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Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Africa’s Wars

The protracted Civil Wars still raging in many countries in Africa is not too cheery. It is pitiable that at a time when the world is confronted by the challenge of the technological age, huge human and material resources are being frittered away to fight senseless wars in a continent still yearning to lift itself from the stage of pristine development.

Many countries in Africa have been reduced to shreds as the battle for primacy amongst disparate political groups for power, rages on. In the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the country has virtually known no peace since it got independence four decades ago. Almost everywhere you turn from Somalia, Sudan, Angola, Sierra Leone, Congo, Guinea and other areas, the people are torn against each other in a theatre of war in a battle of near attrition. In Somalia and Sudan, there’s hardly the semblance of a government.

The reign of anarchy and terror continues to reinforce hopelessness, poverty, disease and homelessness. What is condemnable is the infamous role of Private Military Companies PMCs in these wars. Since the advent of Overcomes, a first generation PMC which was involved in the war in the Congo, both the government and rebel authorities have increasingly resorted to the assistance of the PMCs to conduct its wars leading to the mushrooming of such mercenary armies in most trouble spots.

For the PMCs which includes Military Professionals Retired Initiative (MPRI), the American based agency now working on a programme aimed supposedly at re-professionalising the Nigerian Army, promoting Africa’s wars is big business. From the factories located in America and Europe, these PMCs made up largely of retired military officers are making brisk business supplying the full compliment of military hardware-motorised vehicles, guns, tanks, uniforms and even men to fight in Africa’s wars.

To put it quite crudely, PMCs are selling war packages to Africa. And they are smiling to the banks with dollars made from the blood of our slain brothers and sisters. For every one who’s killed or rendered homeless in Africa’s wars, several dollars is being made by Euro-American PMCs. Their economic interest is inextricably linked to the promotion of internecine wars in Africa. The supply of huge military hardware is usually paid for in terms of providing them leverage to unrestricted control of the mineral resources of these war torn countries. And that’s why the warlords are encouraged to slaughter themselves over the control of diamonds, copper and other choice minerals.

It can be understood why many peace moves with Africa’s myriads of war lords usually collapses soon after the dramatis personae leave the conference table. It is therefore necessary for African leaders to be more circumspect of the unguarded intrusion of PMCs in wars on the continent. The task of rescuing Africa from a state of miasma is for the people themselves to take up the gauntlet and rid the continent of war mongering miscreants.

There’s the need to do away with PMCs who see Africa’s wars as pawns to fester their business enterprise.

First published in the National Interest, Volume 2, No 482 on May 5, 2002.

Halt the Frequent Fuel Price Hike
Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Africa’s Wars

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