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Sacred Journey's, 2002 ~page 3

The Happening

oooo-oo and then it happened
(and then it happened)

oooo-oo and then it happened
(then it happened)
0000-oo and then it happened
The Happening
(the happening)
One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)
Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here
It turns around
(it turns around)
It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)
One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)
Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here
It turns around
(it turns around)
It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)





The Happening

oooo-oo and then it happened
(and then it happened)

oooo-oo and then it happened
(then it happened)

0000-oo and then it happened

The Happening
(the happening)

One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)

Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here

It turns around
(it turns around)

It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)

One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)

Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here

It turns around
(it turns around)

It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)








Rite of Passage!

Was having a dream I was finding somewhat frightening.  It seemed some guy had gotten the hots for me and he was making his presence known.  The moment I became alarmed was when I received some mail from him.  It was my renewal for my tags (the little sticker you get) with two pictures he had taken of me.  I could tell this guy had been watching me for some time.  In one picture I was sitting on a balcony in California. That was in 1984.  In the picture I could clearly see this guy smiling with glee as he captured the picture of me sitting there with my panties exposed.  In the second picture it was the same thing.  He clearly was taking pictures of me in my most vulnerable position.  This picture was taken at least 10 years later!
This was when I became quite alarmed and the dream began to terrify me.  Soon after this the dream split into two dreams.  In one, I was still in the house but I had begun watching a movie on TV.  The movie was very frightening.  In the other dream, I was the one living the movie.  I saw myself going into the woods.  There was also a man going into the woods with me.  It seemed he was not so much One with Nature but he was a ghostlike image of the memory I carry of him with me.
The me inside the house saw the one called One fall onto an ax and get back up with it sticking out of his head.  The me living the movie knew this was going to happen so when he got close to where the ax lay I yelled a warning for him to stay away from there.  But it was too late.  I watched in horror as he stumbled to the ground.  When he got up, sure enough, there was an ax stuck in his head.  I went to him and pulled it out.  He seemed to be in a daze.
About this time, the part of me that was watching the movie thought, “Oh I’ve got to turn this off!  This horror show is scaring me to death.”  As I reached up to turn off the TV the part of me that was living the movie was helping the part of One I carry in my memories into a ditch to hide him.

As I was dong this, an old woman and a young sapling appeared.  She was an Ancient One, big, and dressed in a gray dress.  Her dress had darker streaks and lighter streaks going up and down it.  I instantly recognized her as a tree I had enjoyed the pleasure of hugging.  Grateful for her appearance I exclaimed, “Oh I’m not scared of you.  You are the tree I once hugged.”  Relief swept through me as I proclaimed,  ‘ Here let me give you a hug!”

She held out her arms to me as I went to embrace her.  She told me that all was not as it was appearing in my dream.  That this dream was about me and “Cha-che-wo-ah ,” the “Rite of Passage” that I had to pass through to get to where I was meant to be.  As she said this, she pointed her finger down a path.  But it was like a vision, not a part of this dream.  She held out her hand and from her hand stretched out this path that I had to travel to get to my final destination.  And this destination felt like home, only there was a veil hanging over my destination and I couldn’t remember ever being there.  I just knew that once I got there it would feel like home. And then she said, “This dream is about you and what you must overcome, the path you must now travel to get to the place you were meant to be. (The place that felt like home.)  It’s your ‘Rite of Passage.’”
About that time I heard a motorcycle coming.  I was still in the mode of feeling frightened, so I threw myself into the ditch with my memory of One. 
On the motorcycle was a nice looking, dark skinned man with long hair flowing in the wind as it came out of his helmet.  He smiled at me as he drove by.  This made think he was the one who had sent me the pictures!  I was trying to grasp what the Ancient Tree Spirit had told me, and yet as my terror grew I huddled down in the ditch, thinking the guy was going around to make a pass before attempting to hit me with his motorcycle!
I turned to the Ancient Tree Spirit again and asked her, “This dream is not about someone trying to kill me?  This is about my overcoming something as a part of my “Rite of Passage?”  She assured me, “This is about you and only you.  It is something you must do.  It is your Cha-che-to-wah (phonic spelling) your Rite of Passage.”
With that I found myself back in my home.  I was in my waterbed.  It had just been put up and it was all dusty.  I was trying to clean it and make it pretty.  There was an Indian figurine I was attempting to clean and put in its place, but it seemed I was over-doing it and that was causing it to change shape.  She was becoming more pliable so that soon she was in a very humble position down on her hands and knees. 

