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>> Opinion :::

Nigeria: Goodbye to Decency?

By Blessed Isi Momodu

The enclave called Nigeria has become a wonderland of sort. A lot of strange happenings occur that make one questions the humanity of the present gang of looters led by Obasanjo. On the 6th of September, IBB used her so called daughter’s wedding to launch his political campaign. All his errand boys both military and civilian were fighting to be noticed by this unfortunate human being. A show of shame called Award of national honours to well known looters of Nigerian oil money including Mr. Babangida, Tafa Balogun, Tony Anenih etc on the 16th of December betray how mentally deranged Obasanjo and his henchmen have become. I would not have questioned OBJ’s mental fitness to preside over Nigerian affairs if the award ceremony had been truly christened A REWARD ceremony for the various roles played by these known leeches in bringing and sustaining him in power. After OBJ was released from prison, the military establishment after due consultation with their backers in London and Washington sent IBB to persuade OBJ to hold Nigeria in tact for them.

This he did but not without striking a deal that he would like to come back again. IBB soon deployed part of his looted money to impose OBJ on us all. The rest is now history. Obasanjo using the name of Nigeria deceitfully to reward his mentor called IBB not only insults our collective sensibility but on one hand, it shows OBJ’s open anointment of Babangida as his next successor honouring his openly secret part of the deal and on the other hand the reward ceremony confirms the long known Babangida’s doctrine of military rogues calling the shorts in Nigeria. I refer readers to my article:IBB’s Agenda for Nigeria.

I feel really sad that this man called Obasanjo was allowed deliberately or inadvertently by the masses of Nigeria to manage the product of our collective struggle against military dictatorship. How come Babangida, a coup plotter whose regime via a parcel bomb killed renowned Journalist Dele Giwa, who defiantly insulted Nigerians by his refusal to appear before Oputa panel, the man who ran the Nigerian economy aground via IMF/World Bank policies of structural adjustment programme SAP, the man whose only credit it was to democratise the collective looting of Nigerian oil money amongst his class allies is rewarded by Obasanjo whose pretence as a Christian has long been exposed several times?

Adding insult to injury as the old saying goes, Tafa Balogun, the current chairman of police looting department, whose penchant for corrupt practices was chronicled by a Nigerian newspaper much to the chagrin of Nigerians was rewarded for changing electoral results in the massively rigged 2003 (s)election process. My heart bleeds for Nigeria because it is my motherland. I have no other place I am so used to as Nigeria. I might be thousands of kilometers away but electronic democracy called internet keeps me abreadst with happenings both in my immediate family and the larger society almost on a daily basis. This brings me to the man called Anenih who coincidentally is also an Esan man. Ordnarily, Tony Anenih is not qualified for any decent award but he has been rewarded several times for being a good errand boy for the military establishment as a political Thug. He took this thuggery to the Presidency as seen by the many battles between OBJ, Atiku and Na Aba’s house of representative.

His closeness to the military establishment gives him undue advantage in stealing ballot boxes or changing electoral figures. In the second republic when the political climate was a little beat more decent, Tony Anenih could not enter Esan land without police escort based on his nauseating antipeople’s politics. His dismal failure as minister of Works was even confirmed by his boss OBJ. In a free and fair electoral contest, starting from Esan, Tony Anenih can not defeat Anthony Enahoro whose track record of decent and people oriented politics is as bright as the noon day. His act of political thuggery and intimidation is currently tearing the Edo State House of Assembly apart. Let me also use this opportunity to air my view on another irritating character called Stella Obasanjo. If I had not known the father, a well respected Esan man, a former chairman of UAC nig ltd, I would have thought that she has some Asian and not even European blood in her.

I have nothing against her wish to Michael Jackson herself if she were a private, obscured Nigerian but that she is supposedly married to alleged Christian President and being paraded in her bleached colour on television screens and in the churches as First lady and role model shows that decency in Nigeria has been thrown to the dogs. The health hazards of such beauty operations are often concealed from Patients. Currently, in Germany, some women who enlarged their breast with hitherto unknown carcinogenic substance are being called to come and remove these enlargements free of charge. This is a warning to those Africans who are lured by the likes of Stella into europeanising themselves.

The Nigerian military has imposed a social system on us which they called democracy to operate on a federal basis hence they often say, Federal republic of Nigeria, Haba! What kind of deception is this? Is it not a unitary system of government they are operating with a constitution to match? The military and their selected civilian counterpart craftily wrote rules and regulations for looting Nigerian oil money and christened it a constitution with an obnoxious preamble “….we the people of Nigeria…”. A sovereign national conference is a desideratum to restructuring the Nigerian entity to avert a future cataclysm that will have profound consequences for the sub Saharan region. Until this is done, in the contemporary Nigeria, it is Good Bye to Decency.


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