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Alternative Health Treatments

Disclaimer : The information found in this website is not medical advice. We provide an information service -only- and make no recommendations as to use, efficacy, or effectiveness of any information posted. For medical advice, please contact a state licensed health care provider in your area. Also, because every person's situation is different, this page is not in the position of giving advice regarding any article posted. It and its contributors will not be held responsible for any negative results which come from reading or acting upon the information found herein. Please consult your local health care provider before undertaking any type of health treatment.

READ at your own risk.

Many new studies in the health services fields are leading many professionals and patients to investigate methods not generally in the "main-stream" of medical practice. Some of these may hold promising new treatments in many areas of western medicine. Many have already proved to hold new shining rays of hope and treatment. While others may be folk remedies that may not be backed by current science.

Again, we are providing this as information and not as advice. For advice and treatment, we strongly recommend seeking a state licensed health care professional.

Here are some links to information pages withe herbal remedies.

Carolyn's Yeast Cure

HolisticOnline Herbal Medicine

Medicinal Herbs Online

Herbal Research Foundation

Alg's Herb Page

Southwest School of Botanical Medicine

Thrive Online Library

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