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Pictures of Me

Well, here they are, by popular of me. Hurray.

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Les Chanteuses Photo, May 2000

Here it is, me in my sparkly boob dress... er, I mean, choir dress. ;o) Don't I look lovely?

Me in Palm Springs, April 2000

Here's me at my parents' exhibitor's booth after a convention in Palm Springs. Yep, I *do* have a bathing suit on under that, thank you. ;o) :o) And I'm not really that pale, really. I was sick and stuff, plus the light was bad and the camera was stupid. I swear!!

Me as a Dragonfly, Halloween '99

Here's me in my "Mothra" costume. I'm really s'posed to be a dragonfly, but Carey, my drama teacher, called me Mothra and it stuck. :o)

Me and My Friends at Disneyland

I'm the one in the yellow shirt with the purple sunglasses on my head and a goofy look on my face. The map is at my feet because I am Map Girl. (Long story.) The other three, from the left, are Crystal, Carina, and Kristy.

Me and Some Friends at the Annie Cast Party

I'm all the way on the right in the horrible-looking tie-dyed T-shirt. You should recognize Kris and Rina, and the little redhead is Sabrina (aka Annie). Kristy and I are wearing stage makeup; we don't normally look that freakish.

Me and Rina

A pic of me and my best friend Rina. We're a little camera shy. :o)