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Humor is one of Life's Best Medicines

Humor is serious medicine. Laughter has been prescribed as a method of boosting the bodies natural healing agents. Hearty laughter brings about a 'clinical' sense of joy. Joy brings about a sence of 'well-being'. Without this sence of well-being, illness continues and reaches for our souls. Many times, simple humor and a sense of light heartedness allows us to manage some of life's stresses while coping with this chronic condition -- so join in and laugh! Yes - please laugh, be merry, and most of all -- HAVE A GOOD TIME. Let go of what troubles you all the most and find wellness in your heart and mind.

Picture donated by Elaine.

This is the first time I've done this for a group, so input and suggestions will be accepted and considered.

In light of recent happenings within this list, it is hard to keep in mind how important humor is to each of us. I have included some of my favorite picks from my own group and from some of you.

To serve the varied tastes in humor, I have included two categories of humor; "General Hmor" and a "Grown-up Humor". It is not my intent to offend anyone in any way. This is why I have seperated the humor into two sections. Again, my goal is to serve this cyber-society. Please read only what you are comfortable with.

General Humor          Grown-up Humor

Please send all comments, jokes, humor, and pictures/cartoons as soon as possible!

Address them to Shelly McAda a.k.a.
and note the as NCU--PICS/TOONS when mailing.
Updated: Sunday, November 28, 1999 03:45 PM

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