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Second Journey to the Place of Peace

Fall Gathering 2002


The magic of the first Gathering was the merging with the lightning bolt.  It was by letting go, the instructions I received at the first Gathering, that the gift of merging came, for I had sat at my computer every day after that wanting to bad to write more letters, but they had stood over my shoulder and said, "Don't do it Maureen."  The sweet surrender of following the path I had now been given to walk brought an opening that I never dreamed possible.

On my second journey to the Place of Peace, she made magic on my body again.  It was cold and rainy as the ceremonies were being performed.  This time I was to be part of the ceremonies for I had been accepted by the Place of Peace as a member and all the new ones had this point where they were to enter the Circle and make their vows.  So as the ceremonies going on, it was raining and it was cold.

I was standing there when my back began to do this strange twisting and turning deal.  The energy just began spiraling up my back and it felt so strange that I just kept trying to move with it, stretch my hands up over my head, spiral up and move that energy out.

Suddenly I found myself in the dream again where the Ancient Tree Spirit had appeared and told me that this journey was about me and me alone.  She said this was my Chachee-towah, the Rite of Passage that I had come here to take.  In the dream I had then found myself back in my bedroom, my waterbed had just been set up and there was an Indian figurine on the head board that I was cleaning... and the more I cleaned her, the more pliable she became until she was down on her hands and knees in a very humble position.  then her spine began to twist and turn and crackle, then POP! I watched at wings came out of her back and she began to stand upright..

At the ceremony I then wanted to throw myself upon the earth, to go down on my hands and knees, but I didn't want to freak everyone out, so I just kept trying move the spiraling energy up my back..... and then there was this one point where there was this man who spoke, Woambleza, and at the end, they were telling how he travels across the country spreading the message... and Spirit told me of his heart, so beautiful, so kind, so full of light.. they said that they would lay the blanket down, and anyone who wanted to donate could do so now.

I didn't have any cash on me so I had to make the journey to my car to get some money and as I am walking to my car I am seeing that I now have wings..

and I know I am a Winged One