more complex things such as create a waterslide or disco floor. DragonSpeak is based on a cause and effect system and can be a very powerful dream building tool. If you want to learn more about DragonSpeak, go to

become an owsla

There is no formal way in which Owsla are chosen. If you ask to be an Owsla you are disqaulified from eligibilaty. A good Owsla canidate must be mature, sensitive and have a sense of humour.

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Where can I find ... ?

Furcadia software and patches

These pages have many good downloads for Furcadia: and

a list of guilds

Nitemyste has an excellent list of chartered guilds and un-chartered guilds.

A DragonSpeak tutorial

You can find information on using DragonSpeak at

a directory of Furcadia links

For a long list of Furcadia Links, try The Furcadian Linkage Portal.

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Why don't ... ?

the dream pads work

I've been told that they will be working very soon.

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Who is/are ... ?

the creators of Furcadia

Furcadia was created by Felorin and Talzhemir.  Talzhemir created the graphics and Felorin did the programming.

the Owsla

The Owsla are a group of chosen furres that are in charge of keeping Furcadia under control (the police of Furcadia).  They have the power to ban you from Furcadia. The following furres are owsla: ManekiNeko, Mahvros, Elizabeth Kitty, Aedina Equinae, Illuminus Noch, Moreta, Warlock, Gunnthra, Warfrat, Nikodemus, Glorfindel, Kittrel, SunSpirit, Tippie, Armand, Shadowborn, Woundwort, Achilles, Eloise, KeeZy, Sanctimoious, GoldenHawk, Eclyps, Taidgh, Belgareth, Eloise, Hiramatsu, Kataclysm, and \\'arlock. New owsla: Ryhn, Smithie and Leonah.

the Primes

Primes are characters that are used to enhance Roleplaying plots.  In Character, The Primes hold godlike powers and they're immortal but they aren't really deities.   Click here for more information on Primes.

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What is ... ?

a guild

A guild is an organization of furres that serve different purposes.  There are three types of guilds: social, persona and roleplay. 

a Rah

A Rah is the leader of a guild.

a Taneest(a)

A Taneest (male) and Taneesta (female) are the Rah's helpers within a guild.   Taneest(a)s take the role of Rah in his/her absense.

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When is ... ?

the next update

The next update will be in about two years.  Exactly what will be new in this update is being kept confidential.

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