 Then I heard this “Pop!”  Then a crackling sound as Eagles wings came out of her back and began to spread open as if she were preparing to take flight!
With this I panicked again!  I had made her so pliable in cleaning her that I wasn’t certain she would balance right and by now it seemed like she was trying to upright herself and was stuck in a half upright position. . Like she was still bent over but was only 3 quarters up.  And her wings were still spread so it did not seem like she could possibly remain upright!
About that time I realized the memory of One was in bed with me and he was struggling against what I was doing because a song was playing that was telling him to go to sleep.  I was feeling irritated with him for being in my bed when I was trying to do something so important.  But the Ancient Tree Spirits words were reminding me that this was something I must overcome as a part of my ‘Rite of Passage’ and it seemed they were singing my memory of One to sleep.
And by now Desert Storm has found his way into my web page.  He is telling me that reading my words was like seeing his own life from another perspective.  Then he starts gifting me, in return, with more pictures of more lightning strikes, and my body is experiencing these protoplasm’s of joy.  The clouds and the lightning are dancing before me and with every picture, there is this wave taking over my body.  It begins at my head and slowly sweeps down through my entire body into my feet.  I feel like I am loosing my balance, my body is singing so much love for these clouds and these lightning strikes!
So I find out a friend of mine is sick, and I think I need to do some volunteer work to bring me back down to Earth.  I call her but she doesn’t want to talk about herself.  She assures me she is fine.  Her son has come home to take of her (I can hear her smile over this.)  And she wants me to talk about myself and how my life has went since I got laid off.
Well I am the storyteller!  So I start in the place where we shared our last memories which was me getting laid off while she got offered a position by the company who bought us out.  And how it was that I had told them all that this job was not my destiny.  And that I was going to go home to work on my destiny. . My Guardians guided me through the fear that struck the group as we knew we were about to get laid off.  By then though, I was listening to every instruction my Guardians sent me.
As soon as I got laid off the first instruction became; “Write the book”, Journey to the Edge of the Precipice.  I started doing that but there were times when I had to re-enter the pain and it hurt.  So I asked them if I could maybe send in some poetry to a contest (you know maybe help supply my income while I was laid off). . but they just said, “No Write the Book!”
So I did.  I sat here and typed up the book, thinking the reason I was supposed to do this was to tell this story was because I was laid off and they were going to use this to supply me with an income.
As soon as I got the book typed up, the instructions became, “Now put it onto a web page and then put it on the web.”  Wow!  I barely knew anything about computers in the first place and now they were telling to create a web page. . Of course they provided me with a book, so I studied and studied, worked very hard and by the time May was here, I had been sitting here at this computer for 5 months but I got my web page out here on the Internet.
All this time I didn’t worry about the fact that I didn’t have a job, or the fact that no one was answering my résumé’s.  But after 5 months it began to wear on me, this concern that I was unemployed during a time when so many other good workers had been laid off. 
But then I got an invitation from the Place of Peace, and I knew I was supposed to go there. . And of course you know the whole song my heart sang about that!  I had to sing the whole song to her including Take Me To Your Teepee and what he said to me and how he explained to me that I had said the prayer and now I needed to let go so Great Spirit could do his work in his own time. . And I had to tell her about the one Eagle going in and the 2 Eagles going out. . and how I knew that was a sign that I was to pay close attention to everything that happened to me there.  And when I got back Kisa showed up, and that story, and then my Talisman showed up, so now I was having fun, as instructed.  In the meantime I had found my way here. . and now I was really having a wonderful time. . and I knew that every time I worried about not having a job, my Guardians would tell me not to worry. . and with all of the guidance I was receiving and all of the instructions I was following, I should be able to walk this unemployment thing on faith but sometimes it really scared me. .  Yet I knew I was being lead!

After we hung up I was talking in my mind about the story I had just told her, the way it danced between my faith, with little beams of light shooting off the side from where my faith should be stronger. . always seeing where my faith in getting a job should manifest. . and seeing how my faith in this journey back to you was manifesting in strong steps of guidance.

And then it happened! 

Suddenly I merged with that lightning bolt!




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