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It seems Furcadia is becoming more and more commercialized. What could this mean in the long run? How long will it be before we have to pay to log on? Our editor investigates the developing issue that could effect all furres. [full story here] - By Bravecat


By Euripetese Mouse

Bots are ever increasing in Furcadia, and it is becoming a real problem (the amount of bots there are in dreams and outside them too)! Many bots in Furcadia shout out to all furres about what the dream is and what benefits it has, but in actual fact the benefit would be if there were less bots in Furcadia.

Bots started off in guilds and so forth, and then increased into many other dreams that not really needed bots. Now there are many people who make bots not just for use inside the dream, but also for making the dream familiar to other furres so they will visit them. Quite frankly, this does not help a great deal and they make Algeria Island (AI) extremely crowded and not a very pleasant place to chat and hangout!

Some cases have been reported that Bot makers are breaking rules from the sense that they are only allowed to make their Bots shout out once every 1 minuet, on a public map the limit is one speech, shout or emote every minute, at the very minimum, but currently there are so many Bots in Algeria that there is a shout once every five seconds, and some Bot makers think that it is okay to decide how long their Bots should shout out.

Is Sanctuary Moving?

By Poncer

There are rumors going around lately that the Sanctuary is moving to Dusk2Dawn. The rumors of this Guild is not true. Since I am a member of the Circle in this Dream Guild, I got word from Emerald Flame herself. These rumors are nothing but a joke. These rumors appeared as a joke in a joke paper called The Furcadia Weekly. These are made up stories so do not believe these reports. Misticmagic responded to my question of the idea of the Weekly's article on Sanctuary is moving, he replied "it all lies." Shadraw who is a member of the Circle also replied to my questions. This is what he said "I can't believe that Sanct would move to D2d." He also said Sanct needs to easily accessible to all the furre and it wouldn't in D2D. after all look how hard to get there(D2D)." Lithius also responded by saying "It was just a rumour." He even reply and said that all Furres should keep watching Sanctuary to see what will happen. But the main idea is that Sanctuary is not moving and is staying where it has always been on AI.


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Owsla Helpful or Hopeless

"The henchmen of Felorin"

By Warrior Coyote

Owsla are here to help you out right? Well, are some Owsla abusing their power on Furcadia? Owsla are here to enforce the stated rules of Furcadia which are: Do not attempt to dodge the profanity filter, on all main maps the rating is PG-13, all combat must be kept off main maps, and respect the Owsla. They are always there to help you out if you have a question of any kind. If someone is not following the rules of Furcadia or are harassing you in anyway(dream blocking, sexual harassment, verbal harassment, spam) then an Owsla is there to boot them. Some people have been complaining about Owsla booting or banning them for absoulutely no reason. Owsla decisions are final and are not to be argued with. Owsla are basically the henchmen of Felorin (Programmer of Furcadia), and whatever he says they do.

Personally I have never fallen victim to a booting for no reason, and a many of my friends have not either. I believe what the Owsla say is the best for Furcadia, and we should follow what they say. Sometimes in real life police arrest you wrongly, and they apologize and everything gets straightened out. I belive if we take the time to ask the Owsla why we were booted then we will all understand they are just trying to help us out. Without Owsla Furcadia would be all out of order and no one would be able to have fun. Although many improvements are easily seen by many they can only be achieved by working together. So I leave you with this quote today, "Government is too big and too important to be left to the politicians."

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Editor in Chief & Webmaster:

Senior Editor:

Fyre Inferno

Journalists: Philantha, Veronicah, Gwendalyn

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Due to popular demand, we have added a new message board. Furres are welcome to use this board to discuss current Furcadian issues, news, and other things. It is also a great place to advertise your weddings and guilds. Come on and become apart of our Furcadia Daily Community.

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