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Grandmother's blood line

Searching through dreams and visions

This is the information I have, as it was handed down to me from my dad:

 It was said that my dad's grandmother was 1/2 Indian. That her mother had married an Indian man, both in full regalia and she had went with him somewhere (it is not known where) and that some years later she returned with a 3 year old little girl... and it was not known what happened to her husband, why he did not return with her. This little girl was my dad's grandmother..... It was said she had black hair, though I never really knew her, so I couldn't say.

The Vision

Age 12, I, Maureen, was sitting staring into the face of a flower when I found myself staring into the face of a most beautiful Indian Woman. Her arms were raised in joyous exaltation towards the setting sun, and we were in a place that appeared to be the Grand Canyon area.


After she finished her Ceremony she took me to her village where we sat upon the ground and and she began the first lesson. She held within her hand the seed of life. She tickled the Earth, laid the seed upon it, and for one full year I sat there crossed legged upon the ground staring at the transformation of seed to seedling, to plant, to the flowering, to Winters frost called her to sleep as she laid her seeds upon the Earth.


Then I was taken through out the whole village to watch all the plants... and for some reason I was given the ceremony for when a loved one passed over. Then I was taken across the great waters, to a land that reminded me of Asia, like China, and i was shown the plants there.. none less precious to the Great Mother, all her children even though different.


At the end of the vision, which lasted until I was 30, she said to me that the laws of the Great Mother were the laws of God (the Father) That this was how I was to walk through this world by walking one with the Mother. That when I looked into the human and saw that their words were one with Mother, then this was okay and to leave it alone, but if what the humans said did not line up with the laws of Mother (as in We are a better than these other people.. or stay away from that person for they are unholy) then they are wrong.


So that was how I gauged my walk through this world, by walking one with the Great Mother.

Following the path of dreams and visions in search of her


At this same time, I woke up dreaming I was standing in the rest room. My grandmother had wrapped her cloak around me and was holding out her arm in front of me. In her hand was a living picture.. It was me as a baby.. and following that back I saw my dad as a baby, then then my grandmother as a baby, then her father as a baby.. then her fathers mother... I saw the males in between but by traveling some 6 or 7 generations of grandmothers I was taken to the one who had come to guide me from within...   It was 13 generations.  That was the number, and I knew it meant something 

After that I didn't know what could possibly be so special about me that she would travel so far in time to show me how to walk through this world.  

So I asked why? and was told, "You are a great warrior Maureen."  

But I couldn't understand. I had opened up wide in teens, and I saw that all peoples thoughts formed this energy that came out of their heads, went up and formed a collective of energy that took on a life, made the happenings in the world. and out of their anger would come fists, and out of their unholy prayers would come lightning bolts, and out of their pain, they would inflict more pain upon the innocents.. plus the trail of tears, seeing the Indians weeping, seeing the devastation.. everything had just become too much and I had been reduced to crying all the time....... so I said, "But I cry all the time." and was told, "great power in those tears Maureen, great power in those tears."

Following the path of dreams and visions in search of her


I don't know if this dream was from my grandmothers side or not.. I only know that I frequently long to know who I am, and their touch upon my life with this side of my blood. This dream was recorded in 2004..


I was dreaming I was an Indian maiden. I had just been captured, I and a few members of my family.  

The place we were in was grassy, but the place where I had been captured had been near the water, river or creek, not huge water though. We had been there when a band from another tribe had captured us, and now I was lightly tethered to one of the men and I was walking beside him to wherever they were taking me to... and for some reason I do not know what happened to the rest of my family. for some reason I know I did not fight the capture. and I was so lightly tethered to this man that I could have easily escaped.. but this was my fate and I accepted this.. and there was one other person who went with me.  

I am not ill treated by them, and for some reason I have accepted this as my fate, so I do not resist.  

We walk for days and days, uncounted by me.... I am not even thinking I should remember the trail. I am thinking this is my fate. This is my life now. I am being taken to my new home and it took us weeks to get there it seemed.  I remember on the last 3 days of the journey I was anxiously looking forward to getting into my new home.

When I get there, I see a long house. there is a doorway in the center that I am taken to and disposed of there. I know I am to cook the food and clean for the others of his tribe who are in there. I know I was brought here to be the wife of the man who captured me.. but I am not tied up or held prisoner in any way.. and they do not treat me poorly. 

Behind the long house they have put up a wall of logs for some reason.. behind that I can see the great river.... I feel like I am somewhere in the Mississippi valley... somewhere to where the wall of tree logs blocks the swampy area... They are a people of long houses. I don't see any tipi's.


When I woke up from this dream I was told that this is why it can be impossible to trace my lineage....... that whoever I was before in my tribe had been lost and my children and grandchildren had become tied to my husbands tribe...

Here's how I recorded the original dream (by recording my dreams it lock the memory in better so that later I can then access that dream)

This morning I woke up dreaming that I had been captured.. There were some others with me, not a lot but a few, at least one other... and the feeling that I had was that we were waiting to go to our new home.. Finally the day came when they said it was time to go to our new home

I don't remember the journey there, right off hand.  I do remember that I accepted this as my destiny as if I did not put up a fight... just like okay this is what I do now..

