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Bee Antidote to Cancer

The Television, Computers, Mobile Phones and other gadgets of the new information age have no doubt transformed the world into a global village but little do the users know of the dangers posed by the regular radiation emitting from these electronic devices to sensitive organs like the brain, liver and the eyes. The Bee, one of the world's treasured insects seems to have the antidote, writes TUNDE FABUNMI.

The benefits of science and technology include television, computers and mobile phones, but the use of these devices is not without price for the modern man. They emit radiation, which harms the body cells especially in sensitive organs like the brain, liver and the eyes. However, the exposure of modern man to the effects of radiation and its attendant impact on health is not restricted to TV, computers and the mobile phone. Sadly too, most of our foods are laced with toxins and chemical pollutants in the course of production and processing. For instance, pesticide (farm chemical) was linked to the contamination of Indomie noodles, which caused health scare nationwide a couple of weeks ago. Laboratory analysis of the noodles by the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control NAFDAC revealed that some batches of the chicken flavour brand was contaminated with carbon furan, a pesticide used in agriculture at level above the acceptable limits.

In fact, the Centre for Disease Control and the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States said people are exposed to over 200 different forms of radioactive toxins and about 60,000 various chemical toxins yearly. And toxins by definition stress our immune system, harm other parts of the body and cause a wide range of health problems. Specifically, it has been scientifically documented that exposure to radiation and chemical pollutants decreases a number of vital body substances including antibodies, white blood cells, red blood cells, and nutrients in the blood and mother's milk. For instance, x - ray and radiation break down the body proteins, thus producing histamine, which can cause several allergic responses. In Britain, possible health hazards posed by mobile phones have generated intense interest amid fears that low - level radiation could trigger a string of ailments especially cancer.

The growing concern for safety popularized the hands - free cellular phone kit, which put a distance between the mobile microwaves and the human brain. But Britain's Consumers' Association said this device was unreliable as a safety mechanism because its research showed that the key factor is the distance between the earpiece and the mobile phone antenna. Another research published in the medical journal, The Lancet warned that children who use mobile phones risk suffering memory loss, sleeping disorders and headaches because the radiation may be extra harmful to their young brains. A physicist, Dr Gerard Hyland raised new fears over radiation caused by mobile phones and said that children and teenagers under the age of 18 were more vulnerable because their immune systems were less robust. "Radiation is known to affect the brain rhythms and children are particularly vulnerable because the effect of microwaves from a mobile phone is a bit like interference on a radio with an impact on the stability of cells in the body", Hyland said. Similarly, the British Government - commissioned inquiry into potential risks of mobile phones in May 2000 warned that children should be discouraged from using GSM. In effect, daily exposure to radiation form mobile phones, computers, foods, TV and other sources coupled with the effects of aging, stress and faulty nutrition can seriously impair the brain and the eyes or worse still cause cancer.

But since TV, computers, mobile phones and processed foods are inextricable features of modern times; people must do something to forestall their negative effects on their bodies. Unfortunately, ridding the body of the effects of radiation and chemical pollutants is not feasible within the context of conventional medical system. Rather, most of the treatment procedures in the orthodox medical sphere especially chemotherapy, radiotherapy, x - ray and administration of antibiotic drugs inject toxins into the body and in many cases deliver a debilitating blow by attacking the immune system at its very core. However unknown to many in this part of the world, the bee and its products have been equipped by nature to counter the negative effects of radiation and toxins in the body. In other words, while TV, mobile phones and computers are not dispensable in this modern time, bee products - honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis can be our saving grace in terms of ridding our body of the effects of radiation and toxins. In specific terms, the documented anti - radiation and anti - cancer properties of beehive products are as follow:

Honey: This is the most popular bee product and it is rich in nutrients including antioxidants, which neutralize the reaction of free radicals (toxins) that can bind to important cells in the body and cause cancer or heart disease. Recent studies at the University of California confirmed that regular consumption of honey increases the level of antioxidants in the blood stream. Another study by Dr Nicki J. Engeseth, a professor of food chemistry at the University of Illinois also indicated that the level of antioxidants in honey could counter the highly reactive molecules known as free radicals, which can damage the body's cells and are thought to speed the development of cancer, heart disease and age - related diseases. In addition, honey can effectively counter the effects of stress and malnutrition.

