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Sacred Journey's, 2002 ~page 4

The Happening

oooo-oo and then it happened
(and then it happened)

oooo-oo and then it happened
(then it happened)
0000-oo and then it happened
The Happening
(the happening)
One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)
Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here
It turns around
(it turns around)
It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)
One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)
Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here
It turns around
(it turns around)
It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)





The Happening

oooo-oo and then it happened
(and then it happened)

oooo-oo and then it happened
(then it happened)

0000-oo and then it happened

The Happening
(the happening)

One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)

Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here

It turns around
(it turns around)

It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)

One day you're lost
(one day you're lost)

Next day you're found
(next day you're found)
and then i have to make up some word cuz i don't know what goes here

It turns around
(it turns around)

It happened to me 
and It can happen to you
(you, You, YOU!)










I knew the exact place I was in it. 
I was just at the moment before I struck the Earth, 
and then I kissed the Earth!
Then I traveled back up into the cloud 
and I saw all those dancing lights. 
I entered in 
and then I knew. 
Suddenly I saw those prayers. . 
I had prayed. . 
all those years ago. .
the little ballerina dancer. . 
standing there. 
writing those 
love songs 
to a man 
she never knew. . 
on each end 
of the prayer. .
I stood there 
and said, 
I am, 



"Help Nature and work on with it; 
and Nature will regard thee as one of her creators 
and make obeisance. 
And she will open wide before thee 
the portals of her secret chambers, 
lay bare before thy gaze 
the treasures hidden in the 
very depths of her pure, virgin bosom. 
Unsullied by the hand of matter, 
she shows her treasures only to the eye of Spirit - 
the eye which never closes, 
the eye 
for which there 
is no veil 
in all her kingdoms."
author unknown
In every way I have walked I have always striven to show honor.  Even if it was honor given in fear of something so large I knew it could kill me, I still stood face to face with it and gave it honor as I spoke.
It is not every second of every day that I feel at One with Nature.  But there are moments when Nature makes obeisance with me and opens up the portal and lets me in. .
Maybe its the way I stood out there, shaking in my booties, knowing full well they could kill me dead, honoring them as they marched across the land, welcoming them and talking to them as they marched over my head, that the Thunder Beings let me see them as they are.
So many times after that, as I watched the clouds I'd wave to them and talk to them and try to reach my finger up to become one with them.  . but I never could quite reach high enough.
The years passed. 
My own cloud continued to grow. 
Raindrops pouring down 
to weep for me in places 
that I didn't know how. 
Moments when I thought it would stop, 
then torrents of rain came pouring down. 
All within my heart. 
Weeping softly, 
then moments of rage, 
wild winds tossing 
my heart full of hate.
In the midst of this, 
the light of my prayer 
sent out in little poems 
til an answer came in there. 
Now look, 
there's a vision confirmed by a dream, 
yet further I must travel to find 
the lights stream.
Pathways breaking up before me. . 
none stopping the tears flow, 
but I have the light 
on this path I will go!
I will figure it out. 
This path I must take, 
to become one with the
light stream 
and break out of this cloud!
a prayer answered 
as I became 
one with the light  . . 
energy surging through me. . 
I must now kiss the Earth!
And this is when I suddenly see the bolt of lightning coming down out of the cloud.  Just like in the picture.   And I realize that the energy with the most power is the one where I know I am being guided.  Built on a prayer said so long ago!  And all my fear of not having a job leaves me when I realize this.
Then I go to bed, and as I am laying there, I suddenly see myself sitting in front of the computer staring at the picture again.  Again I am mesmerized by the beauty of the clouds.  I reach out my hand to touch them and suddenly I become one with them.  I am them and they are me. 
Something has happened to me that I can't deal with.  Raindrops pouring down to weep for me in places that I didn't know how.  Moments when I thought it would stop, then torrents of rain came pouring down.  All within my heart.  Weeping softly, then moments of rage, wild winds tossing my heart full of hate. 
In the midst of this, the light of my prayer sent out in little poems til an answer came in there.  Now look, there's a vision confirmed by a dream, yet further I must travel to find the lights stream.
Pathways breaking up before me none stopping the tears flow, but I have the light on this path I will go.  I will figure it out. This path I must take, to become one with the light stream and break out of this cloud!

I see it all from inside the cloud 
as I have now become one with her!

(I saw it on the news the other day.  They were showing this lightning strike coming down that a camera had recorded.  The same lightning bolt came out of that cloud and kissed the Earth 8 times in the same spot!)
By the time I have finished merging with the cloud my body is pulsing in ways I have never known. . I don’t even think I can even explain it except in sexual terms, a feeling that lasted for nearly a week. . as if I had some kind of cosmic orgasm that lasted a whole week long. . then slowly I became aware that it had entered my tummy and was releasing through my belly button.

And as if that wasn’t enough! . .



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