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Renewable energy and steady power supply
The call for renewable energy is part of the global unrest and the expression of the dissatisfaction with the state of the environment for which Nigeria has signed series of treaties to assist in improving locally. It is a clamour for efficient solutions to the rape of nature through the emission of all types of harmful gasses in the quest for industrialization.

:::Tive Denedo
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The Electricity Act 2003 is at heart a legislation that is intended by those who framed supported and passed it, to bring reforms and relief to one agency that has brought us much grief. However, the good intentions are only as far as the letter of the legislations are concerned. The law, which the legislation attempts to replace, is the same in spirit; an underlying needs to generate more money even without offering quality services.

:::Tive Denedo
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Electricity and Governance in Nigeria
Energy generation, distribution, and transmission are emerging development issues in Nigeria and many parts of Africa. Within the continent, the concern for energy matters is not as contentious as the demand for civil and political rights or even the clamour for the promotion and protection of those rights by international donors and governments. However, this is like putting the cart before the horse if we are to seriously consider the implications of the inter dependence and inter relatedness of all rights.

:::Tive Denedo
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Notes on the North American Blackout
It is instructive to begin this debut on the reflection on Energy issues in Nigeria on the power outage that affected North America especially cities like New York, Cleveland, Ohio, Detroit, Michigan, Ottawa, Toronto. Ordinarily, a power outage in faraway North America should be of no consequence to us in Nigeria in another continent entirely. However, when properly analysed, the event holds a significant value for Nigerians.

:::Tive Denedo

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