In the beginning I did not realize that I was in an Indian dream.  I was taken to a place that reminded me of an apartment complex, and somewhere in the middle of this long house was my apartment.  It was sparsely furnished, even though I don't remember what was in it, I did not have the feel that it had it's own kitchen.

then it seemed like there was a window by which I could see out to the back of my new home.  As I am standing there looking out it I see a wall has been built from logs and they had this way of going straight for a bit, then coming in there would be a little space, then the wall of logs would start again.... and for some reason when I was looking at this I thought of the Mississippi river and alligators..  I don't know why I thought that as there was no evidence of a river, nor did I see any alligators....

For some reason I then wondered if this long house had a basement and bent to look underneath it... and I think that what I saw was that it had been built on, like a flat stone foundation...

It was right after this that I awoke realizing that I was an Indian and I had been captured and been taken to a new place to live.  I did not fight this but accepted this as if this was the natural course.. and for some reason I had the feeling that the name of the actual tribe I came from was lost to my children as I had now become known as a member of this tribe...

Following the path of dreams and visions in search of her

This last piece actually makes this backwards looking glance take on a new light. I went to the Fall Gathering and, while I was gone, I received the gift of another person seeing me through time...... I'm including the letter, even though I don't have any idea how the first part of her vision parallels the second part, but since they were included in the same vision I'll just leave it as it is: Here's the vision given to my Star sister in China.. 

First I see a psychic attack like an etheric silver sword in her body. around her i stitch it up, and send it back out to whence it came and beyond. wait, i send it out to the universe and not to the one who sent it .to melt in the unconditional love of the universe.

I don’t return it to the attacker at all, if he wants it he will have to travel to the far reaches of he universe for it...



then i see a chief. white feather. he has feathers white feathers all down his back the headdress. he calls Maureen into his teepee but she doesn’t want to go. he tells her she must come in . she shakes her head. he tries a softer approach and offers her a cup of tea with his two hands.

She sits down determinedly on the ground outside the teepee, and refuses to drink or take the tea.

 another window opens. the chief is sitting on his haunches, drawing in the ground. before him squats a younger man, who head has purple Mohawk feathers. the young man has chaotic energy feel: masculine, angry.....

the chief is drawing a map of sorts, trying to tell the younger man something. he doesn’t get it. the chief looks up. the chief can see thru time and sees me watching. he points up to me, telling the Mohawk man to look. the Mohawk man says nothing. he cant see me. he sees nothing.

 i see you again on the ground, watching this. Ah! you are to be betrothed to this one. ( the Mohawk man) you are on mixed ground about it. you have no heart for him, but you know he is a brave warrior. you are in two minds but since you cant make a decision for yourself you decide you may as well accept tradition and what the clan "wise ones" want, and marry him.

Then i see this beautiful young woman walk past. she is with child. she has a young child in a papoose, that is, not pregnant. the child is wrapped in blankets strung to her body.

Ah1 i smile for the first time in this vision at her warmth. i smile for the first time cause you are smiling too , for the first time in this vision.

you love her. she is your mother. you have much of your father -the chief's- talent for vision. you can see some of the future your father talks about. they know this which is why they think you would be a good match for the warrior: his bravery and your far sight.

 it is here that you made your vow. as you watch your mother and the new babe walk away, you vow you’ll come back, when your people need you. you see the vision your father speaks often of. you didn’t see me looking but you have seen for yourself there will be times of trouble, times of madness, when the very Earth we stand upon is in danger, when the people don’t know themselves and are caught in a new kind of madness, and you vow then that you will return, return again to Earth when your people need you.

you are called "little feather" but this is only a diminutive name. you have another, that which i did not hear.


debbie dipperstarlight 19/10/2006




It's her. It's the one I've been in search of, the one who came to guide me in this life. She is my mother, and it is her walk, her footsteps so sacred upon this Earth that I remember every time I hold the Indian heart sacred next to mine.  Little child was I, girl with vision, walking behind her, watching her steps so sacred upon the Earth.  She is why it had to be 13 generations to get back to her.  She was the mother who was holding the child, who was the Grandmother.  It was my mother holding me.  And I was the child she was holding.

I remember

I remember that life, remember being angry at even the suggestion that I was called to walk away from all that I loved to marry a warrior. When I was given the dream where I was shown how it is that the knowledge of the tribe she was from could be lost, I was puzzled by my cold heartedness against the family I was leaving... to give myself to tears over the situation would not have served, and so I felt as though I just turned and walked away without ever even looking back.. without even trying to record or pass forward the tribe the visions came to us from, I went to bear the warrior children... so I could return again through my own bloodline... strengthened... 

 It was why I would always be told, "You are a great warrior Maureen." 


It was later, after this that a Unicorn sang me the most beautiful and said my name was Celeste.... said the reason they called me Celeste was because even in my times of  weeping tear songs they could her me singing across the universe..

link to Unicorn singing