Propolis: This is a product made from resins collected by bees from flowers, leaf buds and tree bark. Propolis has a lot of therapeutic properties including antioxidative effects against radiation. One of propolis's most impressive effects is its protective activity against irradiation especially gamma and ultra violet rays, which produce free radicals that can lead to tissue damage or cancer. Specifically, the flavonoids content of propolis have strong inhibiting effect against toxic compounds. For instance, a team of physicians at the Institute of Radiology in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia treated patients who were suffering from radiation complications. The patients had serious liver damage caused by improper protein metabolism and x - rays. Propolis was administered on one group of patients for two months, while another group of patients with similar disorder was given a placebo. At the end of two months, those given propolis had significantly improved, with some patients symptoms completely disappeared. No improvement was observed in the group given the placebo.

Also, because propolis especially its tincture form can expel toxic metals from the body; it has become vital element in the fight against Alzheimer's (loss of memory) and Parkinson's disease. Bee Pollen: This is collected from the male parts of flowers and synthesized by the bees as source of energy to power their flight for forage. Pollen is a complete food, which contains a higher percentage of all necessary nutrients. It has 30 percent complete protein with 18 amino acids, 12 vitamins including A, B, C, D, and E, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes and 14 beneficial fatty acids. Pollen has strong anti-radiation properties in its rich antioxidants that scavenge free radicals caused by exposure to radiation, chemical pollutants and other intense physical or emotional stressors. Besides, pollen rejuvenates the body system, stimulates organs and glands, enhances vitality and brings about longer life span. Several nutrients in bee pollen have been scientifically documented their ability to strengthen immunity, counteract the effects of radiation and chemical toxin, which are the two most severe stressors of the immune system. For instance, diet supplemented with bee pollen daily prevents the development of cancerous tumours.

Royal Jelly: Royal Jelly is another bee product exclusively made for the queen bee to stimulate her growth and reinforce the reproductive glands for the task of egg laying solely entrusted on her by nature. A queen bee lays between 1500 - 2000 eggs per day and for as long as two to five years. Royal jelly is a rich treasure chest of nutrients and energy. It is 13 per cent protein, 15 per cent carbohydrates and contains the full spectrum of vitamins with high proportion of B vitamins recognized for their ability to reduce stress levels. Royal jelly has anti-aging properties that can also counter the effects of radiation because it contains vitamin C and E, which are potent antioxidants to prevent the development of cancerous tumours in the body. Royal jelly has also been found to be of great help in boosting the body's resistance to the harmful side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

A team of Japanese researchers gave royal jelly to one of two groups of laboratory mice before transplanting different types of cancer cells in them. The royal jelly had dramatic effects on sarcoma cells, which translate into extension of life span of the mice, while the tumours were about half the size compared with untreated mice, according to report in the journal Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshji-Folia Pharmacological Japonica (Feb. 1987; 89; 73 - 80) Therefore, supplementing our diet with honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly will help rebuild the good cells that are destroyed by radiation and chemical toxins, thus strengthening the body immune system. Because the fact that many Nigerians now die before the dawn of age is an indication that a combination of factors including exposure to radiation and chemical pollutants, hunger, malnutrition and stress impair the workings of the body as we age. But the answer lies in the bee products, which Dr Robert Liebelt, a professor of anatomy, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine; Ohio USA said "contains all the nutritional factors and other biological active substances to help human body function at its maximum capacity". So, Bee Alive!

Fabunmi is Executive Director, Bee Conservation Project.


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