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Welcome to the AWOS Interface!!

You've found it! This is my realm on the web, the Amazing World of Stuff! You can get anywhere in my sites through this page, which is why I call it the interface. Do enjoy the place, as I've spent a lot of time (read: wasted tedious hours) putting this stuff up. If one person enjoys it, though, it gives my worthless life a shred of meaning. And hey, send me some e-mail. Seriously, I mean it. It makes my life whole. :o)

Where Can I Take You Today?

MSTie Central!  A tiny little corner of the AWOS

The AWOS's Movie Reviews

Serendogz: My Puppiez's Palace (Opening this summer!!)

Shadowvoxer's Song Lyrics (Open Soon- hopefully by this fall...)

Inside the Interface...

La Biographie du Webmistress
The Amazing World of Message Board
The AWOS Dreambook
Amazing Colossal Links Page

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Click for Redlands, California ForecastClick for Redlands, California Forecast

Proud member of the Mike Nelson Fan Cult

Yeah, I'm a sockhead...what are you gonna do about it?

My radio.sonicnet station


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Webmonkey Click here for over 1000 FREE Graphics!!Sweetwater Valleyget some!

©Copyright 1999-2000 by Erika K. Riggio. Anything here has either been created by me or stolen from corporate bigwigs. It's time they started giving back to the people! :o) Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) is a trademark of Best Brains Incorporated (BBI). The song lyrics featured at Shadowvoxer are copyrighted to whatever they happen to be copyrighted to. Hell, I don't know, I just know that they're copyrighted, okay? Petz is a registered trademark of PF.Magic. The posters on the reviews site are collected from various places around the web- sorry for stealing, guys. *g* Special thanks to Stephanie Fleet for getting me my Photoshop software; and Courtney Enlow, Brianjedi, Theresa a.k.a. Cheese Goddess, and TerranSky, my MST3K writing staff. You guys all rock!